blob: f47a97a3f6b5c681d6e0146c228d126977c3c9a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
#include "lib/escher/impl/gpu_uploader.h"
#include "lib/escher/shape/mesh_builder.h"
#include "lib/escher/shape/mesh_builder_factory.h"
#include "lib/escher/vk/vulkan_context.h"
#include "lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
namespace escher {
namespace impl {
class GpuUploader;
// Responsible for generating Meshes, tracking their memory use, managing
// synchronization, etc.
// Not thread-safe.
class MeshManager : public MeshBuilderFactory {
MeshManager(CommandBufferPool* command_buffer_pool, GpuAllocator* allocator,
GpuUploader* uploader, ResourceRecycler* resource_recycler);
virtual ~MeshManager();
// The returned MeshBuilder is not thread-safe.
MeshBuilderPtr NewMeshBuilder(const MeshSpec& spec, size_t max_vertex_count,
size_t max_index_count) override;
ResourceRecycler* resource_recycler() const { return resource_recycler_; }
void UpdateBusyResources();
class MeshBuilder : public escher::MeshBuilder {
MeshBuilder(MeshManager* manager, const MeshSpec& spec,
size_t max_vertex_count, size_t max_index_count,
GpuUploader::Writer vertex_writer,
GpuUploader::Writer index_writer);
~MeshBuilder() override;
MeshPtr Build() override;
BoundingBox ComputeBoundingBox() const;
BoundingBox ComputeBoundingBox2D() const;
BoundingBox ComputeBoundingBox3D() const;
MeshManager* manager_;
MeshSpec spec_;
bool is_built_;
GpuUploader::Writer vertex_writer_;
GpuUploader::Writer index_writer_;
CommandBufferPool* const command_buffer_pool_;
GpuAllocator* const allocator_;
GpuUploader* const uploader_;
ResourceRecycler* const resource_recycler_;
const vk::Device device_;
const vk::Queue queue_;
std::atomic<uint32_t> builder_count_;
} // namespace impl
} // namespace escher