blob: 52500b59c200f3b6f82aeef2d7cee4c4011ea331 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <virtio/balloon.h>
#include <virtio/virtio_ids.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include "garnet/lib/machina/virtio_device.h"
namespace machina {
// Virtio memory balloon device.
class VirtioBalloon
virtio_balloon_config_t> {
// Per Virtio 1.0 Section 5.5.6, This value is historical, and independent
// of the guest page size.
static constexpr uint32_t kPageSize = 4096;
VirtioBalloon(const PhysMem& phys_mem);
~VirtioBalloon() override = default;
zx_status_t HandleQueueNotify(uint16_t queue_sel) override;
// Receives an array of statistics in |stats| that contains |len| entries.
// The pointers backing |stats| are only guaranteed to live for the
// duration of this callback.
using StatsHandler =
fit::function<void(const virtio_balloon_stat_t* stats, size_t len)>;
// Request balloon memory statistics from the guest.
// Sends a message to the driver that memory stats are requested. Once the
// driver has provided the statistics, the handler will be invoked.
// This method blocks for the entire duration of the request.
zx_status_t RequestStats(StatsHandler handler);
// Update the 'num_pages' configuration field in the balloon.
// If the value is greater than what it currently is, the driver should
// provided pages to us. If the value is less than what it currently is,
// driver is free to reclaim memory from the balloon.
zx_status_t UpdateNumPages(uint32_t num_pages);
// Read the 'num_pages' configuration field.
uint32_t num_pages();
// If deflate on demand is enabled, then the balloon will treat deflate
// requests as a no-op. This memory will instead be provided via demand
// paging.
void set_deflate_on_demand(bool b) { deflate_on_demand_ = b; }
void WaitForStatsBuffer(VirtioQueue* stats_queue) __TA_REQUIRES(stats_.mutex);
zx_status_t HandleDescriptor(uint16_t queue_sel);
// With on-demand deflation we won't commit memory up-front for balloon
// deflate requests.
bool deflate_on_demand_ = false;
struct {
// The index in the available ring of the stats descriptor.
uint16_t desc_index __TA_GUARDED(mutex) = 0;
// Indicates if desc_index valid.
bool has_buffer __TA_GUARDED(mutex) = false;
// Holds exclusive access to the stats queue. At most one stats request
// can be active at a time (by design). Specifically we need to hold
// exclusive access of the queue from the time a buffer is returned to
// the queue, initiating a stats request, until any logic processing
// the result has finished.
// Also guards access to other members of this structure.
fbl::Mutex mutex;
} stats_;
} // namespace machina