blob: ab6c9445c24e612adfbd6bf2deb0c26c2fa67a67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "routing_header.h"
namespace overnet {
static const uint64_t kMaxDestCount = 128;
uint64_t RoutingHeader::DeriveFlags(NodeId writer, NodeId target) const {
uint64_t flags = 0;
if (src_ == writer && dsts_.size() == 1 && dsts_[0].dst() == target) {
flags |= kFlagIsLocal;
if (is_control_) flags |= kFlagIsControl;
const uint8_t robits = static_cast<uint8_t>(reliability_and_ordering_);
assert(robits < (1 << 3));
flags |= robits << kFlagsReliabilityAndOrderingShift;
flags |= dsts_.size() << kFlagsDestinationCountShift;
return flags;
RoutingHeader::Writer::Writer(const RoutingHeader* hdr, NodeId writer,
NodeId target)
: hdr_(hdr),
flags_value_(hdr->DeriveFlags(writer, target)),
wire_length_(0) {
// build shadow destination structure
for (const auto& dst : hdr->dsts_) {
// calculate wire size
wire_length_ += flags_length_;
if (!IsLocal()) wire_length_ += hdr_->src_.wire_length();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dsts_.size(); i++) {
if (!IsLocal()) wire_length_ += hdr_->dsts_[i].dst().wire_length();
wire_length_ += dsts_[i].stream_len;
wire_length_ += hdr_->dsts_[i].seq().wire_length();
wire_length_ += payload_length_length_;
uint8_t* RoutingHeader::Writer::Write(uint8_t* bytes) const {
uint8_t* p = bytes;
p = varint::Write(flags_value_, flags_length_, p);
if (!IsLocal()) p = hdr_->src_.Write(p);
for (size_t i = 0; i < dsts_.size(); i++) {
if (!IsLocal()) p = hdr_->dsts_[i].dst().Write(p);
p = hdr_->dsts_[i].stream_id().Write(dsts_[i].stream_len, p);
p = hdr_->dsts_[i].seq().Write(p);
p = varint::Write(hdr_->payload_length_, payload_length_length_, p);
assert(p == bytes + wire_length());
return p;
StatusOr<RoutingHeader> RoutingHeader::Parse(const uint8_t** bytes,
const uint8_t* end, NodeId reader,
NodeId writer) {
uint64_t flags;
if (!varint::Read(bytes, end, &flags)) {
return StatusOr<RoutingHeader>(StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT,
"Failed to parse routing header flags");
bool is_local = (flags & kFlagIsLocal) != 0;
bool is_control = (flags & kFlagIsControl) != 0;
ReliabilityAndOrdering reliability_and_ordering =
(flags >> kFlagsReliabilityAndOrderingShift) &
bool reserved_ok = (flags & kFlagReservedMask) == 0;
uint64_t dest_count = flags >> kFlagsDestinationCountShift;
if (!reserved_ok) {
return StatusOr<RoutingHeader>(
"Routing header reserved flag bit set: not sure what to do");
if (dest_count > kMaxDestCount) {
return StatusOr<RoutingHeader>(
"Destination count too high in routing header");
if (dest_count > 1 && is_local) {
return StatusOr<RoutingHeader>(
"Link-local messages cannot be used for multicast");
uint64_t src;
if (!is_local) {
if (!ParseLE64(bytes, end, &src)) {
return StatusOr<RoutingHeader>(StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT,
"Failed to parse source node");
} else {
src = writer.get();
std::vector<Destination> destinations;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < dest_count; i++) {
uint64_t dst;
if (!is_local) {
if (!ParseLE64(bytes, end, &dst)) {
return StatusOr<RoutingHeader>(StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT,
"Failed to parse destination node");
} else {
dst = reader.get();
uint64_t stream_id;
if (!varint::Read(bytes, end, &stream_id)) {
return StatusOr<RoutingHeader>(
"Failed to parse stream id from routing header");
auto seq_num = SeqNum::Parse(bytes, end);
if (seq_num.is_error()) {
return StatusOr<RoutingHeader>(seq_num.AsStatus());
destinations.emplace_back(NodeId(dst), StreamId(stream_id), *seq_num.get());
uint64_t payload_length;
if (!varint::Read(bytes, end, &payload_length)) {
return StatusOr<RoutingHeader>(StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT,
"Failed to parse payload length");
return RoutingHeader(NodeId(src), is_control, reliability_and_ordering,
std::move(destinations), payload_length);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const RoutingHeader& h) {
out << "RoutingHeader{src:" << h.src() << " ctl:" << h.is_control()
<< " ro:" << ReliabilityAndOrderingString(h.reliability_and_ordering())
<< " payload:" << h.payload_length() << " dsts:{";
int i = 0;
for (const auto& dst : h.destinations()) {
if (i) out << " ";
out << "[" << (i++) << "] dst:" << dst.dst()
<< " stream_id:" << dst.stream_id() << " seq:" << dst.seq();
return out << "}}";
} // namespace overnet