blob: 5498403676eca3d0a26e8bfd9900e50be45d5ea2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
#include "lib/escher/forward_declarations.h"
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace escher {
namespace impl {
// The purpose of this class is to generate a lookup table that can decide
// whether SSDO sampling/filtering can be skipped for a given pixel.
class SsdoAccelerator {
SsdoAccelerator(EscherWeakPtr escher, ImageFactory* image_factory);
// Generates a packed lookup table to accelerate SSDO sampling/filtering.
// 2 bits of information are computed for each pixel of the input depth image;
// these indicate whether SSDO sampling and/or filtering is required for that
// pixel.
// To reduce memory bandwidth requirements, the information for a 4x4
// region of the depth image is packed into a single 32-bit RGBA pixel.
// Each row of the input region is stored into a single 8-bit channel, e.g.
// the red channel represents row0. Within each channel, the leftmost result
// is stored in the 2 least-significant bits, and the rightmost in the 2 most
// significant bits. Of each pair of bits, the less-significant one indicates
// whether SSDO sampling is required, and the other indicates whether SSDO
// filtering is required.
TexturePtr GenerateLookupTable(const FramePtr& frame,
const TexturePtr& depth_texture,
vk::ImageUsageFlags image_flags);
// Unpack the image generated by GenerateLookupTable(), or another image with
// the same packed format, into an image 4x larger in each dimension, suitable
// for debug visualization. For each output pixel, the corresponding pair of
// packed bits determine the red and green values. For example, if the less-
// significant of the packed bits is 1, then the red channel is set to 1.0,
// otherwise 0.0.
TexturePtr UnpackLookupTable(const FramePtr& frame,
const TexturePtr& packed_lookup_table,
uint32_t output_width, uint32_t output_height);
bool enabled() const { return enabled_; }
void set_enabled(bool enabled) { enabled_ = enabled; }
const VulkanContext& vulkan_context() const;
// Return a lookup table in the same format defined by GenerateLookupTable(),
// where every pixel is considered to be potentially-shadowed.
TexturePtr GenerateNullLookupTable(const FramePtr& frame,
const TexturePtr& depth_texture,
vk::ImageUsageFlags image_flags);
const EscherWeakPtr escher_;
ImageFactory* const image_factory_;
// Used by GenerateLookupTable().
std::unique_ptr<ComputeShader> kernel_;
// Used by GenerateNullLookupTable().
std::unique_ptr<ComputeShader> null_kernel_;
// Used by UnpackLookupTable() to unpack an image in the same format as
// generated by GenerateLookupTable().
std::unique_ptr<ComputeShader> unpack_kernel_;
// If |enabled| is false, calls GenerateNullLookupTable(), which has
// negligible cost.
bool enabled_ = true;
} // namespace impl
} // namespace escher