blob: 64b1f09c66a04fad06e32562555cf3a78e0d8d3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.mdns;
using fuchsia.netstack;
// Primary mDNS service interface.
interface Controller {
// Gets the addresses for the specified host name. |host_name| may not end in
// a '.'.
ResolveHostName(string host_name, uint32 timeout_ms)
-> (fuchsia.netstack.SocketAddress? v4_address,
fuchsia.netstack.SocketAddress? v6_address);
// Subscribes to a service. The subscription lasts until |subscription| is
// unbound. |service_name| must end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'.
// TODO(dalesat): Replace request<ServiceSubscription> with ServiceSubscriber.
SubscribeToService(string service_name,
request<ServiceSubscription> subscription);
// Publishes a service instance available at the specified port. The service
// is published until it is unpublished via |UnpublishServiceInstance|.
// |service_name| must end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'. |instance_name| must not
// end in a '.'. |port| is host-endian. |text| contains metadata strings that
// describe the instance. No subtypes are published unless the |SetSubtypes|
// method is called.
PublishServiceInstance(string service_name,
string instance_name,
uint16 port,
vector<string>? text) -> (Result result);
// Ends publication started with |PublishServiceInstance|. |service_name| must
// end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'. |instance_name| must not end in a '.'.
UnpublishServiceInstance(string service_name, string instance_name);
// Publishes a service instance with support for subtypes. |service_name| must
// end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'. |instance_name| must not end in a '.'.
// |responder| is consulted for initial announcements and to answer queries.
// The service is published until the |responder| channel closes. In addition
// to announcements and queries for the service type, all queries for subtypes
// are answered subject to filtering through the |Responder|. If subtype
// announcement is desired, a call to |SetSubtypes| is required to set the
// list of announced subtypes.
AddResponder(string service_name,
string instance_name,
Responder responder);
// Sets the subtypes for a service instance currently being published due to
// a call to |PublishServiceInstance| or |AddResponder|. |service_name| must
// end in '._tcp.' or '._udp.'. |instance_name| must not end in a '.'. For an
// instance published with |PublishServiceInstance|, the specified subtypes
// will be announced, and queries for the subtypes will be answered. For an
// instance published with |AddResponder|, the specified subtypes will be
// announced subject to filtering through the |Responder|. All subtype
// queries are forwarded to the |Responder|, so this method has no effect
// in that regard.
SetSubtypes(string service_name,
string instance_name,
vector<string> subtypes);
// Initiates announcement of a service instance currently being published due
// to a call to |PublishServiceInstance| or |AddResponder|. This is generally
// not needed for the |PublishServiceInstance| case. For instances published
// with |AddResponder|, this method is typically used when the port or text
// associated with the instance changes. All announcements are filtered
// through the |Responder|, which can reply with the new port and text
// values.
ReannounceInstance(string service_name, string instance_name);
// Specifies whether mDNS traffic should be logged.
SetVerbose(bool value);
// Result values for instance publishing.
enum Result : int32 {
OK = 0;
// Special value for GetInstances version_last_seen parameter to get the
// current instances immediately.
const uint64 kInitialInstances = 0;
// Represents a subscription.
// TODO(dalesat): Replace this with ServiceSubscriber, a client-implemented
// interface that is not susceptible to channel overrun.
interface ServiceSubscription {
// Gets the known service instances. To get the list immediately, call
// |GetInstances(kInitialInstances)|. To get updates thereafter, pass the
// version sent in the previous callback.
GetInstances(uint64 version_last_seen)
-> (uint64 version, vector<ServiceInstance> instances);
// Describes a service instance.
struct ServiceInstance {
string service_name;
string instance_name;
fuchsia.netstack.SocketAddress? v4_address;
fuchsia.netstack.SocketAddress? v6_address;
vector<string>? text;
// Client-supplied responder interface.
interface Responder {
// Updates the status of the instance publication.
UpdateStatus(Result result);
// Provides instance information for initial announcements and query responses
// relating to the service instance specified in |Service.AddResponder|.
// |query| indicates whether data is requested for an initial announcement
// (false) or in response to a query (true). If the publication relates to a
// subtype of the service, |subtype| contains the subtype, otherwise it is
// null. If |publication| is null, no announcement or response is transmitted.
// Strings in |text| are transmitted in the TXT record.
GetPublication(bool query, string? subtype)
-> (Publication? publication);
// Describes an initial instance publication or query response. |port| is host-
// endian.
struct Publication {
uint16 port;
vector<string>? text;
uint32 ptr_ttl_seconds = 4500; // default 75 minutes
uint32 srv_ttl_seconds = 120; // default 2 minutes
uint32 txt_ttl_seconds = 4500; // default 75 minutes