blob: ae5444d87ac60fc56b3870f8d4091f1f47b23fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "magma_util/macros.h"
#include "register_io.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <type_traits>
// This file provides some helpers for accessing bitfields in registers.
// Example usage:
// // Define bitfields for an "AuxControl" register.
// class AuxControl : public RegisterBase {
// public:
// // Define a single-bit field.
// DEF_BIT(31, enabled);
// // Define a 5-bit field, from bits 20-24 (inclusive).
// DEF_FIELD(24, 20, message_size);
// // Returns an object representing the register's type and address.
// static auto Get() { return RegisterAddr<AuxControl>(0x64010); }
// };
// void Example1(RegisterIo* reg_io)
// {
// // Read the register's value from MMIO. "reg" is a snapshot of the
// // register's value which also knows the register's address.
// auto reg = AuxControl::Get().ReadFrom(reg_io);
// // Read this register's "message_size" field.
// uint32_t size = reg.message_size().get();
// // Change this field's value. This modifies the snapshot.
// reg.message_size().set(1234);
// // Write the modified register value to MMIO.
// reg.WriteTo(reg_io);
// }
// // It is also possible to write a register without having to read it
// // first:
// void Example2(RegisterIo* reg_io)
// {
// // Start off with a value that is initialized to zero.
// auto reg = AuxControl::Get().FromValue(0);
// // Fill out fields.
// reg.message_size().set(2345);
// // Write the register value to MMIO.
// reg.WriteTo(reg_io);
// }
// Note that this produces efficient code with GCC and Clang, which are
// capable of optimizing away the intermediate objects.
// The arguments to DEF_FIELD() are organized to match up with the
// documentation. For example, if the docs specify a field as:
// 23:0 Data M value
// then that translates to:
// DEF_FIELD(23, 0, data_m_value)
// To match up, we put the upper bit first and use an inclusive bit range.
namespace magma {
// An instance of RegisterBase represents a staging copy of a register,
// which can be written to the register itself. It knows the register's
// address and stores a value for the register.
// Normal usage is to create classes that derive from RegisterBase and
// provide methods for accessing bitfields of the register. RegisterBase
// does not provide a constructor because constructors are not inherited by
// derived classes by default, and we don't want the derived classes to
// have to declare constructors.
class RegisterBase {
using ValueType = uint32_t;
uint32_t reg_addr() { return reg_addr_; }
void set_reg_addr(uint32_t addr) { reg_addr_ = addr; }
uint32_t reg_value() { return reg_value_; }
uint32_t* reg_value_ptr() { return &reg_value_; }
void set_reg_value(uint32_t value) { reg_value_ = value; }
void ReadFrom(RegisterIo* reg_io) { reg_value_ = reg_io->Read32(reg_addr_); }
void WriteTo(RegisterIo* reg_io) { reg_io->Write32(reg_addr_, reg_value_); }
void ReadFrom(magma::PlatformMmio* reg_io) { reg_value_ = reg_io->Read32(reg_addr_); }
void WriteTo(magma::PlatformMmio* reg_io) { reg_io->Write32(reg_addr_, reg_value_); }
uint32_t reg_addr_ = 0;
uint32_t reg_value_ = 0;
// This is similar to a RegisterBase, but represents two registers which
// together hold a 64-bit value. The first contains the low 32 bits, and the
// second (offset 4) contains the high 32 bits.
class RegisterPairBase {
using ValueType = uint64_t;
uint32_t reg_addr() { return reg_addr_; }
void set_reg_addr(uint32_t addr) { reg_addr_ = addr; }
uint64_t reg_value() { return reg_value_; }
uint64_t* reg_value_ptr() { return &reg_value_; }
void set_reg_value(uint64_t value) { reg_value_ = value; }
void ReadFrom(RegisterIo* reg_io)
uint64_t value_high = reg_io->Read32(reg_addr_ + 4);
uint64_t value_low = reg_io->Read32(reg_addr_);
reg_value_ = (value_high << 32) | value_low;
void WriteTo(RegisterIo* reg_io)
reg_io->Write32(reg_addr_, reg_value_ & 0xffffffff);
reg_io->Write32(reg_addr_ + 4, reg_value_ >> 32);
void ReadFrom(magma::PlatformMmio* reg_io)
uint64_t value_high = reg_io->Read32(reg_addr_ + 4);
uint64_t value_low = reg_io->Read32(reg_addr_);
reg_value_ = (value_high << 32) | value_low;
void WriteTo(magma::PlatformMmio* reg_io)
reg_io->Write32(reg_addr_, reg_value_ & 0xffffffff);
reg_io->Write32(reg_addr_ + 4, reg_value_ >> 32);
// Points to the low half of the register.
uint32_t reg_addr_ = 0;
uint64_t reg_value_ = 0;
// An instance of RegisterAddr represents a typed register address: It
// knows the address of the register (within the MMIO address space) and
// the type of its contents, RegType. RegType represents the register's
// bitfields. RegType should be a subclass of RegisterBase.
template <class RegType> class RegisterAddr {
RegisterAddr(uint32_t reg_addr) : reg_addr_(reg_addr) {}
static_assert(std::is_base_of<RegisterBase, RegType>::value ||
std::is_base_of<RegisterPairBase, RegType>::value,
"Parameter of RegisterAddr<> should derive from RegisterBase");
// Instantiate a RegisterBase using the value of the register read from
// MMIO.
RegType ReadFrom(RegisterIo* reg_io)
RegType reg;
return reg;
RegType ReadFrom(magma::PlatformMmio* reg_io)
RegType reg;
return reg;
// Instantiate a RegisterBase using the given value for the register.
RegType FromValue(typename RegType::ValueType value)
RegType reg;
return reg;
uint32_t addr() { return reg_addr_; }
uint32_t reg_addr_;
template <class IntType> class BitfieldRef {
BitfieldRef(IntType* value_ptr, uint32_t bit_high_incl, uint32_t bit_low)
: value_ptr_(value_ptr), shift_(bit_low), mask_((1ull << (bit_high_incl - bit_low + 1)) - 1)
uint32_t get() { return (*value_ptr_ >> shift_) & mask_; }
void set(uint32_t field_val)
DASSERT((field_val & ~mask_) == 0);
*value_ptr_ &= ~(mask_ << shift_);
*value_ptr_ |= (field_val << shift_);
IntType* value_ptr_;
uint32_t shift_;
uint32_t mask_;
static_assert((BIT_HIGH) > (BIT_LOW), "Upper bit goes before lower bit"); \
static_assert((BIT_HIGH) < 32, "Upper bit is out of range"); \
magma::BitfieldRef<uint32_t> NAME() \
{ \
return magma::BitfieldRef<uint32_t>(reg_value_ptr(), (BIT_HIGH), (BIT_LOW)); \
#define DEF_BIT(BIT, NAME) \
static_assert((BIT) < 32, "Bit is out of range"); \
magma::BitfieldRef<uint32_t> NAME() \
{ \
return magma::BitfieldRef<uint32_t>(reg_value_ptr(), (BIT), (BIT)); \
// This defines an accessor (named SUBFIELD_NAME) for a bit range of a
// field (named COMBINED_FIELD) in a struct.
magma::BitfieldRef<uint8_t> SUBFIELD_NAME() \
{ \
return magma::BitfieldRef<uint8_t>(&COMBINED_FIELD, (BIT_HIGH), (BIT_LOW)); \
} // namespace magma