blob: 84e377dc8a24a3900de1f9632f3238dab6662090 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "codec_adapter.h"
#include "codec_adapter_events.h"
#include "codec_admission_control.h"
#include "codec_buffer.h"
#include "codec_packet.h"
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fuchsia/mediacodec/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <list>
// The CodecImpl class can be used for both SW and HW codecs.
// Roughly speaking, this class converts the Codec FIDL interface which has
// cross-process pipelining of stream switches into a more synchronous
// in-process CodecAdapter interface which only has input and output data
// handled async, with stream control handled sync for the most part.
// This class also handles Codec protocol checks applicable to any Codec server.
// TODO(dustingreen): Pull CodecImpl out to a source_set, to be used by
// omx_codec_runner.h/cc also.
// Lifetime:
// A CodecImpl is created, either Bind()ed or destructed, and if Bind()ed, then
// later when the channel fails or there's a protocol error, calls the owner's
// error handler and the owner deletes the CodecImpl. There is intentionally no
// way to re-use a CodecImpl for another Codec channel.
// Error handling:
// There are two types of errors, per-CodecImpl errors and per-devhost-process
// errors.
// Per-CodecImpl:
// We handle per-Codec protocol errors and the like by calling Unbind() on the
// CodecImpl, which fairly soon results in ~CodecImpl async, but does not exit
// the whole devhost process. We also handle a few per-CodecImpl errors this
// way even though some of those are closer to being caused by per-devhost
// conditions, just in case.
// Per-devhost-process:
// In contrast, per-devhost error conditions, like the inability to post work to
// the shared_fidl_thread(), are handled by exiting the devhost, because those
// conditions are not really unique to any one CodecImpl.
class CodecImpl : public fuchsia::mediacodec::Codec,
public CodecAdapterEvents,
private CodecAdapter {
CodecImpl(std::unique_ptr<CodecAdmission> codec_admission,
async_dispatcher_t* shared_fidl_dispatcher,
thrd_t shared_fidl_thread,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::mediacodec::Codec> codec_request);
// This is only intended for use by LocalCodecFactory in creating the
// appropriate CodecAdapter.
std::mutex& lock();
// The LocalCodecFactory calls this method once just after CodecImpl
// construction and just before BindAsync().
// There's only one CodecAdapter for the lifetime of the CodecImpl. This
// mechanism intentionally doesn't permit switching input format to a
// completely different format, and a CodecAdapter is free to reject any
// format change it wants to reject. Before giving up, a client that uses
// per-stream input format overrides should go around one more time with a
// freshly created Codec created directly with the new format if the client
// gets a Codec failure having overridden the input format on a stream of a
// Codec such that the stream's input format doesn't exactly match the Codec's
// input format (at least for now).
void SetCoreCodecAdapter(std::unique_ptr<CodecAdapter> codec_adapter);
// BindAsync()
// This enables serving Codec (soon). Up to the start of this call,
// ~CodecImpl() is fine to just call. After the start of this call, Unbind()
// must fully complete before ~CodecImpl.
// The core codec initialization and actual binding occur shortly later async
// after the start of this call, possibly after this call has returned. This
// is to avoid core codec initialization slowing down the shared_fidl_thread()
// which may be handling other stream data for a different CodecImpl instance.
// TODO(dustingreen): If stuff like the previous paragraph becomes too onerous
// we can potentially switch to not sharing one FIDL thread across CodecImpl
// instances - for now it still seems plausible enough, but we'll want to
// re-visit this choice when we have this class working and can run a couple
// decodes concurrently and see how well it runs. There are of course core
// codec sharing aspects also such as switching the decoder HW between two
// streams - if those aspects tend to be even longer interference intervals
// than having a single shared_fidl_thread() causes, then sharing one
// shared_fidl_thread() is probably fine for now.
// Any error, including those encountered before binding is fully complete,
// will call error_handler on a clean stack on shared_fidl_thread(), after
// this call (also on shared_fidl_thread()) returns.
void BindAsync(fit::closure error_handler);
// Codec interface
void EnableOnStreamFailed() override;
void SetInputBufferSettings(
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPortBufferSettings input_settings) override;
void AddInputBuffer(fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecBuffer buffer) override;
void SetOutputBufferSettings(
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPortBufferSettings output_settings) override;
void AddOutputBuffer(fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecBuffer buffer) override;
void FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal) override;
void CloseCurrentStream(uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal,
bool release_input_buffers,
bool release_output_buffers) override;
void Sync(SyncCallback callback) override;
void RecycleOutputPacket(
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPacketHeader available_output_packet) override;
void QueueInputFormatDetails(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal,
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFormatDetails format_details) override;
void QueueInputPacket(fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPacket packet) override;
void QueueInputEndOfStream(uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal) override;
// For FailFatalLocked().
// Tradeoff: sharing more code vs. having a fatal error not depend on calling
// through CodecImpl.
friend class CodecBuffer;
// We keep a queue of Stream objects rather than just a single current stream
// object, so we can track which streams are future-discarded and which are
// not yet known to be future-discarded. This difference matters because
// clients are not required to process OnOutputConfig() with
// stream_lifetime_ordinal of a stream that the client has since told the
// server to discard, so we don't want StreamControl ordering domain getting
// stuck waiting on a client to catch up to an output config that the client
// won't process. Instead, the StreamControl ordering domain can ignore any
// additional messages related to the discarded stream until the stream
// discarding message is reached at which point the core codec's mid-stream
// output config change is cancelled/forgotten when we reset the core codec.
// In addition, if we're behind, we can catch up by skipping past some
// messages for future-discarded streams to catch up to non-discarded stream
// input quicker. Theoretically we could do even better by having the FIDL
// thread delete messages previously queued to the StreamControl domain
// regarding a stream that is now known to be discarded by the FIDL thread,
// and collapse/combine CloseCurrentStream() messages, but that's unlikely to
// help much in practice and would make the implementation more difficult to
// read, and we can mitigate unbounded queuing by demanding that clients not
// get too far ahead else we close the channel. While forcing a client to
// wait isn't great, if we don't, we can't impose a circuit-breaker limit on
// the count and/or size of queued channel messages either - ideally setting
// such a limit should be possible for any protocol, so at some convenient
// point the client needs to wait or postpone, but only if the client is
// written to be able to get far ahead in the first place.
// We also keep some stream-specific tracking information in here as a
// reasonably clean way to ensure that a new stream's tracking info is
// initialized properly.
class Stream {
// These mutations occur in Output ordering domain (shared_fidl_thread()):
explicit Stream(uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal);
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal();
void SetFutureDiscarded();
bool future_discarded();
void SetFutureFlushEndOfStream();
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool future_flush_end_of_stream();
// These mutations occur in StreamControl ordering domain:
// This can be called 0-N times for a given stream, and each call replaces
// any previously-set details.
void SetInputFormatDetails(
// Can be nullptr if no per-stream details have been set, in which case the
// caller should look at CodecImpl::initial_input_format_details_
// instead. The returned pointer is only valid up until the next call to to
// SetInputFormatDetails() or when the stream is deleted, whichever comes
// first. This is only meant to be called on stream_control_thread_.
const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFormatDetails* input_format_details();
// We send codec_oob_bytes (if any) to the core codec just before sending a
// packet to the core codec, but only when the stream has OOB data pending.
// A new stream has OOB data initially pending, and it becomes pending again
// if SetInputFormatDetails() is used and the codec_oob_bytes don't match
// the effective codec_oob_bytes before. This way we avoid causing extra
// input format changes for the core codec.
void SetOobConfigPending(bool pending);
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool oob_config_pending();
void SetInputEndOfStream();
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool input_end_of_stream();
void SetOutputEndOfStream();
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool output_end_of_stream();
void SetFailureSeen();
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool failure_seen();
const uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal_ = 0;
bool future_discarded_ = false;
bool future_flush_end_of_stream_ = false;
// Starts as nullptr for each new stream with implicit fallback to
// initial_input_format_details_, but can be overridden on a per-stream basis
// with QueueInputFormatDetails().
// This defaults to _true_, so that we send the OOB bytes to the HW for each
// stream, if we have any codec_oob_bytes to send.
bool oob_config_pending_ = true;
bool input_end_of_stream_ = false;
bool output_end_of_stream_ = false;
bool failure_seen_ = false;
// While we list this first in the member variables to hint that this gets
// destructed last, the actual mechanism of destruction of the CodecAdmission
// is via posting to the shared_fidl_thread(), because if we add more stuff in
// various base classes of this class we want the destruction of
// CodecAdmission to happen last. The close processing won't be considered
// done until after this is destructed.
// See codec_admission_control.h for comments re. how we'll avoid failing a
// create that is requested by a client shortly after the client closes the
// previous Codec channel, when there's a concurrency cap of 1 (for example).
std::unique_ptr<CodecAdmission> codec_admission_;
async_dispatcher_t* shared_fidl_dispatcher_;
thrd_t shared_fidl_thread_;
// Parts of CodecImpl are accessed from shared_fidl_thread(),
// stream_control_thread_, and decoder thread(s) such as interrupt handling
// thread(s).
std::mutex lock_;
// Setup/teardown aspects.
// Will send an initial Codec.OnOutputConfig() if the codec can't tolerate
// null output config during format detection.
void onInputConstraintsReady();
// This starts unbinding. When unbinding is done and CodecImpl is ready to
// be destructed, client_error_handler_ is called.
// UnbindLocked() can be called in response to a channel error (in which case
// the binding_ itself is already unbound), or can be called in response to a
// protocol error. It can be called on any thread.
// On the caller's release of lock_ after this call, "this" may be
// deallocated, if UnbindLocked() was called on a thread other than
// shared_fidl_thread(). For consistency and simplicity, all callers should
// avoid touching any part of "this" after return from this method other than
// releasing lock_.
// All calls to UnbindLocked() are some form of error; the
// client_error_handler_ will eventually run async later at some time after
// the start of this call.
// Most potential callers probably want Fail() or FailLocked() instead, which
// report an error before calling UnbindLocked() at the end..
void UnbindLocked();
// Like UnbindLocked(), but acquires the lock so the caller doesn't have to.
// On return from this method, "this" can be deallocated.
void Unbind();
// The CodecAdapter is owned by the CodecImpl, and is listed near the top of
// the local variables in CodecImpl so that it gets deleted near the end of
// ~CodecImpl's implicit deletions (just in case, as of this writing).
// The CodecAdapter must not make any CodecAdapterEvents calls into CodecImpl
// while there's no active stream, and there will be no active stream by the
// time ~CodecImpl starts. The CodecAdapter must be ok with being destructed
// any time there's no active stream.
// TODO(dustingreen): Maybe it would be more convenient for the CodecAdapter
// if CodecImpl made a Shutdown() call on it after stopping the last stream
// and before destruction - but let's see how this goes without the Shutdown()
// call for now.
std::unique_ptr<CodecAdapter> codec_adapter_;
// Using unique_ptr<> for its optional-ness here.
const std::unique_ptr<const fuchsia::mediacodec::CreateDecoder_Params>
// Regardless of which type of codec was created, these track the input
// CodecFormatDetails.
// We keep a copy of the format details used to create the codec, and on a
// per-stream basis those details are used as the default details, but can be
// overridden with QueueInputFormatDetails(). A new stream will default back
// to the CodecFormatDetails used to create the codec unless that stream uses
// QueueInputFormatDetails(). The QueueInputFormatDetails() is not persistent
// across streams.
// The codec_oob_bytes field can be null if the codec type or specific format
// does not require codec_oob_bytes.
// This points directly to a field of decoder_params_ (or encoder_params_),
// which out-last all usages of this pointer.
const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFormatDetails* initial_input_format_details_;
// Held here temporarily until DeviceFidl is ready to handle errors so we can
// bind.
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::mediacodec::Codec> tmp_interface_request_;
// This binding doesn't channel-own this CodecImpl. The DeviceFidl owns all
// the CodecImpl(s). The DeviceFidl will SetErrorHandler() such that its
// ownership drops if the channel fails. The CodecImpl takes care of cleaning
// itself up before calling the DeviceFidl's error handler, so that CodecImpl
// is ready for destruction by the time DeviceFidl's error handler is called.
fidl::Binding<fuchsia::mediacodec::Codec, CodecImpl*> binding_;
// This is the zx::channel we get indirectly from binding_.Unbind() (we only
// need the zx::channel part). We delay closing the Codec zx::channel until
// after removing the concurrency tally in ~CodecAdmission, so that a Codec
// client can try again immediately on noticing channel closure without
// potentially bouncing off still-existing old CodecAdmission.
zx::channel codec_to_close_;
bool was_bind_async_called_ = false;
// This being true means BindAsync() reached the point where we can and must
// fail via UnbindLocked() instead of just running the owner's error handler
// directly.
bool was_logically_bound_ = false;
async::Loop stream_control_loop_;
thrd_t stream_control_thread_ = 0;
fit::closure owner_error_handler_;
bool was_unbind_started_ = false;
bool was_unbind_completed_ = false;
std::condition_variable wake_stream_control_condition_;
// Codec protocol aspects.
// Some of the FIDL messages get handled or partly handled on the
// StreamControl thread.
void SetInputBufferSettings_StreamControl(
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPortBufferSettings input_settings);
void AddInputBuffer_StreamControl(fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecBuffer buffer);
void FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream_StreamControl(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal);
void CloseCurrentStream_StreamControl(uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal,
bool release_input_buffers,
bool release_output_buffers);
void Sync_StreamControl(SyncCallback callback);
void QueueInputFormatDetails_StreamControl(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal,
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFormatDetails format_details);
void QueueInputPacket_StreamControl(fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPacket packet);
void QueueInputEndOfStream_StreamControl(uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal);
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool IsStreamActiveLocked();
void SetBufferSettingsCommon(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock, CodecPort port,
const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPortBufferSettings& settings,
const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecBufferConstraints& constraints);
void EnsureBuffersNotConfigured(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock,
CodecPort port);
// Returns true if validation passed. Returns false if validation failed and
// FailLocked() has already been called with a specific error string (in which
// case the caller will likely want to just return).
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool ValidateBufferSettingsVsConstraintsLocked(
CodecPort port,
const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPortBufferSettings& settings,
const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecBufferConstraints& constraints);
// Returns true if the port is done configuring (last buffer was added).
// Returns false if the port is not done configuring or if Fail() was called;
// currently the caller doesn't need to tell the difference between these two
// very different cases.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool AddBufferCommon(
CodecPort port, fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecBuffer buffer);
// Return value of false means FailLocked() has already been called.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool CheckOldBufferLifetimeOrdinalLocked(
CodecPort port, uint64_t buffer_lifetime_ordinal);
// Return value of false means FailLocked() has already been called.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool CheckStreamLifetimeOrdinalLocked(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal);
// Return value of false means FailLocked() has already been called.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool StartNewStream(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock,
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal);
void EnsureStreamClosed(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock);
void EnsureCodecStreamClosedLockedInternal();
bool is_on_stream_failed_enabled_ = false;
// This is the stream_lifetime_ordinal of the current stream as viewed from
// StreamControl ordering domain. This is the stream lifetime ordinal that
// gets removed from the head of the Stream queue when StreamControl is done
// with the stream.
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal_ = 0;
// This is the stream_lifetime_ordinal of the most recent stream as viewed
// from the Output ordering domain (FIDL thread). This is the stream lifetime
// ordinal that we add to the tail of the Stream queue.
uint64_t future_stream_lifetime_ordinal_ = 0;
// The Output ordering domain (FIDL thread) adds items to the tail of this
// queue, and the StreamControl ordering domain removes items from the head of
// this queue. This queue is how the StreamControl ordering domain knows
// whether a stream is discarded or not. If a stream isn't discarded then the
// StreamControl domain can keep waiting for the client to process
// OnOutputConfig() for that stream. If the stream has been discarded, then
// StreamControl ordering domain cannot expect the client to ever process
// OnOutputConfig() for the stream, and the StreamControl ordering domain can
// instead move on to the next stream.
// In addition, this can allow the StreamControl ordering domain to skip past
// stream-specific items for a stream that's already known to be discarded by
// the client.
std::list<std::unique_ptr<Stream>> stream_queue_;
// When no current stream, this is nullptr. When there is a current stream,
// this points to that stream, owned by stream_queue_.
Stream* stream_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecBufferConstraints>
// This is the most recent settings received from the client and accepted,
// received via SetInputBufferSettings() or SetOutputBufferSettings(). The
// settings are as-received from the client.
std::unique_ptr<const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPortBufferSettings>
// The most recent fully-configured input or output buffers had this
// buffer_constraints_version_ordinal. Even when !port_settings_[port], this
// is used to detect whether the client has yet caught up to the
// last_required_buffer_constraints_version_ordinal_[port].
uint64_t last_provided_buffer_constraints_version_ordinal_[kPortCount] = {};
// For CodecImpl, the initial CodecOutputConfig can be the first sent message.
// If sent that early, the CodecOutputConfig is likely to change again before
// any output data is emitted, but it _may not_.
std::unique_ptr<const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecOutputConfig> output_config_;
// The core codec indicated that it didn't like an output config that had this
// buffer_constraints_version_ordinal set. Normally this would lead to
// mid-stream output format change, but in case the client starts a new stream
// before that can happen, we go ahead and force the client to provide a newer
// config with newer buffer_constraints_version_ordinal before we do format
// detection for the new stream, just in case the core codec would be annoyed
// if we ignored it's previous indication. There's no reason to require every
// core codec to consider how an incomplete mid-stream format change of an old
// stream interacts with a new stream, so essentially force the mid-stream
// format change to complete before start of the new stream (as far as the
// core codec can tell). The core codec still has to tolerate stopping the
// old stream before mid-stream format change is complete, so it's possible
// we'll eventually decide all core codecs need to just consider an incomplete
// mid-stream format change to be cancelled by stopping the old stream, in
// which case we could remove this member var.
uint64_t core_codec_meh_output_buffer_constraints_version_ordinal_ = 0;
// The server's buffer_lifetime_ordinal, per port. In contrast to
// port_settings_[port].buffer_lifetime_ordinal, this value is allowed to be
// even when the previous odd buffer_lifetime_ordinal is over, due to buffer
// de-allocation.
uint64_t buffer_lifetime_ordinal_[kPortCount] = {};
// This is the buffer_lifetime_ordinal from SetOutputBufferSettings() or
// SetInputBufferSettings(). This is used for protocol enforcement, to
// enforce that AddOutputBuffer() or AddInputBuffer() is part of the same
// buffer_lifetime_ordinal.
uint64_t protocol_buffer_lifetime_ordinal_[kPortCount] = {};
// Allocating these values and sending these values are tracked separately,
// so that we can more tightly enforce the protocol. If a client tries to
// act on a newer ordinal before the server has actually sent it, the server
// will notice that invalid client behavior and close the channel (instead
// of just tracking a single number, which would potentially let the client
// drive the server into the weeds).
// The next value we'll use for output buffer_constraints_version_ordinal and
// output format_details_version_ordinal.
uint64_t next_output_buffer_constraints_version_ordinal_ = 1;
// For the OMX adapter, if the buffer constraints change, then the format
// details ordinal also changes (since there's not really any benefit to
// detecting lack of change). But for format-only changes that don't require
// buffer re-allocation, we can just increment the format details ordinal.
uint64_t next_output_format_details_version_ordinal_ = 1;
// Separately from ordinal allocation, we track the most recent ordinal that
// we've actually sent to the client, to allow tighter protocol enforcement in
// case of a hostile client.
uint64_t sent_buffer_constraints_version_ordinal_[kPortCount] = {};
uint64_t sent_format_details_version_ordinal_[kPortCount] = {};
// The server has sent this version ordinal with
// buffer_constraints_action_required true. The server can safely ignore any
// output configuration that's stale vs. this, because the client will soon
// catch up to at least this version. This includes a value for input also,
// for consistency, but this is mainly for output.
uint64_t last_required_buffer_constraints_version_ordinal_[kPortCount] = {};
// This is set when stream_.output_end_of_stream is set.
std::condition_variable output_end_of_stream_seen_;
// Adapter-related
// TODO(dustingreen): Try to generalize this section more or move anything
// core-codec-specific to a different class, to make fully common between HW
// and OMX cases at least, if not fully general.
// This is called on Output ordering domain (FIDL thread) any time a message
// is received which would be able to start a new stream.
// More complete protocol validation happens on StreamControl ordering domain.
// The validation here is just to validate to degree needed to not break our
// stream_queue_ and future_stream_lifetime_ordinal_.
// Returns true if it worked. Returns false if FailLocked() has already been
// called, in which case the caller probably wants to just return.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool EnsureFutureStreamSeenLocked(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal);
// This is called on Output ordering domain (FIDL thread) any time a message
// is received which would close a stream.
// More complete protocol validation happens on StreamControl ordering domain.
// The validation here is just to validate to degree needed to not break our
// stream_queue_ and future_stream_lifetime_ordinal_.
// Returns true if it worked. Returns false if FailLocked() has already been
// called, in which case the caller probably wants to just return.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool EnsureFutureStreamCloseSeenLocked(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal);
// This is called on Output ordering domain (FIDL thread) any time a flush is
// seen.
// More complete protocol validation happens on StreamControl ordering domain.
// The validation here is just to validate to degree needed to not break our
// stream_queue_ and future_stream_lifetime_ordinal_.
// Returns true if it worked. Returns false if FailLocked() has already been
// called, in which case the caller probably wants to just return.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool EnsureFutureStreamFlushSeenLocked(
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal);
void StartIgnoringClientOldOutputConfig(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock);
void GenerateAndSendNewOutputConfig(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock,
bool buffer_constraints_action_required);
void MidStreamOutputConfigChange(uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal);
// These are 1:1 with logical CodecBuffer(s).
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CodecBuffer>> all_buffers_[kPortCount];
// For this bool to be true, there must be enough buffers in all_buffers_ and
// the core codec must also be fully configured with regard to those buffers.
bool is_port_configured_[kPortCount] = {};
// This vector owns these buffers.
// TODO(dustingreen): Figure out if the HW has any particular interest in
// packets (such as to avoid dynamic allocation to track queued parts of
// buffers), or if HW portion of driver is fine just knowing about portions of
// buffers.
// These are 1:1 with logical CodecPacket(s).
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CodecPacket>> all_packets_[kPortCount];
// Util aspects.
// For now, this is device_->driver()->shared_fidl_thread(). It could turn
// out to be better to not share FIDL threads across Codec instances however.
thrd_t fidl_thread();
// Send OnFreeInputPacket() using shared_fidl_thread(). This can be called
// on any thread other than shared_fidl_thread().
void SendFreeInputPacketLocked(fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecPacketHeader header);
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool IsInputConfiguredLocked();
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool IsOutputConfiguredLocked();
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool IsPortConfiguredCommonLocked(CodecPort port);
// Complain sync, then Unbind() async. Even if more than one caller
// complains, the async Unbind() work will only run once (but in such cases it
// can be nice to see all the complaining in case multiple things fail at
// once). While more than one source of failure can complain, only one will
// actually trigger Unbind() work, and the rest will just return knowing that
// Unbind() work is started. The Unbind() work itself will synchronize such
// that other-thread sources of failure are no longer possible (can no longer
// even complain) before deallocating "this".
// Callers to Fail() must not be holding lock_. On return from Fail(), "this"
// must not be touched as it can already be deallocated.
void Fail(const char* format, ...);
// Callers to FailLocked() must hold lock_ during the call. On return from
// FailLocked(), the caller can know that "this" is still allocated only up
// to the point where the caller releases lock_. Callers are encouraged not
// to touch "this" after the call to FailLocked() besides releasing lock_,
// for consistency with how Fail() is used; that said, the unlock itself is
// safe.
void FailLocked(const char* format, ...);
// Report a devhost-fatal error. This method never returns - instead we
// fault the whole process. This should only be used in cases where we
// don't really expect an error, and where a client can't unilaterally induce
// the error - but in case the error happens despite not being expected, we
// want nice output that's easy to debug.
void FailFatalLocked(const char* format, ...);
void vFail(bool is_fatal, const char* format, va_list args);
void vFailLocked(bool is_fatal, const char* format, va_list args);
void PostSerial(async_dispatcher_t* async, fit::closure to_run);
// If |promise_not_on_previously_posted_fidl_thread_lambda| is true, the
// caller is promising that it's not running in a lambda that was posted to
// the fidl thread (running in a FIDL dispatch is fine).
void PostToSharedFidl(
fit::closure to_run,
bool promise_not_on_previously_posted_fidl_thread_lambda = false);
void PostToStreamControl(fit::closure to_run);
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool IsStoppingLocked();
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool IsStopping();
// Core codec interfacing.
// true - maybe it's the core codec thread.
// false - it's definitely not the core codec thread.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool IsPotentiallyCoreCodecThread();
void HandlePendingInputFormatDetails();
// Only tell the core codec to ensure any current stream is stopped if
// CoreCodecInit() was ever called.
bool is_core_codec_init_called_ = false;
bool is_core_codec_stream_started_ = false;
// For use by core codec:
// If the core codec needs to fail the whole CodecImpl, such as when/if new
// CodecFormatDetails are different than the initial CodecFormatDetails and
// the core codec doesn't support switching from the old to the new input
// format details (for example due to needing different input buffer config).
void onCoreCodecFailCodec(const char* format, ...) override;
// The core codec should only call this method at times when there is a
// current stream, not between streams.
void onCoreCodecFailStream() override;
// "Mid-stream" can mean at the start of a stream also - it's just required
// that a stream be active currently. The core codec must ensure that this
// call is properly ordered with respect to onCoreCodecOutputPacket() and
// onCoreCodecOutputEndOfStream() calls.
// A call to onCoreCodecMidStreamOutputConfigChange(true) must not be
// followed by any more output (including EndOfStream) until the associated
// output re-config is completed by a call to
// CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigFinish().
void onCoreCodecMidStreamOutputConfigChange(
bool output_re_config_required) override;
void onCoreCodecInputPacketDone(CodecPacket* packet) override;
void onCoreCodecOutputPacket(CodecPacket* packet, bool error_detected_before,
bool error_detected_during) override;
void onCoreCodecOutputEndOfStream(bool error_detected_before) override;
// Core codec.
// These are here to cleanly do a few asserts as we call out to the
// codec_adapter_, and to make call sites look a bit nicer.
__WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool IsCoreCodecRequiringOutputConfigForFormatDetection()
void CoreCodecInit(const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFormatDetails&
initial_input_format_details) override;
void CoreCodecStartStream() override;
void CoreCodecQueueInputFormatDetails(
const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFormatDetails&
per_stream_override_format_details) override;
void CoreCodecQueueInputPacket(CodecPacket* packet) override;
void CoreCodecQueueInputEndOfStream() override;
void CoreCodecStopStream() override;
void CoreCodecAddBuffer(CodecPort port, const CodecBuffer* buffer) override;
void CoreCodecConfigureBuffers(
CodecPort port,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CodecPacket>>& packets) override;
void CoreCodecRecycleOutputPacket(CodecPacket* packet) override;
void CoreCodecEnsureBuffersNotConfigured(CodecPort port) override;
std::unique_ptr<const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecOutputConfig>
uint64_t stream_lifetime_ordinal,
uint64_t new_output_buffer_constraints_version_ordinal,
uint64_t new_output_format_details_version_ordinal,
bool buffer_constraints_action_required) override;
void CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigPrepare() override;
void CoreCodecMidStreamOutputBufferReConfigFinish() override;
CodecImpl() = delete;