blob: d3663d4db55ab04cb6572f83067a59ddacefb298 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module media;
import "lib/media/fidl/media_result.fidl";
import "lib/media/fidl/media_types.fidl";
// Describes a fragment of media content, including metadata and a locator for
// the payload.
struct MediaPacket {
// A special value which may be written into the PTS field in certain
// circumstances. For example, depending on the specific scenario,
// kNoTimestamp may be used if...
// 1) The timestamp of a packet is simply not known.
// 2) A client wishes for the timestamp of a packet to be interpolated based
// on nominal frame rate and previous packet timestamps.
// 3) A client wishes to schedule a packet or timeline transformation to take
// place as soon as possible.
const int64 kNoTimestamp = 0x7fffffffffffffff;
// Flags used to indicate properties of this payload.
// ** EOS
// This payload represents the end of a stream. For example, EOS
// may be set on a packet which represents the final payload in a stream
// of compressed video, causing a video codec to flush out any remaining
// frames it may be holding onto because of frame-reordering dependencies.
// ** Keyframe
// This packet represents a point in a compressed sequence which depends
// on no other packets in the sequence. In other words, this is a random
// access point at which the decoder may start decoding. For example, an
// I-Frame in an MPEG2 video sequence is a "keyframe". All audio payloads
// in an MP1L3 sequences are independently decodable, and therefor
// "keyframes".
// ** Dropable
// This packet represents data in a compressed sequence which no other
// packets depend on. For example, a B-Frame in an MPEG2 video sequence
// produces no reference frames.
// ** Discontinuous
// This packet represents data which is discontinuous from a timing
// perspective from the previous delivered packet in the sequence. For
// example packets containing audio frames with audio frame numbers
// [0, 999], [1000, 1999] and [2500, 2999] are delivered, the first two
// packets are continuous with each other, but the 3rd packet is
// discontinuous relative to the 2nd.
const uint32 kFlagEos = 0x01;
const uint32 kFlagKeyframe = 0x02;
const uint32 kFlagDroppable = 0x04;
const uint32 kFlagDiscontinuous = 0x08;
// Presentation timestamp. Time at which the media should be presented,
// according to the media timeline.
int64 pts = kNoTimestamp;
// Indicates the number of PTS ticks that correspond to pts_rate_seconds
// seconds. In other words, the time represented by a single PTS tick in
// seconds is pts_rate_ticks / pts_rate_seconds. For example, if PTS is
// given in nanoseconds, pts_rate_ticks would be 1,000,000,000, and
// pts_rate_seconds would be 1.
uint32 pts_rate_ticks;
// Indicates the number of seconds that correspond to pts_rate_ticks
// PTS ticks. See pts_rate_ticks for more info.
uint32 pts_rate_seconds;
// A collection of flags (see constants above) describing properties of this
// packet.
uint32 flags = 0;
// Identifier of the shared buffer that contains the payload for this packet.
// This identifier must be established by a call to MediaPacketConsumer's
// AddPayloadBuffer method before it can be used.
uint32 payload_buffer_id;
// Offset of the packet payload in the indicated shared buffer.
uint64 payload_offset;
// Size in bytes of the packet payload.
uint64 payload_size;
// Revised media type describing this and subsequent packets.
MediaType? revised_media_type;
// Describes consumer demand for MediaPackets. Demand is initially assumed to
// be the default values given below. Changes in demand can be signalled
// in-band with SupplyPacket responses or by responding to PullDemandUpdate.
struct MediaPacketDemand {
// The minimum number of packets that should be outstanding at any moment.
// The producer should try to keep at least this many SupplyPacket operations
// pending.
uint32 min_packets_outstanding = 0;
// The minimum packet PTS value. If the last packet supplied has a PTS less
// than this value, another packet should be supplied. A value of kNoTimestamp
// means this value is not applicable.
int64 min_pts = MediaPacket.kNoTimestamp;
// Models a stream producer. A MediaPacketProducer allows a client to connect
// the producer to a MediaPacketConsumer so packets flow from the producer to
// the consumer.
// The client calls Connect to connect producer and consumer. The producer then
// calls PushPacket on the consumer to deliver packets.
interface MediaPacketProducer {
// Connects this MediaPacketProducer to a MediaPacketConsumer.
Connect@0(MediaPacketConsumer consumer) => ();
// Disconnects this MediaPacketProducer from a previously-connected
// MediaPacketConsumer.
// Models a stream consumer. A MediaPacketConsumer allows a client to send
// packets directly to the consumer or to connect the consumer to a
// MediaPacketProducer so packets flow from the producer to the consumer.
// In the former scenario, the client calls PushPacket to deliver a packet. The
// callback notifies the client that the consumer is done with the packet
// buffer region.
// In the latter scenario, the client calls Connect on the producer to connect
// producer and consumer. The producer then calls PushPacket on the consumer to
// deliver packets.
interface MediaPacketConsumer {
const uint64 kMaxBufferLen = 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
// Gets the demand. The consumer is free to respond to this method when it
// sees fit to do so. Demand can be communicated in the response to
// SupplyPacket, so this method is only used when the demand update can't wait
// until the next SupplyPacket response is sent.
PullDemandUpdate@0() => (MediaPacketDemand? demand);
// Adds a payload buffer that may subsequently be referenced by a MediaPacket.
AddPayloadBuffer@1(uint32 payload_buffer_id,
handle<vmo> payload_buffer);
// Indicates that the identified payload buffer will no longer be used.
RemovePayloadBuffer@2(uint32 payload_buffer_id);
// Supplies a packet to the consumer. The callback signals that the consumer
// is done with the packet and its payload. Demand is only provided in the
// response if it has changed.
SupplyPacket@3(MediaPacket packet) => (MediaPacketDemand? demand);
// Supplies a packet to the consumer without a completion callback. This
// version is useful for clients that use a synchronous proxy. Without the
// callback, the consumer can't signal that it's done with the payload, so
// the client needs some other method to determine this. Typically, this
// method is used for audio renderers, in which case the consumer is reliably
// done with the payload when the last frame of the packet has been presented.
// The presentation timeline transform can be used to determine this time.
SupplyPacketNoReply@4(MediaPacket packet);
// Flushes the stream. The callback signals that the flush operation is
// complete. |hold_frame| indicates whether a video renderer (if any) should
// continue to display the last displayed frame.
Flush@5(bool hold_frame) => ();