[baseview][input] Enable Baseview's OnInputEvent callback.

This is not the flip itself to Scenic input; this is the CL that enables
BaseView to respond to Scenic input.

SCN-1149 #done

SCN-938 #comment

SY-908 #comment

TEST=CQ and manual tests:
{tiles, scenic input, web_runner} - PASS
{tiles, viewmanager input, web_runner} - PASS

Change-Id: I868404ed1388caf8f2fd74ee5afa51f06b5e679d
diff --git a/public/lib/ui/base_view/cpp/v1_base_view.cc b/public/lib/ui/base_view/cpp/v1_base_view.cc
index bf50750..4d6e2d8 100644
--- a/public/lib/ui/base_view/cpp/v1_base_view.cc
+++ b/public/lib/ui/base_view/cpp/v1_base_view.cc
@@ -112,13 +112,22 @@
 void V1BaseView::HandleSessionEvents(
     fidl::VectorPtr<fuchsia::ui::scenic::Event> events) {
   const fuchsia::ui::gfx::Metrics* new_metrics = nullptr;
-  for (const auto& event : *events) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < events->size(); ++i) {
+    const auto& event = (*events)[i];
     if (event.is_gfx()) {
       const fuchsia::ui::gfx::Event& scenic_event = event.gfx();
       if (scenic_event.is_metrics() &&
           scenic_event.metrics().node_id == parent_node_.id()) {
         new_metrics = &scenic_event.metrics().metrics;
+    } else if (event.is_input()) {
+      // Act on input event just once.
+      OnInputEvent(std::move((*events)[i].input()));
+      // Create a dummy event to safely take its place.
+      fuchsia::ui::scenic::Command unhandled;
+      fuchsia::ui::scenic::Event unhandled_event;
+      unhandled_event.set_unhandled(std::move(unhandled));
+      (*events)[i] = std::move(unhandled_event);