blob: d578cd55b9133829c02a29f3ef741a147c6f7e3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/audio_link_packet_source.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/audio_object.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/audio_renderer_format_info.h"
#include "lib/media/timeline/timeline_function.h"
namespace media {
namespace audio {
class AudioRendererImpl
: public AudioObject,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<fbl::RefPtr<AudioRendererImpl>> {
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
// Used by the output to report packet usage.
virtual void OnRenderRange(int64_t presentation_time, uint32_t duration) = 0;
virtual void SnapshotCurrentTimelineFunction(
int64_t reference_time, TimelineFunction* out,
uint32_t* generation = nullptr) = 0;
void SetThrottleOutput(
std::shared_ptr<AudioLinkPacketSource> throttle_output_link);
// Recompute the minimum clock lead time based on the current set of outputs
// we are linked to. If this requirement is different from the previous
// requirement, report it to our users (if they care).
void RecomputeMinClockLeadTime();
// Note: format_info() is subject to change and must only be accessed from the
// main message loop thread. Outputs which are running on mixer threads
// should never access format_info() directly from a renderer. Instead, they
// should use the format_info which was assigned to the AudioLink at the time
// the link was created.
const fbl::RefPtr<AudioRendererFormatInfo>& format_info() const {
return format_info_;
bool format_info_valid() const { return (format_info_ != nullptr); }
float db_gain() const { return db_gain_; }
virtual void ReportNewMinClockLeadTime() {}
fbl::RefPtr<AudioRendererFormatInfo> format_info_;
float db_gain_ = 0.0;
bool mute_ = false;
std::shared_ptr<AudioLinkPacketSource> throttle_output_link_;
// Minimum Clock Lead Time state
int64_t min_clock_lead_nsec_ = 0;
} // namespace audio
} // namespace media