blob: c00222b39571630206282ac60579ded44199265b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <initializer_list>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <lib/syslog/global.h>
namespace syslog {
namespace internal {
class LogMessageVoidify {
void operator&(std::ostream&) {}
class LogMessage {
LogMessage(fx_log_severity_t severity, const char* file, int line,
const char* tag, const char* condition);
std::ostream& stream() { return stream_; }
std::ostringstream stream_;
const fx_log_severity_t severity_;
const char* file_;
const int line_;
const char* tag_;
LogMessage(const LogMessage&) = delete;
LogMessage& operator=(const LogMessage&) = delete;
} // namespace internal
struct LogSettings {
fx_log_severity_t severity;
int fd;
// Creates default logger from provided tags and settings.
// Returns zx_status_t if it is not able to create logger.
zx_status_t InitLogger(const syslog::LogSettings& settings,
const std::initializer_list<std::string>& tags);
// Creates default logger from provided tags.
// Returns zx_status_t if it is not able to create logger.
zx_status_t InitLogger(const std::initializer_list<std::string>& tags);
// Creates default logger.
// Returns zx_status_t if it is not able to create logger.
zx_status_t InitLogger();
} // namespace syslog
#define _FX_LOG_STREAM(severity, tag) \
::syslog::internal::LogMessage((severity), __FILE__, __LINE__, (tag), \
nullptr) \
#define FX_LOG_STREAM(severity, tag) _FX_LOG_STREAM(FX_LOG_##severity, (tag))
#define FX_LOG_LAZY_STREAM(stream, condition) \
!(condition) ? (void)0 : ::syslog::internal::LogMessageVoidify() & (stream)
#define _FX_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS(ignored, tag) \
true || (ignored) || (tag) != nullptr \
? (void)0 \
::syslog::internal::LogMessage(FX_LOG_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, \
tag, #ignored) \
.stream(), \
// Writes a message to the global logger.
// |severity| is one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL
// |tag| is a tag to associated with the message, or NULL if none.
#define FX_LOGST(severity, tag) \
FX_LOG_LAZY_STREAM(FX_LOG_STREAM(severity, (tag)), \
// Writes a message to the global logger.
// |severity| is one of FX_LOG_DEBUG, FX_LOG_INFO, FX_LOG_WARNING,
// |tag| is a tag to associated with the message, or NULL if none.
#define FX_LOGST_WITH_SEVERITY(severity, tag) \
FX_LOG_LAZY_STREAM(_FX_LOG_STREAM((severity), (tag)), \
// Writes a message to the global logger.
// |severity| is one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL
#define FX_LOGS(severity) FX_LOGST(severity, nullptr)
// Writes a message to the global logger.
// |severity| is one of FX_LOG_DEBUG, FX_LOG_INFO, FX_LOG_WARNING,
#define FX_LOGS_WITH_SEVERITY(severity) \
FX_LOGST_WITH_SEVERITY((severity), nullptr)
// Writes error message to the global logger if |condition| fails.
// |tag| is a tag to associated with the message, or NULL if none.
#define FX_CHECKT(condition, tag) \
FX_LOG_LAZY_STREAM(::syslog::internal::LogMessage(FX_LOG_FATAL, __FILE__, \
__LINE__, tag, #condition) \
.stream(), \
// Writes error message to the global logger if |condition| fails.
#define FX_CHECK(condition) FX_CHECKT(condition, nullptr)
// Writes error message to the global logger if |condition| fails in debug
// build.
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define FX_DCHECK(condition) FX_CHECK(condition)
#define FX_DCHECKT(condition, tag) FX_CHECKT(condition, tag)
#define FX_DCHECK(condition) _FX_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS(condition, nullptr)
#define FX_DCHECKT(condition, tag) _FX_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS(condition, tag)
// VLOG macros log with negative verbosities.
#define FX_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, tag) \
::syslog::internal::LogMessage(-(verbose_level), __FILE__, __LINE__, (tag), \
nullptr) \
#define FX_VLOGST(verbose_level, tag) \
FX_LOG_LAZY_STREAM(FX_VLOG_STREAM((verbose_level), (tag)), \
#define FX_VLOGS(verbose_level) FX_VLOGST((verbose_level), nullptr)