blob: 831da47570b6869248adf0984df66ce7e4008509 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use zerocopy::ByteSlice;
// This macro is used in combination with 802.11 definitions.
// These definitions have the same memory layout as their 802.11 silbing due to repr(C, packed)).
// Thus, we can simply reinterpret the bytes of these header as one of the corresponding structs,
// and can safely access its fields.
// Note the following caveats:
// - We cannot make any guarantees about the alignment of an instance of these
// structs in memory or of any of its fields. This is true both because
// repr(packed) removes the padding that would be used to ensure the alignment
// of individual fields, but also because we are given no guarantees about
// where within a given memory buffer a particular packet (and thus its
// header) will be located.
// - Individual fields are all either u8 or [u8; N] rather than u16, u32, etc.
// This is for two reasons:
// - u16 and larger have larger-than-1 alignments, which are forbidden as
// described above
// - We are not guaranteed that the local platform has the same endianness as a header is defined
// in, so simply treating a sequence of bytes
// as a u16 or other multi-byte number would not necessarily be correct.
// Instead, we use explicitly specify the endianess for its reader and writer methods
// to correctly access these fields.
macro_rules! unsafe_impl_zerocopy_traits {
($type:ty) => {
unsafe impl FromBytes for $type {}
unsafe impl AsBytes for $type {}
unsafe impl Unaligned for $type {}
pub fn skip<B: ByteSlice>(bytes: B, skip: usize) -> Option<B> {
if bytes.len() < skip {
} else {