blob: 68c6808e2ff25e9f0baa004638f179dd73737d76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package node
import (
const (
// This file size cap is a fundamental limit of FAT filesystems
MaxSizeFile = int64(0xFFFFFFFF)
// All direntries must be indexable by a 16-bit integer (for historical reasons)
MaxSizeDirectory = int64((1 << 16) * direntry.DirentrySize)
// node represents a regular FAT node (either a file or a directory).
// A node is shared between all files / directories which have it open.
type node struct {
metadata *Metadata
directory bool
// File-Only fields
parent DirectoryNode // Parent directory containing the direntry for this node
direntIndex int // Direntry index in parent directory
// Directory-Only fields
children map[int]FileNode // Map of "direntIndex" --> "FileNode", if a child is open
startCluster uint32 // The first cluster of the node. Constant
// Shared
clusters []uint32 // The clusters of the node. Does NOT include EOF / free.
size int64 // The size of the node.
references int // The number of open files/directories referencing this node.
deleted bool // "true" if this node has been deleted.
mtime time.Time // Last modified time of node
// NewFile creates a new node representing a file.
func NewFile(m *Metadata, parent DirectoryNode, direntIndex int, startCluster uint32, mtime time.Time) (FileNode, error) {
n := &node{
metadata: m,
directory: false,
parent: parent,
direntIndex: direntIndex,
mtime: mtime,
references: 0,
parent.setChildFile(direntIndex, n)
var err error
if n.clusters, err = m.ClusterMgr.ClusterCollect(startCluster); err != nil {
return nil, err
return n, nil
// NewDirectory makes a new node representing a directory.
func NewDirectory(m *Metadata, startCluster uint32, mtime time.Time) (DirectoryNode, error) {
n := &node{
metadata: m,
directory: true,
children: make(map[int]FileNode),
startCluster: startCluster,
mtime: mtime,
references: 0,
var err error
// Since FAT directories do not store their size in a direntry, the size must be recalculated
// from the number of used clusters.
if n.clusters, err = m.ClusterMgr.ClusterCollect(startCluster); err != nil {
return nil, err
n.SetSize(int64(m.Br.ClusterSize()) * int64(len(n.clusters)))
return n, nil
func (n *node) Metadata() *Metadata {
return n.metadata
// SetSize attempts to modify the acceptable in-memory "size" of a node.
// Node sizes can be overestimated up to the nearest cluster.
// If 'SetSize' renders some clusters inaccessible, it frees them.
func (n *node) SetSize(size int64) {
clusterSize := int64(n.metadata.Br.ClusterSize())
maxSize := clusterSize * int64(len(n.clusters))
if maxSize < size {
panic("Setting size larger than accessible by known clusters")
} else if !n.IsRoot() && n.IsDirectory() && size <= 0 {
panic("Should not attempt to set size of non-root directory to less than or equal to zero")
n.size = size
numClustersRequired := (size + clusterSize - 1) / clusterSize
if n.IsRoot() && numClustersRequired == 0 {
// The root directory requires at least one cluster
numClustersRequired = 1
if numClustersRequired < int64(len(n.clusters)) {
// Reduce clusters to the required size
clusterToDelete := n.clusters[numClustersRequired]
n.clusters = n.clusters[:numClustersRequired]
// Make a best-effort attempt to delete the clusters.
// If an I/O error occurs, clusters may be lost until FAT fsck executes, but the filesystem
// will not actually be corrupted.
if len(n.clusters) > 0 {
} else {
// MarkDeleted sets the node to be deleted, so it can be removed from disk once fully closed.
func (n *node) MarkDeleted() {
if n.IsRoot() {
panic("Cannot delete root")
} else if n.deleted {
panic("Node marked as deleted twice")
n.deleted = true
n.parent = nil
func (n *node) IsDeleted() bool {
return n.deleted
func (n *node) RefUp() {
if n.references == 0 && n.deleted {
panic("Cannot acquire reference to fully deleted node")
func (n *node) RefCount() int {
return n.references
// RefDown is used to decrement a reference to a node. It can delete the node if it is unlinked
// and the reference count is zero.
// A file with zero references can be deleted with the following:
// n.MarkDeleted()
// n.RefDown(0)
func (n *node) RefDown(numRefs int) error {
n.references -= numRefs
if n.references < 0 {
panic("Invalid internal refcounting")
} else if n.references == 0 && n.deleted && len(n.clusters) > 0 {
return n.Metadata().ClusterMgr.ClusterDelete(n.clusters[0])
return nil
func (n *node) ReadAt(buf []byte, off int64) (int, error) {
return n.readAt(buf, off)
// readAt reads len(buf) bytes from offset "off" in the node into buf.
// It returns the number of bytes read, and an error if the number of bytes read is less than
// len(buf).
func (n *node) readAt(buf []byte, off int64) (int, error) {
// Short-circuit the cases where offset is reading out of bounds
if off < 0 {
return 0, ErrBadArgument
} else if n.size <= off {
// From the IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition POSIX specification for "read":
// If the starting position is at or after the end-of-file, 0 shall be returned.
return 0, fs.ErrEOF
clusterSize := int64(n.metadata.Br.ClusterSize())
bytesRead := 0
stopReading := false
for bytesRead < len(buf) && !stopReading {
clusterIndex := off / clusterSize // Which cluster are we reading from?
clusterStart := off % clusterSize // How far into the cluster are we starting from?
if int(clusterIndex) >= len(n.clusters) {
// Reading at this offset attempts to access a cluster which has not been allocated.
deviceOffset := int64(n.metadata.Br.ClusterLocationData(n.clusters[clusterIndex])) + clusterStart
// What's the maximum number of bytes we could read from this single cluster?
clusterBytesToRead := int(clusterSize - clusterStart)
if bytesRead+clusterBytesToRead > len(buf) {
// If the size of the output buffer can't cover this whole cluster, read less.
clusterBytesToRead = len(buf) - bytesRead
stopReading = true
if off+int64(clusterBytesToRead) > n.size {
// If the size of the node doesn't cover the whole cluster, read less.
clusterBytesToRead = int(n.size - off)
stopReading = true
dBytesRead, err := n.metadata.Dev.ReadAt(buf[bytesRead:bytesRead+clusterBytesToRead], deviceOffset)
bytesRead += dBytesRead
off += int64(dBytesRead)
if err != nil {
return bytesRead, err
if bytesRead < len(buf) {
return bytesRead, fs.ErrEOF
return bytesRead, nil
func (n *node) WriteAt(buf []byte, off int64) (int, error) {
return n.writeAt(buf, off)
func (n *node) writeAt(buf []byte, off int64) (int, error) {
if n.metadata.Readonly {
return 0, fs.ErrPermission
} else if off < 0 {
return 0, ErrBadArgument
// If (and only if) the write increases the size of the file, this variable holds the new size.
maxPotentialSize := off + int64(len(buf))
maxNodeSize := MaxSizeFile
if n.IsDirectory() {
maxNodeSize = MaxSizeDirectory
writeBuf := buf
// Ensure the write does not expand beyond the maximum allowable file / directory size. This
// should later result in an error, since the input buffer will not be written fully.
if maxPotentialSize > maxNodeSize {
if {
// Directories are metadata -- partial writes should be avoided
return 0, ErrNoSpace
writeBuf = writeBuf[:len(writeBuf)-int(maxPotentialSize-maxNodeSize)]
maxPotentialSize = maxNodeSize
// Expand the number of clusters to fill the last byte of the buffer.
clusterSize := int64(n.metadata.Br.ClusterSize())
for maxPotentialSize > clusterSize*int64(len(n.clusters)) {
// Only expand the tail if there is one. Empty files, for example, have no clusters.
tail := uint32(0)
if len(n.clusters) > 0 {
tail = n.clusters[len(n.clusters)-1]
newCluster, err := n.metadata.ClusterMgr.ClusterExtend(tail)
if err != nil {
if {
return 0, err
// Error intentionally ignored; we are just cleaning up after the ClusterExtend error.
// The writeBuffer cannot be fully written -- instead, only write the chunk which will
// fit given our constrained cluster size.
writeBuf = writeBuf[:len(writeBuf)-int(maxPotentialSize-int64(clusterSize)*int64(len(n.clusters)))]
n.clusters = append(n.clusters, newCluster)
// Actually write bytes from the input buffer to the allocated clusters.
bytesWritten := 0
for bytesWritten < len(writeBuf) {
clusterIndex := off / clusterSize // Which cluster are we writing to?
clusterStart := off % clusterSize // How far into the cluster are we starting from?
deviceOffset := n.metadata.Br.ClusterLocationData(n.clusters[clusterIndex]) + clusterStart
// What's the maximum number of bytes we could write to this single cluster?
clusterBytesToWrite := int(clusterSize - clusterStart)
if bytesWritten+clusterBytesToWrite > len(writeBuf) {
// If the size of the output buffer can't cover this whole cluster, write less.
clusterBytesToWrite = len(writeBuf) - bytesWritten
dBytesWritten, err := n.metadata.Dev.WriteAt(writeBuf[bytesWritten:bytesWritten+clusterBytesToWrite], deviceOffset)
bytesWritten += dBytesWritten
off += int64(dBytesWritten)
// Adjust the size of the node if we have extended it.
if off > n.size {
n.size = off
if err != nil {
if bytesWritten > 0 {
n.mtime = direntry.ModifyTime(clock.Now())
return bytesWritten, err
if bytesWritten > 0 {
n.mtime = direntry.ModifyTime(clock.Now())
// We successfully wrote as many bytes as possible, but the request was still for an unmanagable
// amount of space.
if len(writeBuf) != len(buf) {
return bytesWritten, ErrNoSpace
return bytesWritten, nil
func (n *node) IsDirectory() bool {
func (n *node) StartCluster() uint32 {
if len(n.clusters) == 0 {
return 0
return n.clusters[0]
func (n *node) ID() uint32 {
if !n.IsDirectory() {
panic("Non-directory nodes do not have IDs")
} else if n.IsRoot() {
return 0
return n.startCluster
func (n *node) NumClusters() int {
return len(n.clusters)
func (n *node) IsRoot() bool {
// The root can only be a 'normal' node on FAT32
if n.metadata.Br.Type() != bootrecord.FAT32 {
return false
} else if !n.IsDirectory() {
return false
} else if n.startCluster == n.metadata.Br.RootCluster() {
return true
return false
func (n *node) Size() int64 {
return n.size
func (n *node) MTime() time.Time {
return n.mtime
func (n *node) SetMTime(mtime time.Time) {
n.mtime = mtime
func (n *node) LockParent() (DirectoryNode, int) {
parent := n.parent
index := n.direntIndex
if parent != nil {
parent.Lock() // Check that 'parent' is still actually our parent
if n2, ok := parent.ChildFile(index); ok && n == n2 {
// Intentionally keep the lock on 'parent'
return parent, index
parent.Unlock() // We were unlinked
return nil, 0
return nil, 0 // No known parent
func (n *node) Parent() (DirectoryNode, int) {
return n.parent, n.direntIndex
func (n *node) setChildFile(direntIndex int, child FileNode) {
if !n.IsDirectory() {
panic("Files cannot have children")
} else if _, ok := n.children[direntIndex]; ok {
panic("setChildFile failed; a child already exists at this index")
n.children[direntIndex] = child
func (n *node) MoveFile(newParent DirectoryNode, newDirentIndex int) {
if n.parent == nil || newParent == nil {
panic("Cannot move a node with invalid parents (as either src or dst)")
// Remove node from old parent
// Update node with information regarding new parent
n.parent = newParent
n.direntIndex = newDirentIndex
// Update new parent with information about node
newParent.setChildFile(newDirentIndex, n)
func (n *node) ChildFiles() []FileNode {
children := make([]FileNode, len(n.children))
i := 0
for k := range n.children {
children[i] = n.children[k]
return children
func (n *node) ChildFile(direntIndex int) (FileNode, bool) {
c, ok := n.children[direntIndex]
return c, ok
func (n *node) RemoveFile(direntIndex int) {
if _, ok := n.children[direntIndex]; !ok {
panic("Child does not exist in node")
delete(n.children, direntIndex)