blob: 0b3db6c0fd1624c6883998f3f15263019131f168 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/escher/vk/naive_gpu_allocator.h"
#include "lib/escher/impl/gpu_mem_slab.h"
#include "lib/escher/impl/naive_buffer.h"
#include "lib/escher/impl/naive_image.h"
#include "lib/escher/impl/vulkan_utils.h"
#include "lib/escher/util/image_utils.h"
#include "lib/escher/util/trace_macros.h"
namespace escher {
NaiveGpuAllocator::NaiveGpuAllocator(const VulkanContext& context)
: physical_device_(context.physical_device), device_(context.device) {
NaiveGpuAllocator::~NaiveGpuAllocator() {
FXL_CHECK(total_slab_bytes_ == 0);
FXL_CHECK(slab_count_ == 0);
GpuMemPtr NaiveGpuAllocator::AllocateMemory(vk::MemoryRequirements reqs,
vk::MemoryPropertyFlags flags) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "escher::NaiveGpuAllocator::AllocateMemory");
// TODO (SCN-730): need to manually overallocate and adjust offset to ensure
// alignment, based on the content of reqs.alignment? Probably not, but
// should verify.
vk::DeviceMemory vk_mem;
uint32_t memory_type_index = 0;
bool needs_mapped_ptr = false;
// Determine whether we will need to map the memory.
if (flags & vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostVisible) {
// We don't currently provide an interface for flushing mapped data, so
// ensure that the allocated memory is cache-coherent. This is more
// convenient anyway.
flags |= vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eHostCoherent;
needs_mapped_ptr = true;
// TODO (SCN-1161): cache flags for efficiency? Or perhaps change signature of
// this method to directly take the memory-type index.
memory_type_index =
impl::GetMemoryTypeIndex(physical_device_, reqs.memoryTypeBits, flags);
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "vk::Device::allocateMemory");
vk::MemoryAllocateInfo info;
info.allocationSize = reqs.size;
info.memoryTypeIndex = memory_type_index;
vk_mem = ESCHER_CHECKED_VK_RESULT(device_.allocateMemory(info));
return fxl::AdoptRef(
new impl::GpuMemSlab(device_, vk_mem, reqs.size, needs_mapped_ptr, this));
BufferPtr NaiveGpuAllocator::AllocateBuffer(
ResourceManager* manager, vk::DeviceSize size,
vk::BufferUsageFlags usage_flags,
vk::MemoryPropertyFlags memory_property_flags, GpuMemPtr* out_ptr) {
TRACE_DURATION("gfx", "escher::NaiveGpuAllocator::AllocateBuffer");
// NaiveBuffer requires a real manager pointer to properly function.
// Create buffer.
vk::BufferCreateInfo buffer_create_info;
buffer_create_info.size = size;
buffer_create_info.usage = usage_flags;
buffer_create_info.sharingMode = vk::SharingMode::eExclusive;
auto vk_buffer =
auto memory_requirements = device_.getBufferMemoryRequirements(vk_buffer);
// Allocate memory for the buffer.
GpuMemPtr mem = AllocateMemory(memory_requirements, memory_property_flags);
if (out_ptr) {
*out_ptr = mem;
return fxl::AdoptRef(
new impl::NaiveBuffer(manager, std::move(mem), vk_buffer));
ImagePtr NaiveGpuAllocator::AllocateImage(ResourceManager* manager,
const ImageInfo& info,
GpuMemPtr* out_ptr) {
vk::Image image = image_utils::CreateVkImage(device_, info);
// Allocate memory and bind it to the image.
vk::MemoryRequirements reqs = device_.getImageMemoryRequirements(image);
escher::GpuMemPtr mem = AllocateMemory(reqs, info.memory_flags);
if (out_ptr) {
*out_ptr = mem;
ImagePtr escher_image =
impl::NaiveImage::AdoptVkImage(manager, info, image, std::move(mem));
return escher_image;
uint32_t NaiveGpuAllocator::GetTotalBytesAllocated() const {
return total_slab_bytes_;
void NaiveGpuAllocator::OnSlabCreated(vk::DeviceSize slab_size) {
total_slab_bytes_ += slab_size;
void NaiveGpuAllocator::OnSlabDestroyed(vk::DeviceSize slab_size) {
total_slab_bytes_ -= slab_size;
} // namespace escher