blob: ec616467d5ea6abbe26797da79fb4edde4897b47 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
rustc_binary("font_server") {
name = "font_server"
with_unit_tests = true
edition = "2018"
deps = [
non_rust_deps = [ "//third_party/freetype2" ]
package("fonts") {
deprecated_bare_package_url = "//build"
deps = [
binary = "font_server"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/fonts.cmx")
dest = "fonts.cmx"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("manifest.json")
dest = "manifest.json"
fonts = [
foreach(font, fonts) {
resources += [
path = rebase_path("third_party/${font}")
file_name = get_path_info(font, "file")
dest = "fonts/${file_name}"
# TODO(sergeyu): Once PKG-47 is fixed it will be possible to separate fonts
# packages from font_server.
package("fonts_minimal") {
deprecated_bare_package_url = "//build"
deps = [
binary = "font_server"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/fonts.cmx")
dest = "fonts.cmx"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("manifest_minimal.json")
dest = "manifest.json"
fonts = [
foreach(font, fonts) {
resources += [
path = rebase_path("third_party/${font}")
file_name = get_path_info(font, "file")
dest = "fonts/${file_name}"
rustc_binary("font_provider_test") {
testonly = true
edition = "2018"
deps = [
source_root = "tests/"
package("font_provider_tests") {
testonly = true
# Necessary to work around ZX-2727.
deprecated_system_image = true
deps = [
tests = [
name = "font_provider_test"
name = "font_server_bin_test"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("tests/test_manifest.json")
dest = "testdata/test_fonts/manifest.json"
# TODO(sergeyu): Noto CJK fonts are not included in the default fonts package
# due to their size. Currently they are used only for tests. Once PKG-47 is
# implemented it will be possible to customize set of fonts on higher levels,
# which will allow to include these fonts in the default font package.
fonts = [
foreach(font, fonts) {
resources += [
path = rebase_path("third_party/${font}")
file_name = get_path_info(font, "file")
dest = "testdata/test_fonts/${file_name}"