blob: 1378ae5c17e7c83f9e91200cba64c6e608435be3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <wlan/mlme/mesh/path_table.h>
namespace wlan {
const MeshPath* PathTable::GetPath(const common::MacAddr& mesh_target) const {
auto it = path_by_mesh_target_.find(mesh_target.ToU64());
if (it == path_by_mesh_target_.end()) { return nullptr; }
return it->second.get();
const MeshPath* PathTable::AddOrUpdatePath(const common::MacAddr& mesh_target,
const MeshPath& path) {
auto key = mesh_target.ToU64();
auto it = path_by_mesh_target_.find(key);
if (it != path_by_mesh_target_.end()) {
*it->second = path;
return it->second.get();
auto p = path_by_mesh_target_.insert({key, std::make_unique<MeshPath>(path)});
return p.first->second.get();
const MeshProxyInfo* PathTable::GetProxyInfo(const common::MacAddr& target) const {
auto it = proxy_info_by_dest_.find(target.ToU64());
if (it == proxy_info_by_dest_.end()) { return nullptr; }
return it->second.get();
} // namespace wlan