blob: 35f77aaef386966861c13a27933871c8733af2cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package ir
import (
type Type struct {
Decl string
DeclType types.DeclType
LargeArray bool
type Const struct {
Name string
Type string
Value string
type Enum struct {
Name string
Type string
Members []EnumMember
type EnumMember struct {
Name string
ConstName string
Value string
type Union struct {
Name string
Members []UnionMember
Size int
Alignment int
type UnionMember struct {
Type string
Name string
Offset int
type Struct struct {
Name string
Members []StructMember
Size int
Alignment int
LargeArrays bool
type StructMember struct {
Type string
Name string
Offset int
HasDefault bool
DefaultValue string
LargeArray bool
type Table struct {
Name string
Members []TableMember
type TableMember struct {
Type string
Name string
Ordinal int
type Interface struct {
Name string
Methods []Method
ServiceName string
type Method struct {
Ordinal types.Ordinal
GenOrdinal types.Ordinal
OrdinalName string
Name string
CamelName string
HasRequest bool
Request []Parameter
HasResponse bool
Response []Parameter
type Parameter struct {
Type string
BorrowedType string
Name string
Offset int
type Root struct {
ExternCrates []string
Consts []Const
Enums []Enum
Structs []Struct
Unions []Union
Tables []Table
Interfaces []Interface
var reservedWords = map[string]bool{
"as": true,
"box": true,
"break": true,
"const": true,
"continue": true,
"crate": true,
"else": true,
"enum": true,
"extern": true,
"false": true,
"fn": true,
"for": true,
"if": true,
"impl": true,
"in": true,
"let": true,
"loop": true,
"match": true,
"mod": true,
"move": true,
"mut": true,
"pub": true,
"ref": true,
"return": true,
"self": true,
"Self": true,
"static": true,
"struct": true,
"super": true,
"trait": true,
"true": true,
"type": true,
"unsafe": true,
"use": true,
"where": true,
"while": true,
// Keywords reserved for future use (future-proofing...)
"abstract": true,
"alignof": true,
"await": true,
"become": true,
"do": true,
"final": true,
"macro": true,
"offsetof": true,
"override": true,
"priv": true,
"proc": true,
"pure": true,
"sizeof": true,
"typeof": true,
"unsized": true,
"virtual": true,
"yield": true,
// Weak keywords (special meaning in specific contexts)
// These are ok in all contexts of fidl names.
//"default": true,
//"union": true,
// Things that are not keywords, but for which collisions would be very unpleasant
"Ok": true,
"Err": true,
"Vec": true,
"Option": true,
"Some": true,
"None": true,
"Box": true,
"Future": true,
"Stream": true,
"Never": true,
"Send": true,
"fidl": true,
"futures": true,
"zx": true,
"async": true,
"on_open": true,
"OnOpen": true,
var reservedSuffixes = []string{
func isReservedWord(str string) bool {
_, ok := reservedWords[str]
return ok
func hasReservedSuffix(str string) bool {
for _, suffix := range reservedSuffixes {
if strings.HasSuffix(str, suffix) {
return true
return false
func changeIfReserved(val types.Identifier) string {
str := string(val)
if hasReservedSuffix(str) || isReservedWord(str) {
return str + "_"
return str
var primitiveTypes = map[types.PrimitiveSubtype]string{
types.Bool: "bool",
types.Int8: "i8",
types.Int16: "i16",
types.Int32: "i32",
types.Int64: "i64",
types.Uint8: "u8",
types.Uint16: "u16",
types.Uint32: "u32",
types.Uint64: "u64",
types.Float32: "f32",
types.Float64: "f64",
var handleSubtypes = map[types.HandleSubtype]string{
types.Handle: "Handle",
types.Process: "Process",
types.Thread: "Thread",
types.Vmo: "Vmo",
types.Channel: "Channel",
types.Event: "Event",
types.Port: "Port",
types.Interrupt: "Interrupt",
types.Log: "Log",
types.Socket: "Socket",
types.Resource: "Resource",
types.Eventpair: "EventPair",
types.Job: "Job",
types.Vmar: "Vmar",
types.Fifo: "Fifo",
types.Guest: "Guest",
types.Time: "Timer",
type compiler struct {
decls *types.DeclMap
library types.LibraryIdentifier
externCrates map[string]bool
func (c *compiler) inExternalLibrary(ci types.CompoundIdentifier) bool {
if len(ci.Library) != len(c.library) {
return true
for i, part := range c.library {
if ci.Library[i] != part {
return true
return false
func compileCamelIdentifier(val types.Identifier) string {
return common.ToUpperCamelCase(changeIfReserved(val))
func compileLibraryName(library types.LibraryIdentifier) string {
parts := []string{"fidl"}
for _, part := range library {
parts = append(parts, string(part))
return changeIfReserved(types.Identifier(strings.Join(parts, "_")))
func compileSnakeIdentifier(val types.Identifier) string {
return common.ToSnakeCase(changeIfReserved(val))
func compileScreamingSnakeIdentifier(val types.Identifier) string {
return common.ConstNameToAllCapsSnake(changeIfReserved(val))
func (c *compiler) compileCompoundIdentifier(val types.CompoundIdentifier) string {
strs := []string{}
if c.inExternalLibrary(val) {
externName := compileLibraryName(val.Library)
c.externCrates[externName] = true
strs = append(strs, externName)
str := changeIfReserved(val.Name)
strs = append(strs, str)
return strings.Join(strs, "::")
func (c *compiler) compileCamelCompoundIdentifier(eci types.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) string {
val := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(eci)
val.Name = types.Identifier(compileCamelIdentifier(val.Name))
return c.compileCompoundIdentifier(val)
func (c *compiler) compileSnakeCompoundIdentifier(eci types.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) string {
val := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(eci)
val.Name = types.Identifier(compileSnakeIdentifier(val.Name))
return c.compileCompoundIdentifier(val)
func (c *compiler) compileScreamingSnakeCompoundIdentifier(eci types.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) string {
val := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(eci)
val.Name = types.Identifier(compileScreamingSnakeIdentifier(val.Name))
return c.compileCompoundIdentifier(val)
func compileLiteral(val types.Literal) string {
switch val.Kind {
case types.StringLiteral:
return fmt.Sprintf("r###\"%s\"###", val.Value)
case types.NumericLiteral:
return val.Value
case types.TrueLiteral:
return "true"
case types.FalseLiteral:
return "false"
case types.DefaultLiteral:
return "::Default::default()"
log.Fatal("Unknown literal kind: ", val.Kind)
return ""
func (c *compiler) compileConstant(val types.Constant) string {
switch val.Kind {
case types.IdentifierConstant:
return c.compileScreamingSnakeCompoundIdentifier(val.Identifier)
case types.LiteralConstant:
return compileLiteral(val.Literal)
log.Fatal("Unknown constant kind: ", val.Kind)
return ""
func (c *compiler) compileConst(val types.Const) Const {
name := c.compileScreamingSnakeCompoundIdentifier(val.Name)
var r Const
if val.Type.Kind == types.StringType {
r = Const{
Attributes: val.Attributes,
Type: "&str",
Name: name,
Value: c.compileConstant(val.Value),
} else {
r = Const{
Attributes: val.Attributes,
Type: c.compileType(val.Type, false).Decl,
Name: name,
Value: c.compileConstant(val.Value),
return r
func compilePrimitiveSubtype(val types.PrimitiveSubtype) string {
if t, ok := primitiveTypes[val]; ok {
return t
log.Fatal("Unknown primitive type: ", val)
return ""
func compileHandleSubtype(val types.HandleSubtype) string {
if t, ok := handleSubtypes[val]; ok {
return t
log.Fatal("Unknown handle type: ", val)
return ""
func (c *compiler) compileType(val types.Type, borrowed bool) Type {
var r string
var declType types.DeclType
largeArray := false
switch val.Kind {
case types.ArrayType:
t := c.compileType(*val.ElementType, borrowed)
r = fmt.Sprintf("[%s; %v]", t.Decl, *val.ElementCount)
if borrowed {
r = fmt.Sprintf("&mut %s", r)
largeArray = t.LargeArray || *val.ElementCount > 32
case types.VectorType:
t := c.compileType(*val.ElementType, borrowed)
var inner string
if borrowed {
inner = fmt.Sprintf("&mut ExactSizeIterator<Item = %s>", t.Decl)
} else {
inner = fmt.Sprintf("Vec<%s>", t.Decl)
if val.Nullable {
r = fmt.Sprintf("Option<%s>", inner)
} else {
r = inner
largeArray = t.LargeArray
case types.StringType:
if borrowed {
if val.Nullable {
r = "Option<&str>"
} else {
r = "&str"
} else {
if val.Nullable {
r = "Option<String>"
} else {
r = "String"
case types.HandleType:
r = fmt.Sprintf("zx::%s", compileHandleSubtype(val.HandleSubtype))
if val.Nullable {
r = fmt.Sprintf("Option<%s>", r)
case types.RequestType:
r = c.compileCamelCompoundIdentifier(val.RequestSubtype)
r = fmt.Sprintf("fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<%sMarker>", r)
if val.Nullable {
r = fmt.Sprintf("Option<%s>", r)
case types.PrimitiveType:
// Primitive types are small, simple, and never contain handles,
// so there's no need to borrow them
r = compilePrimitiveSubtype(val.PrimitiveSubtype)
case types.IdentifierType:
t := c.compileCamelCompoundIdentifier(val.Identifier)
declType, ok := (*c.decls)[val.Identifier]
if !ok {
log.Fatal("unknown identifier: ", val.Identifier)
switch declType {
case types.EnumDeclType:
// Enums are small, simple, and never contain handles,
// so no need to borrow
borrowed = false
case types.ConstDeclType:
case types.StructDeclType:
case types.UnionDeclType:
if val.Nullable {
if borrowed {
r = fmt.Sprintf("Option<fidl::encoding::OutOfLine<%s>>", t)
} else {
r = fmt.Sprintf("Option<Box<%s>>", t)
} else {
if borrowed {
r = fmt.Sprintf("&mut %s", t)
} else {
r = t
case types.TableDeclType:
if val.Nullable {
r = fmt.Sprintf("Option<%s>", t)
} else {
r = t
case types.InterfaceDeclType:
r = fmt.Sprintf("fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<%sMarker>", t)
if val.Nullable {
r = fmt.Sprintf("Option<%s>", r)
log.Fatal("Unknown declaration type in interface: ", declType)
log.Fatal("Unknown type kind: ", val.Kind)
return Type{
Decl: r,
DeclType: declType,
LargeArray: largeArray,
func (c *compiler) compileEnum(val types.Enum) Enum {
e := Enum{
for _, v := range val.Members {
e.Members = append(e.Members, EnumMember{
Attributes: v.Attributes,
Name: compileCamelIdentifier(v.Name),
ConstName: compileScreamingSnakeIdentifier(v.Name),
Value: c.compileConstant(v.Value),
return e
func (c *compiler) compileParameterArray(val []types.Parameter) []Parameter {
r := []Parameter{}
for _, v := range val {
p := Parameter{
c.compileType(v.Type, false).Decl,
c.compileType(v.Type, true).Decl,
r = append(r, p)
return r
func (c *compiler) compileInterface(val types.Interface) Interface {
r := Interface{
strings.Trim(val.GetServiceName(), "\""),
for _, v := range val.Methods {
name := compileSnakeIdentifier(v.Name)
camelName := compileCamelIdentifier(v.Name)
request := c.compileParameterArray(v.Request)
response := c.compileParameterArray(v.Response)
m := Method{
Attributes: v.Attributes,
Ordinal: v.Ordinal,
GenOrdinal: v.GenOrdinal,
Name: name,
CamelName: camelName,
HasRequest: v.HasRequest,
Request: request,
HasResponse: v.HasResponse,
Response: response,
r.Methods = append(r.Methods, m)
return r
func (c *compiler) compileStructMember(val types.StructMember) StructMember {
memberType := c.compileType(val.Type, false)
return StructMember{
Attributes: val.Attributes,
Type: memberType.Decl,
Name: compileSnakeIdentifier(val.Name),
Offset: val.Offset,
HasDefault: false,
DefaultValue: "", // TODO(cramertj) support defaults
LargeArray: memberType.LargeArray,
func (c *compiler) compileStruct(val types.Struct) Struct {
name := c.compileCamelCompoundIdentifier(val.Name)
r := Struct{
Attributes: val.Attributes,
Name: name,
Members: []StructMember{},
Size: val.Size,
Alignment: val.Alignment,
LargeArrays: false,
for _, v := range val.Members {
member := c.compileStructMember(v)
r.Members = append(r.Members, member)
r.LargeArrays = r.LargeArrays || member.LargeArray
return r
func (c *compiler) compileUnionMember(val types.UnionMember) UnionMember {
return UnionMember{
Attributes: val.Attributes,
Type: c.compileType(val.Type, false).Decl,
Name: compileCamelIdentifier(val.Name),
Offset: val.Offset,
func (c *compiler) compileUnion(val types.Union) Union {
r := Union{
Attributes: val.Attributes,
Name: c.compileCamelCompoundIdentifier(val.Name),
Members: []UnionMember{},
Size: val.Size,
Alignment: val.Alignment,
for _, v := range val.Members {
r.Members = append(r.Members, c.compileUnionMember(v))
return r
func (c *compiler) compileTable(table types.Table) Table {
var members []TableMember
for _, member := range table.Members {
if member.Reserved {
members = append(members, TableMember{
Attributes: member.Attributes,
Type: c.compileType(member.Type, false).Decl,
Name: compileSnakeIdentifier(member.Name),
Ordinal: member.Ordinal,
return Table{
Attributes: table.Attributes,
Name: c.compileCamelCompoundIdentifier(table.Name),
Members: members,
func Compile(r types.Root) Root {
root := Root{}
thisLibParsed := types.ParseLibraryName(r.Name)
c := compiler{&r.Decls, thisLibParsed, map[string]bool{}}
for _, v := range r.Consts {
root.Consts = append(root.Consts, c.compileConst(v))
for _, v := range r.Enums {
root.Enums = append(root.Enums, c.compileEnum(v))
for _, v := range r.Interfaces {
root.Interfaces = append(root.Interfaces, c.compileInterface(v))
for _, v := range r.Structs {
root.Structs = append(root.Structs, c.compileStruct(v))
for _, v := range r.Unions {
root.Unions = append(root.Unions, c.compileUnion(v))
for _, v := range r.Tables {
root.Tables = append(root.Tables, c.compileTable(v))
thisLibCompiled := compileLibraryName(thisLibParsed)
// Sort the extern crates to make sure the generated file is
// consistent across builds.
var externCrates []string
for k, _ := range c.externCrates {
externCrates = append(externCrates, k)
for _, k := range externCrates {
if k != thisLibCompiled {
root.ExternCrates = append(root.ExternCrates, k)
return root