blob: 9fc5b66895d674ca38e9c933b003f5811b51ef3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/mime_sniffer/mime_sniffer.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/fxl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "lib/fxl/strings/string_view.h"
namespace mime_sniffer {
// The number of content bytes we need to use all our magic numbers.
static const size_t kBytesRequiredForMagic = 42;
struct MagicNumber {
const char* mime_type;
const char* magic;
size_t magic_len;
bool is_string;
const char* mask; // if set, must have same length as |magic|
// Magic strings are case insensitive and must not include '\0' characters
#define MAGIC_STRING(mime_type, magic) \
{ (mime_type), (magic), sizeof(magic) - 1, true, nullptr }
#define MAGIC_NUMBER(mime_type, magic) \
{ (mime_type), (magic), sizeof(magic) - 1, false, nullptr }
// Our HTML sniffer differs slightly from Mozilla. For example, Mozilla will
// decide that a document that begins "<!DOCTYPE SOAP-ENV:Envelope PUBLIC " is
// HTML, but we will not.
#define MAGIC_HTML_TAG(tag) MAGIC_STRING("text/html", "<" tag)
static const std::vector<const MagicNumber> kSniffableTags{
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("!DOCTYPE html"), // HTML5 spec
// Sniffable tags, ordered by how often they occur in sniffable documents.
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("script"), // HTML5 spec, Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("html"), // HTML5 spec, Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("head"), // HTML5 spec, Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("iframe"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("h1"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("div"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("font"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("table"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("a"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("style"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("title"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("b"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("body"), // Mozilla
MAGIC_HTML_TAG("p"), // Mozilla
// Compare content header to a magic number where magic_entry can contain '.'
// for single character of anything, allowing some bytes to be skipped.
static bool MagicCmp(const char* magic_entry, const char* content, size_t len) {
while (len) {
if ((*magic_entry != '.') && (*magic_entry != *content))
return false;
return true;
// Like MagicCmp() except that it ANDs each byte with a mask before
// the comparison, because there are some bits we don't care about.
static bool MagicMaskCmp(const char* magic_entry, const char* content,
size_t len, const char* mask) {
while (len) {
if ((*magic_entry != '.') && (*magic_entry != (*mask & *content)))
return false;
return true;
static bool MatchMagicNumber(const char* content, size_t size,
const MagicNumber& magic_entry,
std::string* result) {
const size_t len = magic_entry.magic_len;
// Keep kBytesRequiredForMagic honest.
FXL_DCHECK(len <= kBytesRequiredForMagic);
// To compare with magic strings, we need to compute strlen(content), but
// content might not actually have a null terminator. In that case, we
// pretend the length is content_size.
const char* end = static_cast<const char*>(memchr(content, '\0', size));
const size_t content_strlen =
(end != nullptr) ? static_cast<size_t>(end - content) : size;
bool match = false;
if (magic_entry.is_string) {
if (content_strlen >= len) {
// Do a case-insensitive prefix comparison.
FXL_DCHECK(strlen(magic_entry.magic) == len);
match = fxl::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(
fxl::StringView(magic_entry.magic, len),
fxl::StringView(content, len));
} else {
if (size >= len) {
if (!magic_entry.mask) {
match = MagicCmp(magic_entry.magic, content, len);
} else {
match = MagicMaskCmp(magic_entry.magic, content, len, magic_entry.mask);
if (match) {
return true;
return false;
static bool CheckForMagicNumbers(
const char* content, size_t size,
const std::vector<const MagicNumber>& magic_numbers, std::string* result) {
for (const MagicNumber& magic : magic_numbers) {
if (MatchMagicNumber(content, size, magic, result))
return true;
return false;
// Truncates |size| to |max_size| and returns true if |size| is at least
// |max_size|.
static bool TruncateSize(const size_t max_size, size_t* size) {
// Keep kMaxBytesToSniff honest.
FXL_DCHECK(static_cast<int>(max_size) <= kMaxBytesToSniff);
if (*size >= max_size) {
*size = max_size;
return true;
return false;
// Returns true and sets result if the content appears to be HTML.
// Clears have_enough_content if more data could possibly change the result.
bool SniffForHTML(const char* content, size_t size, bool* have_enough_content,
std::string* result) {
// For HTML, we are willing to consider up to 512 bytes. This may be overly
// conservative as IE only considers 256.
*have_enough_content &= TruncateSize(512, &size);
// We adopt a strategy similar to that used by Mozilla to sniff HTML tags,
// but with some modifications to better match the HTML5 spec.
const char* const end = content + size;
const char* pos;
for (pos = content; pos < end; ++pos) {
if (!fxl::IsAsciiWhitespace(*pos))
// |pos| now points to first non-whitespace character (or at end).
return CheckForMagicNumbers(pos, end - pos, kSniffableTags, result);
} // namespace mime_sniffer