[mdns] remove deprecated definitions

This CL removes deprecated mDNS FIDL definitions that are no longer
used. The new definitions were added and all garnet references to the
deprecated definitions were removed here:


All out-of-tree references to the deprecated definitions have been

TEST: no behavior change
Change-Id: Id26ea5368a466ae3892e31e942502e8bc6209041
diff --git a/public/fidl/fuchsia.mdns/mdns.fidl b/public/fidl/fuchsia.mdns/mdns.fidl
index ac0c0fe..64b1f09 100644
--- a/public/fidl/fuchsia.mdns/mdns.fidl
+++ b/public/fidl/fuchsia.mdns/mdns.fidl
@@ -132,125 +132,3 @@
     uint32 srv_ttl_seconds = 120; // default 2 minutes
     uint32 txt_ttl_seconds = 4500; // default 75 minutes
-// The definitions below are deprecated. They've been retained as part of a
-// soft transition.
-interface MdnsService {
-    // Gets the addresses for the specified host name. |host_name| may not end in
-    // a '.'.
-    ResolveHostName(string host_name, uint32 timeout_ms)
-        -> (fuchsia.netstack.SocketAddress? v4_address, fuchsia.netstack.SocketAddress? v6_address);
-    // Subscribes to a service. The subscription lasts until |subscription| is
-    // unbound. |service_name| must end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'.
-    SubscribeToService(string service_name,
-                       request<MdnsServiceSubscription> subscription);
-    // Publishes a service instance available at the specified port. The service
-    // is published until it is unpublished via |UnpublishServiceInstance|.
-    // |service_name| must end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'. |instance_name| must not
-    // end in a '.'. |port| is host-endian. |text| contains metadata strings that
-    // describe the instance. No subtypes are published unless the |SetSubtypes|
-    // method is called.
-    PublishServiceInstance(string service_name,
-                           string instance_name,
-                           uint16 port,
-                           vector<string>? text) -> (MdnsResult result);
-    // Ends publication started with |PublishServiceInstance|. |service_name| must
-    // end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'. |instance_name| must not end in a '.'.
-    UnpublishServiceInstance(string service_name, string instance_name);
-    // Publishes a service instance with support for subtypes. |service_name| must
-    // end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'. |instance_name| must not end in a '.'.
-    // |responder| is consulted for initial announcements and to answer queries.
-    // The service is published until the |responder| channel closes. In addition
-    // to announcements and queries for the service type, all queries for subtypes
-    // are answered subject to filtering through the |MdnsResponder|. If subtype
-    // announcement is desired, a call to |SetSubtypes| is required to set the
-    // list of announced subtypes.
-    AddResponder(string service_name,
-                 string instance_name,
-                 MdnsResponder responder);
-    // Sets the subtypes for a service instance currently being published due to
-    // a call to |PublishServiceInstance| or |AddResponder|.  |service_name| must
-    // end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'. |instance_name| must not end in a '.'. For an
-    // instance published with |PublishServiceInstance|, the specified subtypes
-    // will be announced, and queries for the subtypes will be answered. For an
-    // instance published with |AddResponder|, the specified subtypes will be
-    // announced subject to filtering through the |MdnsResponder|. All subtype
-    // queries are forwarded to the |MdnsResponder|, so this method has no effect
-    // in that regard.
-    SetSubtypes(string service_name,
-                string instance_name,
-                vector<string> subtypes);
-    // Initiates announcement of a service instance currently being published due
-    // to a call to |PublishServiceInstance| or |AddResponder|. This is generally
-    // not needed for the |PublishServiceInstance| case. For instances published
-    // with |AddResponder|, this method is typically used when the port or text
-    // associated with the instance changes. All announcements are filtered
-    // through the |MdnsResponder|, which can reply with the new port and text
-    // values.
-    ReannounceInstance(string service_name, string instance_name);
-    // Specifies whether mDNS traffic should be logged.
-    SetVerbose(bool value);
-// Result values for instance publishing.
-enum MdnsResult : int32 {
-    OK = 0;
-// Represents a subscription.
-interface MdnsServiceSubscription {
-    // Gets the known service instances. To get the list immediately, call
-    // |GetInstances(kInitialInstances)|. To get updates thereafter, pass the
-    // version sent in the previous callback.
-    GetInstances(uint64 version_last_seen)
-        -> (uint64 version, vector<MdnsServiceInstance> instances);
-// Describes a service instance.
-struct MdnsServiceInstance {
-    string service_name;
-    string instance_name;
-    fuchsia.netstack.SocketAddress? v4_address;
-    fuchsia.netstack.SocketAddress? v6_address;
-    vector<string>? text;
-// Client-supplied responder interface.
-interface MdnsResponder {
-    // Updates the status of the instance publication.
-    UpdateStatus(MdnsResult result);
-    // Provides instance information for initial announcements and query responses
-    // relating to the service instance specified in |MdnsService.AddResponder|.
-    // |query| indicates whether data is requested for an initial announcement
-    // (false) or in response to a query (true). If the publication relates to a
-    // subtype of the service, |subtype| contains the subtype, otherwise it is
-    // null. If |publication| is null, no announcement or response is transmitted.
-    // Strings in |text| are transmitted in the TXT record.
-    GetPublication(bool query, string? subtype)
-        -> (MdnsPublication? publication);
-// Describes an initial instance publication or query response. |port| is host-
-// endian.
-struct MdnsPublication {
-    uint16 port;
-    vector<string>? text;
-    uint32 ptr_ttl_seconds = 4500; // default 75 minutes
-    uint32 srv_ttl_seconds = 120; // default 2 minutes
-    uint32 txt_ttl_seconds = 4500; // default 75 minutes