blob: 38f60db823ee53c621bd4a83cc0948504469390c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package bootrecord describes the first sectors of a partition, which hold filesystem metadata.
package bootrecord
import (
const (
// NumReservedClusters describes how many cluster numbers are reserved (FAT[0] and FAT[1]).
NumReservedClusters uint32 = 2
// BootrecordSize is the size of a bootrecord
BootrecordSize = 512
// Bootrecord describes the underlying boot record, independent of FAT type.
type Bootrecord struct {
t FATType
device *thinio.Conductor
// Cached values which have been pulled from the bootrecord on disk.
totalSectors uint32
sectorSize uint32 // In bytes
clusterSize uint32 // In bytes
sectorsPerCluster uint32
numUsableClusters uint32
sectorsPerFAT uint32
reservedSectors uint32
numFATs uint32
firstDataSector uint32
mirroringActive bool
primaryFAT uint32
// FAT32 exclusive
rootCluster uint32
fsInfoOffset int64
// FAT12/16 exclusive
numRootEntriesMax uint32
// Type returns the type of the underlying Bootrecord.
func (b *Bootrecord) Type() FATType {
return b.t
// FATEntrySize returns the size (in bytes) of a single entry in the FAT.
func (b *Bootrecord) FATEntrySize() uint32 {
switch b.t {
case FAT32:
return 4
case FAT16:
return 2
panic("Not supported")
// ClusterSize returns the size of a single cluster.
// The size of a single cluster should be a power of two multiple of the sector size.
func (b *Bootrecord) ClusterSize() uint32 {
return b.clusterSize
// ClusterInValidRange checks that the cluster is in a valid range.
// It does not access the entry corresponding to the cluster.
func (b *Bootrecord) ClusterInValidRange(cluster uint32) bool {
minCluster := NumReservedClusters
maxCluster := minCluster + b.NumUsableClusters()
return (minCluster <= cluster && cluster <= maxCluster)
// VolumeSize returns the size of all sectors allocated to the FAT filesystem.
func (b *Bootrecord) VolumeSize() int64 {
return int64(b.totalSectors) * int64(b.sectorSize)
// FsInfoOffset returns the offset in the device of the FS Info structure,
// or an error if the value is invalid.
func (b *Bootrecord) FsInfoOffset() (int64, error) {
if b.fsInfoOffset == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("Missing/Invalid FS Info structure")
return b.fsInfoOffset, nil
// MirroringInfo describes if mirroring is necessary.
// If mirroring is active, returns "true", along with the number of FATs which need to be mirrored.
// If mirroring is disabled, returns "false", along with the primary FAT which should be used.
func (b *Bootrecord) MirroringInfo() (active bool, numFATs, primary uint32) {
return b.mirroringActive, b.numFATs, b.primaryFAT
// ClusterLocationFATPrimary returns device offset for a particular cluster index in the primary
// File Allocation Table.
func (b *Bootrecord) ClusterLocationFATPrimary(cluster uint32) int64 {
indexFAT := b.primaryFAT
return b.ClusterLocationFAT(indexFAT, cluster)
// ClusterLocationFAT returns device offset for a particular cluster index in an arbitrary File
// Allocation Table.
func (b *Bootrecord) ClusterLocationFAT(indexFAT, cluster uint32) int64 {
offsetOfFAT := (b.reservedSectors + indexFAT*b.sectorsPerFAT) * b.sectorSize
offsetInsideFAT := cluster * b.FATEntrySize()
return int64(offsetOfFAT + offsetInsideFAT)
// ClusterLocationData returns the device offset for a cluster's data.
func (b *Bootrecord) ClusterLocationData(cluster uint32) int64 {
clusterSector := ((cluster - 2) * b.sectorsPerCluster) + b.firstDataSector
return int64(clusterSector) * int64(b.sectorSize)
// NumUsableClusters returns the number of non-reserved sectors.
func (b *Bootrecord) NumUsableClusters() uint32 {
return b.numUsableClusters
// RootCluster returns the cluster number of the root directory. Returns an error if the root
// directory is not found in a cluster (as is the case for FAT12 and FAT16).
func (b *Bootrecord) RootCluster() uint32 {
switch b.t {
case FAT32:
return b.rootCluster
case FAT16, FAT12:
panic("Root cluster does not exist outside FAT32")
panic("Unsupported FAT version")
// RootReservedInfo provides information for the root directory on FAT12 and FAT16 filesystems.
func (b *Bootrecord) RootReservedInfo() (offsetStart int64, numRootEntriesMax int64) {
switch b.t {
case FAT32:
panic("Root is not in the reserved region for FAT32")
case FAT16, FAT12:
offsetStart = int64(b.sectorSize * (b.reservedSectors + (b.numFATs * b.sectorsPerFAT)))
numRootEntriesMax = int64(b.numRootEntriesMax)
panic("Unsupported FAT version")
// New returns a new Bootrecord described by the first 512 bytes of a partition.
// Returns an error if the first 512 bytes of the partition do not match a known (or supported) FAT
// version.
func New(d *thinio.Conductor) (*Bootrecord, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("Creating a New bootrecord")
buf := make([]byte, BootrecordSize)
_, err := d.ReadAt(buf, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// One of these is valid, the other is not. We need to discover which is which.
small := *(*brSmall)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
large := *(*brLarge)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
// This is not the "official way" to determine the FAT type, but it lets us distinguish betwen
// the small and large types of FATs. We'll guess the type now, and continue validating it
// later.
sizeClassLarge := large.bpb.guessFATType()
var fatType FATType
var bpb *bpbShared
var firstDataSector uint32
if sizeClassLarge {
// Probably FAT32.
if err := large.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
fatType = FAT32
bpb = &large.bpb
firstDataSector = large.FirstDataSector()
} else {
// Probably FAT12/16.
if fatType, err = small.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
bpb = &small.bpb
firstDataSector = small.FirstDataSector()
br := &Bootrecord{
t: fatType,
device: d,
br.totalSectors = bpb.TotalSectors()
br.sectorSize = bpb.BytesPerSec()
br.sectorsPerCluster = bpb.SectorsPerCluster()
br.clusterSize = br.sectorsPerCluster * br.sectorSize
br.numUsableClusters = bpb.TotalClusters(firstDataSector) - NumReservedClusters
br.firstDataSector = firstDataSector
br.reservedSectors = bpb.NumSectorsReserved()
br.numFATs = bpb.NumFATs()
switch br.t {
case FAT32:
glog.V(1).Info("Loading a FAT32 bootrecord")
br.sectorsPerFAT = large.bpbExtended.SectorsPerFAT32()
br.mirroringActive, br.primaryFAT = large.bpbExtended.MirroringInfo()
br.rootCluster = large.bpbExtended.RootCluster()
fsInfoSector := large.bpbExtended.FsInfoSector()
if 0 < fsInfoSector && fsInfoSector < br.reservedSectors {
// Only use fsInfoSector if it is in the "reserved sector" region.
br.fsInfoOffset = int64(large.bpbExtended.FsInfoSector() * br.sectorSize)
if !br.ClusterInValidRange(br.rootCluster) {
return nil, errors.New("Invalid root cluster")
case FAT16:
glog.V(1).Info("Loading a FAT16 bootrecord")
br.sectorsPerFAT = small.bpb.SectorsPerFAT16()
// Mirroring assumed to be active on FAT16.
br.mirroringActive = true
br.primaryFAT = 0
br.numRootEntriesMax = small.bpb.NumRootEntries()
// At the moment, FAT12 is unsupported.
glog.V(1).Info("Cannot load unsupported FAT type")
return nil, errors.New("Unsupported version of FAT")
if d.DeviceSize() < br.VolumeSize() {
return nil, errors.New("Cannot load filesystem: expects more sectors than device provides")
return br, nil