blob: df204275014fb47721293f3064f4e181d99aafd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/graph/payloads/payload_allocator.h"
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/graph/types/stream_type.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "lib/media/timeline/timeline_rate.h"
namespace media_player {
class Packet;
// Shared pointer for packets.
typedef std::shared_ptr<Packet> PacketPtr;
// Stream packet (access unit) possibly bearing a slice of stream content
// (payload).
// TODO(dalesat): Revisit this definition:
// 1) Remove pts_rate().
// 2) Remove end_of_stream().
class Packet {
static const int64_t kUnknownPts = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
// Creates a packet.
static PacketPtr Create(int64_t pts, media::TimelineRate pts_rate,
bool keyframe, bool end_of_stream, size_t size,
fbl::RefPtr<PayloadBuffer> payload_buffer);
// Creates an end-of-stream packet with no payload.
static PacketPtr CreateEndOfStream(int64_t pts, media::TimelineRate pts_rate);
Packet(int64_t pts, media::TimelineRate pts_rate, bool keyframe,
bool end_of_stream, size_t size,
fbl::RefPtr<PayloadBuffer> payload_buffer);
virtual ~Packet();
// Returns the presentation timestamp of the packet where the duration of a
// tick is given by pts_rate().
int64_t pts() const { return pts_; }
// Returns the PTS tick rate. pts_rate().subject_delta() is the number of
// ticks corresponding to pts_rate().reference_delta() seconds. To convert
// a time value from seconds to PTS ticks, use seconds * pts_rate(). To
// convert a time value from PTS ticks to seconds, use seconds / pts_rate().
media::TimelineRate pts_rate() const { return pts_rate_; }
// Indicates whether this is a keyframe.
bool keyframe() const { return keyframe_; }
// Indicates whether this is the last packet in the stream.
bool end_of_stream() const { return end_of_stream_; }
// Returns the size in bytes of the packet payload or 0 if the packet has no
// payload.
size_t size() const { return size_; }
// Returns a pointer to the packet payload or nullptr if there is no payload
// or the payload isn't mapped into process local memory.
void* payload() const {
return payload_buffer_ ? payload_buffer_->data() : nullptr;
// Returns the packet's payload buffer.
fbl::RefPtr<PayloadBuffer> payload_buffer() const { return payload_buffer_; }
// Retrieves the PTS using the specified PTS tick rate. Use this method to
// obtain the PTS at a specific tick rate once, possibly at the cost of a
// TimelineRate::Product call and a TimelineRate::Scale call.
int64_t GetPts(media::TimelineRate pts_rate);
// Sets the PTS rate and adjusts PTS accordingly. Use this method to adjust
// the packet's PTS to a desired PTS tick rate so that future calls to
// pts() will use the desired rate. This method has approximately the same
// cost as GetPts, but may save the expense of subsequent conversions.
void SetPtsRate(media::TimelineRate pts_rate);
// Gets the revised stream type, which may be null.
const std::unique_ptr<StreamType>& revised_stream_type() const {
return revised_stream_type_;
// Sets the revised stream type for the packet.
void SetRevisedStreamType(std::unique_ptr<StreamType> stream_type) {
revised_stream_type_ = std::move(stream_type);
// Returns a numeric label used in instrumentation. The default implementation
// returns 0. Specialized implementations are free to do otherwise.
virtual uint64_t GetLabel();
int64_t pts_;
media::TimelineRate pts_rate_;
bool keyframe_;
bool end_of_stream_;
size_t size_;
fbl::RefPtr<PayloadBuffer> payload_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<StreamType> revised_stream_type_;
} // namespace media_player