blob: 7385735f1a277b5ff4bde9ba71462c5e4248b539 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cmd_handler.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <string>
#include "garnet/lib/debugger_utils/util.h"
#include "garnet/lib/inferior_control/registers.h"
#include "garnet/lib/inferior_control/thread.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "lib/fxl/strings/split_string.h"
#include "lib/fxl/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "thread_action_list.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace debugserver {
namespace {
const char kSupportedFeatures[] =
#if 0 // TODO(dje)
#if 0 // TODO(dje)
const char kAttached[] = "Attached";
const char kCurrentThreadId[] = "C";
const char kFirstThreadInfo[] = "fThreadInfo";
const char kNonStop[] = "NonStop";
const char kRcmd[] = "Rcmd,";
const char kSubsequentThreadInfo[] = "sThreadInfo";
const char kSupported[] = "Supported";
const char kXfer[] = "Xfer";
// v Commands
const char kAttach[] = "Attach;";
const char kCont[] = "Cont;";
const char kKill[] = "Kill;";
const char kRun[] = "Run;";
// qRcmd commands
const char kExit[] = "exit";
const char kHelp[] = "help";
const char kQuit[] = "quit";
const char kSet[] = "set";
const char kShow[] = "show";
// This always returns true so that command handlers can simple call "return
// ReplyOK()" rather than "ReplyOK(); return true;
bool ReplyOK(CommandHandler::ResponseCallback callback) {
return true;
// This always returns true so that command handlers can simple call "return
// ReplyWithError()" rather than "ReplyWithError(); return true;
bool ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode error_code,
CommandHandler::ResponseCallback callback) {
std::string error_rsp = util::BuildErrorPacket(error_code);
return true;
// Returns true if |str| starts with |prefix|.
bool StartsWith(const fxl::StringView& str, const fxl::StringView& prefix) {
return str.substr(0, prefix.size()) == prefix;
std::vector<std::string> BuildArgvFor_vRun(const fxl::StringView& packet) {
std::vector<std::string> argv;
size_t len = packet.size();
size_t s = 0;
while (s < len) {
size_t semi = packet.find(';', s);
size_t n;
if (semi == fxl::StringView::npos)
n = len - s;
n = semi - s;
std::vector<uint8_t> arg = util::DecodeByteArrayString(packet.substr(s, n));
auto char_arg = reinterpret_cast<char*>(;
argv.push_back(std::string(char_arg, arg.size()));
if (semi == fxl::StringView::npos)
s = len;
s = semi + 1;
return argv;
} // namespace
CommandHandler::CommandHandler(RspServer* server)
: server_(server), in_thread_info_sequence_(false) {
bool CommandHandler::HandleCommand(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// GDB packets are prefixed with a letter that maps to a particular command
// "family". We do the initial multiplexing here and let each individual
// sub-handler deal with the rest.
if (packet.empty()) {
// TODO(armansito): Is there anything meaningful that we can do here?
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Empty packet received";
return false;
switch (packet[0]) {
case '?': // Indicate the reason the target halted
if (packet.size() > 1)
return HandleQuestionMark(std::move(callback));
case 'c': // Continue (at addr)
return Handle_c(packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
case 'C': // Continue with signal (optionally at addr)
return Handle_C(packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
case 'D': // Detach
return Handle_D(packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
case 'g': // Read general registers
if (packet.size() > 1)
return Handle_g(std::move(callback));
case 'G': // Write general registers
return Handle_G(packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
case 'H': // Set a thread for subsequent operations
return Handle_H(packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
case 'm': // Read memory
return Handle_m(packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
case 'M': // Write memory
return Handle_M(packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
case 'q': // General query packet
case 'Q': // General set packet
fxl::StringView prefix, params;
util::ExtractParameters(packet.substr(1), &prefix, &params);
FXL_VLOG(1) << "\'" << packet[0] << "\' packet - prefix: " << prefix
<< ", params: " << params;
if (packet[0] == 'q')
return Handle_q(prefix, params, std::move(callback));
return Handle_Q(prefix, params, std::move(callback));
case 'T': // Is thread alive?
return Handle_T(packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
case 'v': // v-packets
return Handle_v(packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
case 'z': // Remove software breakpoint
case 'Z': // Insert software breakpoint
return Handle_zZ(packet[0] == 'Z', packet.substr(1), std::move(callback));
return false;
bool CommandHandler::HandleQuestionMark(ResponseCallback callback) {
// TODO(armansito): Implement this once we actually listen to thread/process
// exceptions. The logic for NonStop mode is fairly simple:
// 1. Tell Server to drop any pending and/or queued Stop Reply
// notifications.
// 2. Go through all processes and send a notification for the status of
// each.
// 3. If there is no inferior or the current inferior is not started, then
// reply "OK".
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_c(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// If there is no current process or if the current process isn't attached,
// then report an error.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process || !current_process->IsAttached()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "c: No inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
Thread* current_thread = server_->current_thread();
// If the packet contains an address parameter, then try to set the program
// counter to then continue at that address. Otherwise, the PC register will
// remain untouched.
zx_vaddr_t addr;
if (!packet.empty()) {
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<zx_vaddr_t>(packet, &addr,
fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "c: Malformed address given: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
// If there is no current thread, then report error. This is a special case
// that means that the process hasn't started yet.
if (!current_thread) {
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_thread->registers()->RefreshGeneralRegisters()) {
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_thread->registers()->SetRegister(arch::GetPCRegisterNumber(),
&addr, sizeof(addr))) {
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_thread->registers()->WriteGeneralRegisters()) {
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// TODO(armansito): Restore the PC register to its original state in case of
// a failure condition below?
// If there is a current thread, then tell it to continue.
if (current_thread) {
if (!current_thread->Resume())
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
// There is no current thread. This means that the process hasn't been started
// yet. We start it and set the current thread to the first one the kernel
// gives us.
// TODO(armansito): Remove this logic now that we handle
if (!current_process->Start()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "c: Failed to start the current inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// Try to set the current thread.
// TODO(armansito): Can this be racy?
current_thread = current_process->PickOneThread();
if (current_thread)
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_C(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// If there is no current process or if the current process isn't attached,
// then report an error.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process || !current_process->IsAttached()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "C: No inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
Thread* current_thread = server_->current_thread();
if (!current_thread) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "C: No current thread";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// Parse the parameters. The packet format is: sig[;addr]
size_t semicolon = packet.find(';');
if (semicolon == fxl::StringView::npos)
semicolon = packet.size();
int signo;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<int>(packet.substr(0, semicolon),
&signo, fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "C: Malformed packet: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
arch::GdbSignal thread_signo = current_thread->GetGdbSignal();
// TODO(dje): kNone may be a better value to use here.
if (thread_signo == arch::GdbSignal::kUnsupported) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "C: Current thread has received no signal";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
int int_thread_signo = static_cast<int>(thread_signo);
if (int_thread_signo != signo) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "C: Signal numbers don't match - actual: "
<< int_thread_signo << ", received: " << signo;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
auto addr_param = packet.substr(semicolon);
// If the packet contains an address parameter, then try to set the program
// counter to then continue at that address. Otherwise, the PC register will
// remain untouched.
// TODO(armansito): Make Thread::Resume take an optional address argument so
// we don't have to keep repeating this code.
if (!addr_param.empty()) {
zx_vaddr_t addr;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<zx_vaddr_t>(addr_param, &addr,
fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "C: Malformed address given: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
if (!current_thread->registers()->RefreshGeneralRegisters()) {
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_thread->registers()->SetRegister(arch::GetPCRegisterNumber(),
&addr, sizeof(addr))) {
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_thread->registers()->WriteGeneralRegisters()) {
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// TODO(armansito): Restore the PC register to its original state in case of
// a failure condition below?
if (!current_thread->Resume()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to resume thread";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_D(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// If there is no current process or if the current process isn't attached,
// then report an error.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "D: No inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// For now we only support detaching from the one process we have.
if (packet[0] == ';') {
zx_koid_t pid;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<zx_koid_t>(packet.substr(1), &pid,
fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "D: bad pid: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
if (pid != current_process->id()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "D: unknown pid: " << pid;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
} else if (packet != "") {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "D: Malformed packet: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
if (!current_process->IsAttached()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "D: Not attached to process " << current_process->id();
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
if (!current_process->Detach()) {
// At the moment this shouldn't happen, but we don't want to kill the
// debug session because of it. The details of the failure are already
// logged by Detach().
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_g(ResponseCallback callback) {
// If there is no current process or if the current process isn't attached,
// then report an error.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process || !current_process->IsAttached()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "g: No inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
// If there is no current thread, then we reply with "0"s for all registers.
// TODO(armansito): gG packets are technically used to read/write "ALL"
// registers, not just the general registers. We'll have to take this into
// account in the future, though for now we're just supporting general
// registers.
std::string result;
if (!server_->current_thread()) {
result = arch::Registers::GetUninitializedGeneralRegistersAsString();
} else {
arch::Registers* regs = server_->current_thread()->registers();
result = regs->GetGeneralRegistersAsString();
if (result.empty()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "g: Failed to read register values";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return true;
bool CommandHandler::Handle_G(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// If there is no current process or if the current process isn't attached,
// then report an error.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process || !current_process->IsAttached()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "G: No inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
// If there is no current thread report an error.
Thread* current_thread = server_->current_thread();
if (!current_thread) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "G: No current thread";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
// We pass the packet here directly since arch::Registers handles the parsing.
// TODO(armansito): gG packets are technically used to read/write "ALL"
// registers, not just the general registers. We'll have to take this into
// account in the future, though for now we're just supporting general
// registers.
if (!current_thread->registers()->SetGeneralRegistersFromString(packet)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "G: Failed to write to general registers";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_thread->registers()->WriteGeneralRegisters()) {
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_H(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// Here we set the "current thread" for subsequent operations
// (‘m’, ‘M’, ‘g’, ‘G’,
// There are two types of an H packet. 'c' and 'g'. We claim to not support
// 'c' because it's specified as deprecated.
// Packet should at least contain 'c' or 'g' and some characters for the
// thread id.
if (packet.size() < 2)
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
switch (packet[0]) {
case 'c': // fall through
case 'g': {
int64_t pid, tid;
bool has_pid;
if (!util::ParseThreadId(packet.substr(1), &has_pid, &pid, &tid))
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
// We currently support debugging only one process.
// TODO(armansito): What to do with a process ID? Replying with an empty
// packet for now.
if (has_pid) {
<< "Specifying a pid while setting the current thread is"
<< " not supported";
return false;
// Setting the current thread to "all threads" doesn't make much sense.
if (tid < 0) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot set the current thread to all threads";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
// Note that at this point we may have a process but are not necessarily
// attached yet. GDB sends the Hg0 packet early on, and expects it to
// succeed.
if (!current_process) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "No inferior exists";
// If we're given a positive thread ID but there is currently no
// inferior, then report error?
if (!tid) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot set a current thread with no inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Setting current thread to NULL for tid=0";
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
// If the process hasn't started yet it will have no threads. Since "Hg0"
// is one of the first things that GDB sends after a connection (and
// since we don't run the process right away), we lie to GDB and set the
// current thread to null.
if (!current_process->IsLive()) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Current process has no threads yet but we pretend to "
<< "set one";
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
Thread* thread;
// A thread ID value of 0 means "pick an arbitrary thread".
if (tid == 0)
thread = current_process->PickOneThread();
thread = current_process->FindThreadById(tid);
if (!thread) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set the current thread";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
return false;
bool CommandHandler::Handle_m(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// If there is no current process or if the current process isn't attached,
// then report an error.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process || !current_process->IsAttached()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "m: No inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
// The "m" packet should have two arguments for addr and length, separated by
// a single comma.
auto params = fxl::SplitString(packet, ",", fxl::kKeepWhitespace,
if (params.size() != 2) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "m: Malformed packet: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
uintptr_t addr;
size_t length;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<uintptr_t>(params[0], &addr,
fxl::Base::k16) ||
!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<size_t>(params[1], &length,
fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "m: Malformed params: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer(new uint8_t[length]);
if (!current_process->ReadMemory(addr, buffer.get(), length)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "m: Failed to read memory";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
std::string result = util::EncodeByteArrayString(buffer.get(), length);
return true;
bool CommandHandler::Handle_M(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// If there is no current process or if the current process isn't attached,
// then report an error.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process || !current_process->IsAttached()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "M: No inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
// The "M" packet parameters look like this: "addr,length:XX...".
// First, extract the addr,len and data sections. Using fxl::kSplitWantAll
// here since the data portion could technically be empty if the given length
// is 0.
auto params =
fxl::SplitString(packet, ":", fxl::kKeepWhitespace, fxl::kSplitWantAll);
if (params.size() != 2) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "M: Malformed packet: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
fxl::StringView data = params[1];
// Extract addr and len
params = fxl::SplitString(params[0], ",", fxl::kKeepWhitespace,
if (params.size() != 2) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "M: Malformed packet: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
uintptr_t addr;
size_t length;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<uintptr_t>(params[0], &addr,
fxl::Base::k16) ||
!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<size_t>(params[1], &length,
fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "M: Malformed params: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
FXL_VLOG(1) << fxl::StringPrintf("M: addr=0x%" PRIxPTR ", len=%lu", addr,
auto data_bytes = util::DecodeByteArrayString(data);
if (data_bytes.size() != length) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "M: payload length doesn't match length argument - "
<< "payload size: " << data_bytes.size()
<< ", length requested: " << length;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
// Short-circuit if |length| is 0.
if (length &&
!current_process->WriteMemory(addr,, length)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "M: Failed to write memory";
// TODO(armansito): The error code definitions from GDB aren't really
// granular enough to aid debug various error conditions (e.g. we may want
// to report why the memory write failed based on the zx_status_t returned
// from Zircon). (See TODO in util.h).
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_q(const fxl::StringView& prefix,
const fxl::StringView& params,
ResponseCallback callback) {
if (prefix == kAttached)
return HandleQueryAttached(params, std::move(callback));
if (prefix == kCurrentThreadId)
return HandleQueryCurrentThreadId(params, std::move(callback));
if (prefix == kFirstThreadInfo)
return HandleQueryThreadInfo(true, std::move(callback));
// The qRcmd packet is different than most. It uses , as a delimiter, not :.
if (StartsWith(prefix, kRcmd))
return HandleQueryRcmd(prefix.substr(std::strlen(kRcmd)), std::move(callback));
if (prefix == kSubsequentThreadInfo)
return HandleQueryThreadInfo(false, std::move(callback));
if (prefix == kSupported)
return HandleQuerySupported(params, std::move(callback));
if (prefix == kXfer)
return HandleQueryXfer(params, std::move(callback));
// TODO(dje): TO-195
// - QDisableRandomization:VALUE ?
// - qThreadExtraInfo,THREAD-ID ?
return false;
bool CommandHandler::Handle_Q(const fxl::StringView& prefix,
const fxl::StringView& params,
ResponseCallback callback) {
if (prefix == kNonStop)
return HandleSetNonStop(params, std::move(callback));
return false;
bool CommandHandler::Handle_T(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// If there is no current process or if the current process isn't attached,
// then report an error.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process || !current_process->IsAttached()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "T: No inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
zx_koid_t tid;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<zx_koid_t>(packet, &tid,
fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "T: Malformed thread id given: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
Thread* thread = current_process->FindThreadById(tid);
if (!thread) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "T: no such thread: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
if (!thread->IsLive()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "T: thread found, but not live: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::NOENT, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_v(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
if (StartsWith(packet, kAttach))
return Handle_vAttach(packet.substr(std::strlen(kAttach)), std::move(callback));
if (StartsWith(packet, kCont))
return Handle_vCont(packet.substr(std::strlen(kCont)), std::move(callback));
if (StartsWith(packet, kKill))
return Handle_vKill(packet.substr(std::strlen(kKill)), std::move(callback));
if (StartsWith(packet, kRun))
return Handle_vRun(packet.substr(std::strlen(kRun)), std::move(callback));
return false;
bool CommandHandler::Handle_zZ(bool insert,
const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// Z0 needs more work. Disabled until ready.
// One issue is we need to support the swbreak feature.
#if 0
// A Z packet contains the "type,addr,kind" parameters before all other
// optional parameters, which follow an optional ';' character. Check to see
// if there are any optional parameters:
size_t semicolon = packet.find(';');
// fxl::StringView::find returns npos if it can't find the character. Adjust
// |semicolon| to point just beyond the end of |packet| so that
// packet.substr() works..
if (semicolon == fxl::StringView::npos)
semicolon = packet.size();
auto params = fxl::SplitString(packet.substr(0, semicolon), ",",
fxl::kKeepWhitespace, fxl::kSplitWantNonEmpty);
if (params.size() != 3) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "zZ: 3 required parameters missing";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
size_t type;
uintptr_t addr;
size_t kind;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<uintptr_t>(params[0], &type,
fxl::Base::k16) ||
!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<uintptr_t>(params[1], &addr,
fxl::Base::k16) ||
!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<size_t>(params[2], &kind, fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "zZ: Failed to parse |type|, |addr| and |kind|";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
auto optional_params = packet.substr(semicolon);
// "Remove breakpoint" packets don't contain any optional fields.
if (!insert && !optional_params.empty()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "zZ: Malformed packet";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
switch (type) {
case 0:
if (insert)
return InsertSoftwareBreakpoint(addr, kind, optional_params, std::move(callback));
return RemoveSoftwareBreakpoint(addr, kind, std::move(callback));
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Breakpoints of type " << type
<< " currently not supported";
return false;
bool CommandHandler::HandleQueryAttached(const fxl::StringView& params,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// We don't support multiprocessing yet, so make sure we received the version
// of qAttached that doesn't have a "pid" parameter.
if (!params.empty())
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
// The response is "1" if we attached to an existing process, or "0" if we
// created a new one. We currently don't support the former, so always send
// "0".
return true;
bool CommandHandler::HandleQueryCurrentThreadId(
const fxl::StringView& params,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// The "qC" packet has no parameters.
if (!params.empty())
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
Thread* current_thread = server_->current_thread();
if (!current_thread) {
// If there is a current process and it has been started, pick one thread
// and set that as the current one. This is our work around for lying to GDB
// about setting a current thread in response to an early Hg0 packet.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process || !current_process->IsLive()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "qC: Current thread has not been set";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
FXL_VLOG(1) << "qC: Picking one arbitrary thread";
current_thread = current_process->PickOneThread();
if (!current_thread) {
FXL_VLOG(1) << "qC: Failed to pick a thread";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
std::string thread_id =
fxl::NumberToString<zx_koid_t>(current_thread->id(), fxl::Base::k16);
std::string reply = "QC" + thread_id;
return true;
bool CommandHandler::HandleQueryRcmd(const fxl::StringView& command,
ResponseCallback callback) {
auto cmd_string = util::DecodeString(command);
std::vector<fxl::StringView> argv =
fxl::SplitString(cmd_string, " ",
fxl::kTrimWhitespace, fxl::kSplitWantNonEmpty);
if (argv.size() == 0) {
// No command, just reply OK.
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
auto cmd = argv[0];
// We support both because qemu uses "quit" and GNU gdbserver uses "exit".
if (cmd == kQuit || cmd == kExit) {
if (argv.size() != 1)
goto bad_command;
} else if (cmd == kHelp) {
if (argv.size() != 1)
goto bad_command;
static constexpr char kHelpText[] =
"help - print this help text\n"
"exit - quit debugserver\n"
"quit - quit debugserver\n"
"set <parameter> <value>\n"
"show <parameter>\n"
" verbosity - useful range is -2 to 3 (-2 is most verbose)\n";
} else if (cmd == kSet) {
if (argv.size() != 3)
goto bad_command;
if (!server_->SetParameter(argv[1], argv[2]))
goto bad_command;
} else if (cmd == kShow) {
if (argv.size() != 2)
goto bad_command;
std::string value;
if (!server_->GetParameter(argv[1], &value))
goto bad_command;
callback(util::EncodeString("Value is " + value + "\n"));
} else {
callback(util::EncodeString("Invalid monitor command\n"));
return true;
// Errors are not reported via the usual mechanism. For rCmd, the usual
// mechanism is for things like protocol errors. Instead we just want to
// return the desired error message.
callback(util::EncodeString("Invalid command\n"));
return true;
bool CommandHandler::HandleQuerySupported(const fxl::StringView& params,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// We ignore the parameters for qSupported. Respond with the supported
// features.
return true;
bool CommandHandler::HandleSetNonStop(const fxl::StringView& params,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// The only values we accept are "1" and "0".
if (params.size() != 1)
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
// We currently only support non-stop mode.
char value = params[0];
if (value == '1')
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
if (value == '0')
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "QNonStop received with invalid value: " << (unsigned)value;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::HandleQueryThreadInfo(bool is_first,
ResponseCallback callback) {
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Current process is not set";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// For the "first" thread info query we reply with the complete list of
// threads and always report "end of list" for subsequent queries. The GDB
// Remote Protocol does not seem to define a MTU, however, we could be running
// on a platform with resource constraints that may require us to break up the
// sequence into multiple packets. For now we do not worry about this.
if (!is_first) {
// This is a subsequent query. Check that a thread info query sequence was
// started (just for sanity) and report end of list.
if (!in_thread_info_sequence_) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "qsThreadInfo received without first receiving "
<< "qfThreadInfo";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
in_thread_info_sequence_ = false;
return true;
// This is the first query. Check the sequence state for sanity.
if (in_thread_info_sequence_) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "qfThreadInfo received while already in an active "
<< "sequence";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
std::deque<std::string> thread_ids;
size_t buf_size = 0;
current_process->ForEachLiveThread([&thread_ids, &buf_size](Thread* thread) {
std::string thread_id =
fxl::NumberToString<zx_koid_t>(thread->id(), fxl::Base::k16);
buf_size += thread_id.length();
if (thread_ids.empty()) {
// No ids to report. End of sequence.
return true;
in_thread_info_sequence_ = true;
// Add the number of commas (|thread_ids.size() - 1|) plus the prefix "m")
buf_size += thread_ids.size();
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[buf_size]);
buffer.get()[0] = 'm';
util::JoinStrings(thread_ids, ',', buffer.get() + 1, buf_size - 1);
callback(fxl::StringView(buffer.get(), buf_size));
return true;
bool CommandHandler::HandleQueryXfer(const fxl::StringView& params,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// We only support qXfer:auxv:read::
// TODO(dje): TO-195
// - qXfer::osdata::read::OFFSET,LENGTH
// - qXfer:memory-map:read::OFFSET,LENGTH ?
// - qXfer:libraries-svr4:read:ANNEX:OFFSET,LENGTH ?
// - qXfer:features:read:ANNEX:OFFSET,LENGTH ?
fxl::StringView auxv_read("auxv:read::");
if (!StartsWith(params, auxv_read))
return false;
// Parse offset,length
auto args = fxl::SplitString(params.substr(auxv_read.size()), ",",
fxl::kKeepWhitespace, fxl::kSplitWantNonEmpty);
if (args.size() != 2) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "qXfer:auxv:read:: Malformed params: " << params;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
size_t offset, length;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<size_t>(args[0], &offset, fxl::Base::k16) ||
!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<size_t>(args[1], &length, fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "qXfer:auxv:read:: Malformed params: " << params;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "qXfer:auxv:read: No current process is not set";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// Build the auxiliary vector. This definition is provided by the Linux manual
// page for the proc pseudo-filesystem (i.e. 'man proc'):
// "This contains the contents of the ELF interpreter information passed to
// the process at exec time. The format is one unsigned long ID plus one
// unsigned long value for each entry. The last entry contains two zeros."
// On Fuchsia we borrow this concept to save inventing something new.
// We may have to eventually, but this works for now.
// There is an extra complication that all the needed values aren't available
// when the process starts: e.g., AT_ENTRY - the executable isn't loaded
// until sometime after the process starts.
constexpr size_t kMaxAuxvEntries = 10;
struct {
unsigned long key;
unsigned long value;
} auxv[kMaxAuxvEntries];
#define ADD_AUXV(_key, _value) \
do { \
auxv[n].key = (_key); \
auxv[n].value = (_value); \
++n; \
} while (0)
size_t n = 0;
ADD_AUXV(AT_BASE, current_process->base_address());
if (current_process->DsosLoaded()) {
const util::dsoinfo_t* exec = current_process->GetExecDso();
if (exec) {
ADD_AUXV(AT_ENTRY, exec->entry);
ADD_AUXV(AT_PHDR, exec->phdr);
ADD_AUXV(AT_PHENT, exec->phentsize);
ADD_AUXV(AT_PHNUM, exec->phnum);
FXL_DCHECK(n <= countof(auxv));
#undef ADD_AUXV
// We allow setting sizeof(auxv) as the offset, which would effectively result
// in reading 0 bytes.
if (offset > sizeof(auxv)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "qXfer:auxv:read: invalid offset";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
size_t end = n * sizeof(auxv[0]);
size_t rsp_len = std::min(end - offset, length);
char rsp[1 + rsp_len];
rsp[0] = 'l';
memcpy(rsp + 1, auxv + offset, rsp_len);
callback(fxl::StringView(rsp, sizeof(rsp)));
return true;
bool CommandHandler::Handle_vAttach(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
// TODO(dje): The terminology we use makes this confusing.
// Here when you see "process" think "inferior". An inferior must be created
// first, and then we can attach the inferior to a process.
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vAttach: no inferior selected";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
zx_koid_t pid;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<zx_koid_t>(packet, &pid, fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vAttach:: Malformed pid: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
switch (current_process->state()) {
case Process::State::kNew:
case Process::State::kGone:
<< "vAttach: need to kill the currently running process first";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_process->Attach(pid)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vAttach: failed to attach to inferior " << pid;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// It's Attach()'s job to mark the process as live, since it knows we just
// attached to an already running program.
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_vCont(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vCont: no current process to run!";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
ThreadActionList actions(packet, current_process->id());
if (!actions.valid()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vCont: \"" << packet << "\": error / not supported.";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
// Before we start calling GetAction we need to resolve "pick one" thread
// values.
for (auto e : actions.actions()) {
if (e.tid() == 0) {
// TODO(dje): For now we assume there is only one process.
FXL_DCHECK(current_process->id() == || == ThreadActionList::kAll);
Thread* t = current_process->PickOneThread();
if (t)
// First pass over all actions: Find any errors that we can so that we
// don't cause any thread to run if there's an error.
bool action_list_ok = true;
[&actions, ok_ptr = &action_list_ok](Thread * thread) {
zx_koid_t pid = thread->process()->id();
zx_koid_t tid = thread->id();
ThreadActionList::Action action = actions.GetAction(pid, tid);
switch (action) {
case ThreadActionList::Action::kStep:
switch (thread->state()) {
case Thread::State::kNew:
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vCont;s: can't step thread in kNew state";
*ok_ptr = false;
if (!action_list_ok)
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
current_process->ForEachLiveThread([&actions](Thread* thread) {
zx_koid_t pid = thread->process()->id();
zx_koid_t tid = thread->id();
ThreadActionList::Action action = actions.GetAction(pid, tid);
FXL_VLOG(1) << "vCont; Thread " << thread->GetDebugName()
<< " state: " << thread->StateName(thread->state())
<< " action: " << ThreadActionList::ActionToString(action);
switch (action) {
case ThreadActionList::Action::kContinue:
switch (thread->state()) {
case Thread::State::kNew:
case Thread::State::kStopped:
case ThreadActionList::Action::kStep:
switch (thread->state()) {
case Thread::State::kStopped:
// We defer sending a stop-reply packet. Server will send it out when threads
// stop. At this point in time GDB is just expecting "OK".
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_vKill(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Handle_vKill: " << packet;
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process) {
// This can't happen today, but it might eventually.
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vRun: no current process to kill!";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
zx_koid_t pid;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError<zx_koid_t>(packet, &pid, fxl::Base::k16)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vAttach:: Malformed pid: " << packet;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
// Since we only support one process at the moment, only allow killing
// that one.
if (pid != current_process->id()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vAttach:: not our pid: " << pid;
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::INVAL, std::move(callback));
switch (current_process->state()) {
case Process::State::kNew:
case Process::State::kGone:
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vKill: process not running";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_process->Kill()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to kill inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::Handle_vRun(const fxl::StringView& packet,
ResponseCallback callback) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Handle_vRun: " << packet;
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process) {
// This can't happen today, but it might eventually.
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vRun: no current process to run!";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!packet.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> argv = BuildArgvFor_vRun(packet);
switch (current_process->state()) {
case Process::State::kNew:
case Process::State::kGone:
<< "vRun: need to kill the currently running process first";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_process->Initialize()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set up inferior";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// On Linux, the program is considered "live" after vRun, e.g. $pc is set. On
// Zircon, calling zx_process_start (called by Process::Start()) creates a
// synthetic exception of type ZX_EXCP_START if a debugger is attached to the
// process and halts until a call to zx_task_resume (i.e. called by
// Thread::Resume() in gdbserver).
if (!current_process->Start()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "vRun: Failed to start process";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// We defer sending a stop-reply packet. Server will send it out when it
// receives an OnThreadStarting() event from |current_process|.
return true;
bool CommandHandler::InsertSoftwareBreakpoint(
uintptr_t addr,
size_t kind,
const fxl::StringView& optional_params,
ResponseCallback callback) {
FXL_VLOG(1) << fxl::StringPrintf(
"Insert software breakpoint at %" PRIxPTR ", kind: %lu", addr, kind);
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "No current process exists";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
// TODO(armansito): Handle |optional_params|.
if (!current_process->breakpoints()->InsertSoftwareBreakpoint(addr, kind)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to insert software breakpoint";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
bool CommandHandler::RemoveSoftwareBreakpoint(
uintptr_t addr,
size_t kind,
ResponseCallback callback) {
FXL_VLOG(1) << fxl::StringPrintf("Remove software breakpoint at %" PRIxPTR,
Process* current_process = server_->current_process();
if (!current_process) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "No current process exists";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
if (!current_process->breakpoints()->RemoveSoftwareBreakpoint(addr)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove software breakpoint";
return ReplyWithError(util::ErrorCode::PERM, std::move(callback));
return ReplyOK(std::move(callback));
} // namespace debugserver