blob: 3857f531d69e0e90e866caa01cd94c315a1ecc74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
#include "address_space.h"
#include "msd_arm_atom.h"
#include "msd_arm_connection.h"
#include "registers.h"
// The address manager can be modified by the device thread (to assign and
// unassign address spaces from registers before mapping and unmapping them)
// and by the connection thread that owns an address space, to ensure that
// the page mappings are flushed properly.
class AddressManager final : public AddressSpaceObserver {
class Owner {
virtual magma::RegisterIo* register_io() = 0;
AddressManager(Owner* owner, uint32_t address_slot_count);
// Used to clear all address mappings if the hardware will be reset. It
// waits until all current address-space operations are done, and ensures no
// more will start.
void ClearAddressMappings(bool force_expire);
bool AssignAddressSpace(MsdArmAtom* atom);
void AtomFinished(MsdArmAtom* atom);
std::shared_ptr<AddressSlotMapping> GetMappingForSlot(uint32_t slot);
AllocateMappingForAddressSpace(std::shared_ptr<MsdArmConnection> connection);
// AddressSpaceObserver implementation.
void FlushAddressMappingRange(AddressSpace*, uint64_t start, uint64_t length,
bool synchronous) override;
void ReleaseSpaceMappings(const AddressSpace* address_space) override;
void UnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace*) override;
void set_acquire_slot_timeout_seconds(uint32_t timeout)
acquire_slot_timeout_seconds_ = timeout;
// AddressSlots handle the mappings between AddressSpaces and the hardware
// registers.
struct AddressSlot {
std::weak_ptr<AddressSlotMapping> mapping;
// This is the AddressSpace* that the slot is attached to. Will be
// set to null by AddressSpace destructor if this is attached to an
// address space. This can't be a weak pointer because we need to
// compare against it in the AddressSpace destructor.
const void* address_space = nullptr;
// A HardwareSlot handles the registers for a specific address space. Each
// slot has its own lock because flushing a slot can take a long time and we
// want to be able to flush multiple slots in parallel.
struct HardwareSlot {
HardwareSlot(uint32_t slot) : registers(slot) {}
void FlushMmuRange(magma::RegisterIo* io, uint64_t start, uint64_t length, bool synchronous)
// Wait for the MMU to finish processing any existing commands.
void WaitForMmuIdle(magma::RegisterIo* io) __TA_REQUIRES(lock);
void InvalidateSlot(magma::RegisterIo* io) __TA_REQUIRES(lock);
void UnlockMmu(magma::RegisterIo* io) __TA_REQUIRES(lock);
std::mutex lock; // This lock should only be taken while address_slot_lock_ is held.
__TA_GUARDED(lock) registers::AsRegisters registers;
GetMappingForAddressSpaceUnlocked(const AddressSpace* address_space)
std::shared_ptr<AddressSlotMapping> AssignToSlot(std::shared_ptr<MsdArmConnection> connection,
uint32_t slot)
Owner* owner_;
uint32_t acquire_slot_timeout_seconds_ = 10;
std::mutex address_slot_lock_;
__TA_GUARDED(address_slot_lock_) std::vector<AddressSlot> address_slots_;
std::condition_variable address_slot_free_;
// Before a slot is modified, the corresponding lock should be taken.
// It should only be taken while address_slot_lock_ is
// locked.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<HardwareSlot>> registers_;