blob: 7920ec618b9883b3db5d23591551df32d32dccba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/escher/paper/paper_readme.h"
#include "lib/escher/paper/paper_draw_call_factory.h"
#include "lib/escher/paper/paper_drawable.h"
#include "lib/escher/paper/paper_light.h"
#include "lib/escher/paper/paper_render_queue.h"
#include "lib/escher/paper/paper_renderer_config.h"
#include "lib/escher/paper/paper_shape_cache.h"
#include "lib/escher/paper/paper_transform_stack.h"
#include "lib/escher/renderer/renderer.h"
#include "lib/escher/renderer/uniform_binding.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace escher {
// |PaperRenderer2| provides a convenient and flexible interface for rendering
// shapes in a 3D space, as required by Scenic. Clients achieve this primarily
// by passing instances of |PaperDrawable| to the |Draw()| method, using either
// pre-existing drawable types or their own subclasses. For convenience, other
// drawing methods are provided, such as |DrawCircle()|.
// These draw methods are legal only between |BeginFrame()| and |EndFrame()|.
// Respectively, these two methods prepare the renderer to render a frame, and
// generate the Vulkan commands which actually perform the rendering.
// All other public methods must *not* be called between |BeginFrame()| and
// |EndFrame()|. For example, |SetConfig()| can be used to choose a different
// shadow algorithm; changing this during the frame would cause incompatibility
// between the |PaperDrawCalls| previously and subsequently enqueued by the
// |PaperDrawCallFactory|.
// Implementation details follow...
// |PaperRenderer2| is responsible for coordinating its sub-components:
// - |PaperDrawCallFactory|
// - |PaperShapeCache|
// - |PaperRenderQueue|
// See their class comments for details.
// Clients call |SetConfig()| to specify the coordination policies that will be
// used to render subsequent frames. When the config changes, the renderer
// applies the appropriate changes to its sub-components.
// When |BeginFrame()| is called, each sub-component is made ready to render the
// new frame. This depends on both the policies specified by |SetConfig()|, as
// well as the |PaperScene|, |Camera|, and |output_image| parameters. Together,
// these determine how:
// - shader data is encoded in the draw calls built by |PaperDrawCallFactory|
// - tessellated meshes are post-processed before they are cached/uploaded
// ... and so forth.
// During |EndFrame()| the renderer first builds |RenderPassInfo| descriptions
// of the Vulkan render passes necessary to render the scene. During each of
// these render passes, the renderer directs the render-queue to iterate over
// its draw calls and emit Vulkan commands into a |CommandBuffer|. This is
// controlled by two parameters passed to the queue:
// - |PaperRenderQueueFlags|, to control iteration over draw calls.
// - |PaperRenderQueueContext|, used by draw calls to emit Vulkan commands.
class PaperRenderer2 final : public Renderer {
static PaperRenderer2Ptr New(
EscherWeakPtr escher, const PaperRendererConfig& config = {
.shadow_type = PaperRendererShadowType::kNone});
~PaperRenderer2() override;
// Set configuration parameters which affect how the renderer will render
// subsequent frames.
void SetConfig(const PaperRendererConfig& config);
const PaperRendererConfig& config() const { return config_; }
// Does the renderer support the specified shadow type?
bool SupportsShadowType(PaperRendererShadowType shadow_type) const;
// Configures the renderer to render a frame into |output_image|. The
// renderer configures its sub-components to render the frame based on the
// |scene| and |camera| parameters, along with the configuration params
// previously set by |SetConfig()|.
// |PaperScene| describes aspects of the scene that affect the appearance of
// scene object (e.g. lighting parameters), but does not provide the list of
// scene objects to be rendered. To render the scene, clients should follow
// these steps:
// - |BeginFrame()|
// - |Draw()| each object in the scene.
// - |EndFrame()| emits the Vulkan commands that actually render the scene.
void BeginFrame(const FramePtr& frame, const PaperScenePtr& scene,
const escher::Camera& camera,
const escher::ImagePtr& output_image);
// See |BeginFrame()|. After telling the renderer to draw the scene content,
// |EndFrame()| emits commands into a Vulkan command buffer. Submitting this
// command buffer causes the scene to be rendered into |output_image|.
void EndFrame();
// The following methods may only be used between during a frame, i.e. between
// calls to |BeginFrame()| and |EndFrame()|.
// Return the transform stack, which affects the transform and clipping that
// is applied to subsequently-drawn |PaperDrawables|.
PaperTransformStack* transform_stack() {
FXL_DCHECK(frame_data_) << "transform_stack only accessible during frame.";
return &transform_stack_;
// Invokes DrawInScene() on the drawable object to generate and enqueue the
// draw-calls that be transformed into Vulkan commands during EndFrame().
void Draw(PaperDrawable* drawable, PaperDrawableFlags flags = {},
mat4* matrix = nullptr);
// Draw predefined shapes: circles, rectangles, and rounded-rectangles.
// Generates and enqueues draw-calls that will emit Vulkan commands during
// EndFrame().
void DrawCircle(float radius, const PaperMaterialPtr& material,
PaperDrawableFlags flags = {}, mat4* matrix = nullptr);
void DrawRect(vec2 min, vec2 max, const PaperMaterialPtr& material,
PaperDrawableFlags flags = {}, mat4* matrix = nullptr);
void DrawRoundedRect(const RoundedRectSpec& spec,
const PaperMaterialPtr& material,
PaperDrawableFlags flags = {}, mat4* matrix = nullptr);
// Convenient way to draw "legacy" escher::Objects. Generates and enqueues
// draw-calls that will emit Vulkan commands during EndFrame().
void DrawLegacyObject(const Object& obj, PaperDrawableFlags flags = {});
explicit PaperRenderer2(EscherWeakPtr escher,
const PaperRendererConfig& config);
PaperRenderer2(const PaperRenderer2&) = delete;
// Stores all per-frame data in one place.
struct FrameData {
FrameData(const FramePtr& frame, const PaperScenePtr& scene,
const ImagePtr& output_image,
std::pair<TexturePtr, TexturePtr> depth_and_msaa_textures);
FramePtr frame;
PaperScenePtr scene;
ImagePtr output_image;
TexturePtr depth_texture;
TexturePtr msaa_texture;
size_t num_lights;
// UniformBindings returned by PaperDrawCallFactory::BeginFrame(). These
// contain camera and lighting parameters that are shared between draw
// calls. The contents are opaque to the PaperRenderer, who trusts that
// the PaperDrawCallFactory will generate DrawCalls that are compatible with
// these UniformBindings.
std::vector<UniformBinding> scene_uniform_bindings;
BatchGpuUploaderPtr gpu_uploader;
// Called in BeginFrame() to obtain suitable render targets.
// NOTE: call only once per frame.
std::pair<TexturePtr, TexturePtr> ObtainDepthAndMsaaTextures(
const FramePtr& frame, const ImageInfo& info);
// Called during EndFrame().
void GenerateCommandsForNoShadows();
void GenerateCommandsForShadowVolumes();
void InitRenderPassInfo(RenderPassInfo* render_pass_info);
PaperRendererConfig config_;
PaperDrawCallFactory draw_call_factory_;
PaperRenderQueue render_queue_;
PaperShapeCache shape_cache_;
PaperTransformStack transform_stack_;
std::vector<TexturePtr> depth_buffers_;
std::vector<TexturePtr> msaa_buffers_;
std::unique_ptr<FrameData> frame_data_;
ShaderProgramPtr ambient_light_program_;
ShaderProgramPtr point_light_program_;
ShaderProgramPtr shadow_volume_geometry_program_;
ShaderProgramPtr shadow_volume_geometry_debug_program_;
ShaderProgramPtr shadow_volume_lighting_program_;
} // namespace escher