blob: cbb233f1dd03991a2770173bfe2ab8a69e247e09 [file] [log] [blame]
" Vim indent for Fidl
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
" Use the cindent formatter as the base formatter.
setlocal cindent
" This customizes cident to indent unclosed parentheses in order to match the
" fidl formatter.
" `(0`: When inside an unclosed parentheses, align the next line to match with
" the first non-whitespace character after the parentheses on the previous line.
" `Ws`: If the prior line ends with an unclosed parentheses, indent the next
" line 1 shiftwidth from the start of the prior line or next unclosed
" parentheses.
" See `:help inoptions-values` for more details about these settings.
setlocal cinoptions=(0,Ws