blob: 45bf29ae1720e4f56b8ef9fbb86d7d5e10ff9e24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <zx/process.h>
#include "garnet/lib/debug_ipc/protocol.h"
#if defined(__x86_64__)
#include "garnet/bin/debug_agent/arch_x64.h"
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
#include "garnet/bin/debug_agent/arch_arm64.h"
namespace debug_agent {
namespace arch {
extern const BreakInstructionType kBreakInstruction;
// Returns the address of the breakpoint instruction given the address of
// a software breakpoint exception.
uint64_t BreakpointInstructionForExceptionAddress(uint64_t exception_addr);
// Returns the instruction following the one causing the given software
// exception.
uint64_t NextInstructionForSoftwareExceptionAddress(uint64_t exception_addr);
// Returns true if there is a breakpoint instruction at the given address.
// This doesn't just check equality of kBreakInstruction which is guaranteed to
// be used for our breakpoints, but also checks other encodings that may have
// been written into the program.
bool IsBreakpointInstruction(zx::process& process, uint64_t address);
// Returns the address of the instruction pointer/stack pointer in the given
// reg structure.
uint64_t* IPInRegs(zx_thread_state_general_regs* regs);
uint64_t* SPInRegs(zx_thread_state_general_regs* regs);
::debug_ipc::Arch GetArch();
} // namespace arch
} // namespace debug_agent