blob: 4d86f5635c1541ab1eba583a45327c8261194c99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/escher/forward_declarations.h"
#include "lib/escher/geometry/types.h"
#include "lib/escher/paper/paper_renderer_config.h"
#include "lib/escher/util/hash_map.h"
namespace escher {
class BoundingBox;
struct RoundedRectSpec;
// Stored internally by PaperShapeCache. Exposed externally for convenience,
// as a way to get access to both |num_indices| and |num_shadow_volume_indices|.
// This allows us to use the same mesh for two different purposes ("regular"
// geometry and extruded shadow volume geometry).
// NOTE: messy-ish but OK for now because encapsulated in |PaperRenderer2|.
struct PaperShapeCacheEntry {
uint64_t last_touched_frame = 0;
MeshPtr mesh;
uint32_t num_indices = 0;
uint32_t num_shadow_volume_indices = 0;
explicit operator bool() const { return mesh.get() != nullptr; }
// Generates and caches clipped triangle meshes that match the requested shape
// specification.
class PaperShapeCache {
static constexpr size_t kNumFramesBeforeEviction = 3;
explicit PaperShapeCache(EscherWeakPtr escher,
const PaperRendererConfig& config);
// Return a (possibly cached) mesh that matches the shape parameters. To
// look up the mesh, a hash is computed from the shape parameters along with
// the list of clip planes. If the mesh is not found, a new mesh is generated
// from the shape parameters, clipped by the list of planes, and
// post-processed in whatever way is required by the current |PaperRenderer2|
// configuration (e.g. perhaps adding a vertex attribute to allow
// shadow-volume extrusion in the vertex shader).
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& GetRoundedRectMesh(const RoundedRectSpec& spec,
const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes);
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& GetCircleMesh(float radius,
const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes);
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& GetRectMesh(vec2 min, vec2 max,
const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes);
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& GetRectMesh(float width, float height,
const plane3* clip_planes,
size_t num_clip_planes) {
vec2 half_extent(0.5f * width, 0.5f * height);
return GetRectMesh(-half_extent, half_extent, clip_planes, num_clip_planes);
void BeginFrame(BatchGpuUploader* uploader, uint64_t frame_number);
void EndFrame();
void SetConfig(const PaperRendererConfig& config);
size_t size() const { return cache_.size(); }
enum class ShapeType { kRect, kRoundedRect, kCircle };
// Args: array of planes to clip the generated mesh, and size of the array.
using CacheMissMeshGenerator = std::function<PaperShapeCacheEntry(
const plane3* planes, size_t num_planes)>;
// Computes a lookup key by starting with |shape_hash| and then hashing the
// list of |clip_planes|. If no mesh is found with this key, a secondary key
// is generated similarly, this time after culling the planes against
// |bounding_box|. If no mesh is found with the second key, a new mesh is
// generated by invoking |mesh_generator|; this mesh is then cached using both
// lookup keys, based on the following rationale:
// - the mesh is cached with the first key to maximize performance in the
// case that it is looked up again with the exact same set of parameters.
// - the mesh is cached with the second key because it will be common for the
// culled set of planes to be the same even though the original set isn't.
// For example, when an object is moving freely within a large clip region,
// the list of unculled planes will be empty; it would be a shame to
// continually regenerate the mesh in such a situation.
const PaperShapeCacheEntry& GetShapeMesh(
const Hash& shape_hash, const BoundingBox& bounding_box,
const plane3* clip_planes, size_t num_clip_planes,
CacheMissMeshGenerator mesh_generator);
// Populates |unculled_planes_out| with the planes that clip at least one of
// the bounding box corners; other planes are culled, because they cannot
// possibly intersect anything within the box. |num_planes_inout| must
// initially contain the number of planes in |planes|; when the function
// returns it will contain the number of planes in |unculled_planes_out|.
// Returns true if any of the planes clips the entire bounding box, otherwise
// return false. If such a plane is encountered, iteration halts immediately
// since there would be nothing left within the bounding box for subsequent
// planes to clip (this final plane does appear in |unculled_planes_out|).
// Preserves the order of any unculled planes.
bool CullPlanesAgainstBoundingBox(const BoundingBox& bounding_box,
const plane3* planes,
plane3* unculled_planes_out,
size_t* num_planes_inout);
// Called from EndFrame(); evicts all entries that have not been touched for
// kNumFramesBeforeEviction.
void TrimCache();
// Return the PaperShapeCacheEntry corresponding to the hash, or nullptr if
// none such is present in the cache.
PaperShapeCacheEntry* FindEntry(const Hash& hash);
// Entry must not already exist.
void AddEntry(const Hash& hash, PaperShapeCacheEntry entry);
const EscherWeakPtr escher_;
HashMap<Hash, PaperShapeCacheEntry> cache_;
BatchGpuUploader* uploader_ = nullptr;
uint64_t frame_number_ = 0;
// Reset every frame.
uint64_t cache_hit_count_ = 0;
uint64_t cache_hit_after_plane_culling_count_ = 0;
uint64_t cache_miss_count_ = 0;
PaperRendererShadowType shadow_type_ = PaperRendererShadowType::kNone;
} // namespace escher