blob: b6c39e6e7d081079016c12d6fd668fb3c02e3925 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/sdp/pdu.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/sdp/sdp.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/sdp/status.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/common/test_helpers.h"
namespace btlib {
namespace sdp {
namespace {
using common::LowerBits;
using common::UpperBits;
using SDP_PDUTest = ::testing::Test;
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ErrorResponse) {
ErrorResponse response;
auto kInvalidContState = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x01, // opcode: kErrorResponse
0xDE, 0xAD, // transaction ID: 0xDEAD
0x00, 0x02, // parameter length: 2 bytes
0x00, 0x05, // ErrorCode: Invalid Continuation State
0xFF, 0x00 // dummy extra bytes to cause an error
Status status = response.Parse(kInvalidContState.view(sizeof(Header)));
EXPECT_EQ(common::HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
status = response.Parse(kInvalidContState.view(sizeof(Header), 2));
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::kInvalidContinuationState, response.error_code());
auto ptr =
response.GetPDU(0xF00F /* ignored */, 0xDEAD, common::BufferView());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kInvalidContState.view(0, 7), *ptr));
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceSearchRequestParse) {
const auto kL2capSearch = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// ServiceSearchPattern
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID: Protocol: L2CAP
0x00, 0x10, // MaximumServiceRecordCount: 16
0x00 // Contunuation State: none
ServiceSearchRequest req(kL2capSearch);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.service_search_pattern().size());
EXPECT_EQ(16, req.max_service_record_count());
const auto kL2capSearchOne = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// ServiceSearchPattern
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 6 bytes
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID: Protocol: L2CAP
0x19, 0xED, 0xFE, // UUID: 0xEDFE (unknown, doesn't need to be found)
0x00, 0x01, // MaximumServiceRecordCount: 1
0x00 // Contunuation State: none
ServiceSearchRequest req_one(kL2capSearchOne);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, req_one.service_search_pattern().size());
EXPECT_EQ(1, req_one.max_service_record_count());
const auto kInvalidNoItems = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// ServiceSearchPattern
0x35, 0x00, // Sequence uint8 0 bytes
0xFF, 0xFF, // MaximumServiceRecordCount: (none)
0x00 // Contunuation State: none
ServiceSearchRequest req2(kInvalidNoItems);
const auto kInvalidTooManyItems = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// ServiceSearchPattern
0x35, 0x27, // Sequence uint8 27 bytes
0x19, 0x30, 0x01, // 13 UUIDs in the search
0x19, 0x30, 0x02, 0x19, 0x30, 0x03, 0x19, 0x30, 0x04, 0x19, 0x30, 0x05,
0x19, 0x30, 0x06, 0x19, 0x30, 0x07, 0x19, 0x30, 0x08, 0x19, 0x30, 0x09,
0x19, 0x30, 0x10, 0x19, 0x30, 0x11, 0x19, 0x30, 0x12, 0x19, 0x30, 0x13,
0xFF, 0xFF, // MaximumServiceRecordCount: (none)
0x00 // Contunuation State: none
ServiceSearchRequest req3(kInvalidTooManyItems);
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceSearchRequestGetPDU) {
ServiceSearchRequest req;
req.set_search_pattern({protocol::kATT, protocol::kL2CAP});
// Order is not specified, so there are two valid PDUs representing this.
const auto kExpected = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
kServiceSearchRequest, 0x12, 0x34, // Transaction ID
0x00, 0x0B, // Parameter length (11 bytes)
// ServiceSearchPattern
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 6 bytes
0x19, 0x00, 0x07, // UUID (ATT)
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID (L2CAP)
0x00, 0x40, // MaximumServiceRecordCount: 64
0x00 // No continuation state
const auto kExpected2 = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
kServiceSearchRequest, 0x12, 0x34, // Transaction ID
0x00, 0x0B, // Parameter length (11 bytes)
// ServiceSearchPattern
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 6 bytes
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID (L2CAP)
0x19, 0x00, 0x07, // UUID (ATT)
0x00, 0x40, // MaximumServiceRecordCount: 64
0x00 // No continuation state
auto pdu = req.GetPDU(0x1234);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kExpected, *pdu) ||
ContainersEqual(kExpected2, *pdu));
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceSearchResponseParse) {
const auto kValidResponse = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x02, // Total service record count: 2
0x00, 0x02, // Current service record count: 2
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // Service Handle 1
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, // Service Handle 2
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchResponse resp;
auto status = resp.Parse(kValidResponse);
// Can't parse into an already complete record.
status = resp.Parse(kValidResponse);
const auto kNotEnoughRecords = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x02, // Total service record count: 2
0x00, 0x02, // Current service record count: 2
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // Service Handle 1
0x00 // No continuation state
// Doesn't contain the right # of records.
ServiceSearchResponse resp2;
status = resp2.Parse(kNotEnoughRecords);
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceSearchResponsePDU) {
std::vector<ServiceHandle> results{1, 2};
ServiceSearchResponse resp;
const auto kExpected = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x03, // ServiceSearch Response PDU ID
0x01, 0x10, // Transaction ID (0x0110)
0x00, 0x0d, // Parameter length: 13 bytes
0x00, 0x02, // Total service record count: 2
0x00, 0x02, // Current service record count: 2
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // Service record 1
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, // Service record 2
0x00 // No continuation state
auto pdu = resp.GetPDU(0xFFFF, 0x0110, common::BufferView());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kExpected, *pdu));
const auto kExpectedLimited = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x03, // ServiceSearchResponse PDU ID
0x01, 0x10, // Transaction ID (0x0110)
0x00, 0x09, // Parameter length: 9
0x00, 0x01, // Total service record count: 1
0x00, 0x01, // Current service record count: 1
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // Service record 1
0x00 // No continuation state
pdu = resp.GetPDU(1, 0x0110, common::BufferView());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kExpectedLimited, *pdu));
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceAttributeRequestValidity) {
ServiceAttributeRequest req;
// No attributes requested, so it begins invalid
// Adding an attribute makes it valid, and adds a range.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(kServiceClassIdList, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
// Adding an attribute adjacent just adds to the range (on either end)
req.AddAttribute(kServiceClassIdList - 1); // kServiceRecordHandle
req.AddAttribute(kServiceClassIdList + 1);
req.AddAttribute(kServiceClassIdList + 2);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(kServiceClassIdList - 1, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(kServiceClassIdList + 2, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
// Adding a disjoint range makes it two ranges, and they're in the right
// order.
req.AddAttribute(kServiceClassIdList + 4);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(kServiceClassIdList - 1, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(kServiceClassIdList + 2, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
EXPECT_EQ(kServiceClassIdList + 4, req.attribute_ranges().back().start);
EXPECT_EQ(kServiceClassIdList + 4, req.attribute_ranges().back().end);
// Adding one that makes it contiguous collapses them to a single range.
req.AddAttribute(kServiceClassIdList + 3);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(kServiceClassIdList - 1, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(kServiceClassIdList + 4, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceAttriuteRequestAddRange) {
ServiceAttributeRequest req;
req.AddAttributeRange(0x0010, 0xFFF0);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0010, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFF0, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
req.AddAttributeRange(0x0100, 0xFF00);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0010, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFF0, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
req.AddAttributeRange(0x0000, 0x0002);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0000, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0002, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
req.AddAttributeRange(0x0003, 0x000F);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0000, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFF0, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
req.AddAttributeRange(0xFFF2, 0xFFF3);
req.AddAttributeRange(0xFFF5, 0xFFF6);
req.AddAttributeRange(0xFFF8, 0xFFF9);
req.AddAttributeRange(0xFFFB, 0xFFFC);
EXPECT_EQ(5u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
// merges 0x0000-0xFFF0 with 0xFFF2-0xFFF3 and new range leaving
// 0x0000-0xFFF3, 0xFFF5-0xFFF6, 0xFFF8-0xFFF9 and 0xFFFB-0xFFFC
req.AddAttributeRange(0xFFF1, 0xFFF1);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
// merges everything except 0xFFFB-0xFFFC
req.AddAttributeRange(0xFFF1, 0xFFF9);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
req.AddAttributeRange(0xFFFA, 0xFFFF);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0000, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFFF, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceAttributeRequestParse) {
const auto kSDPAllAttributes = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ServiceRecordHandle: 0
0xF0, 0x0F, // Maximum attribute byte count: (max = 61455)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x05, // Sequence uint8 5 bytes
0x0A, // uint32_t
0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, // Attribute range: 0x000 - 0xFFFF (All of them)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceAttributeRequest req(kSDPAllAttributes);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0000, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFFF, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
EXPECT_EQ(61455, req.max_attribute_byte_count());
const auto kContinued = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ServiceRecordHandle: 0
0x00, 0x0F, // Maximum attribute byte count: (max = 15)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x09, // uint16_t
0x00, 0x01, // Attribute ID: 1
0x09, // uint16_t
0x00, 0x02, // Attribute ID: 2
0x03, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56 // Continuation state
ServiceAttributeRequest req_cont_state(kContinued);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().front().end);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0002, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().back().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0002, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().back().end);
EXPECT_EQ(15, req_cont_state.max_attribute_byte_count());
// Too short request.
ServiceAttributeRequest req_short((common::BufferView()));
const auto kInvalidMaxBytes = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ServiceRecordHandle: 0
0x00, 0x04, // Maximum attribute byte count (4)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x02, // uint16_t (2)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceAttributeRequest req_minmax(kInvalidMaxBytes);
// Invalid order of the attributes.
const auto kInvalidAttributeListOrder = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ServiceRecordHandle: 0
0xFF, 0xFF, // Maximum attribute byte count: (max = 65535)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 5 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x02, // uint16_t (2)
0x09, 0x00, 0x01, // uint16_t (1)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceAttributeRequest req_order(kInvalidAttributeListOrder);
// AttributeID List has invalid items
const auto kInvalidAttributeList = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // ServiceRecordHandle: 0
0xFF, 0xFF, // Maximum attribute byte count: (max = 65535)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 5 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x02, // uint16_t (2)
0x19, 0x00, 0x01, // UUID (0x0001)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceAttributeRequest req_baditems(kInvalidAttributeList);
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceAttributeRequestGetPDU) {
ServiceAttributeRequest req;
req.AddAttributeRange(0x0001, 0xBECA);
const auto kExpected = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
kServiceAttributeRequest, 0x12, 0x34, // transaction id
0x00, 0x11, // Parameter Length (17 bytes)
0xEF, 0xFE, 0xCA, 0xCE, // ServiceRecordHandle (0xEFFECACE)
0x00, 0x20, // MaxAttributeByteCount (32)
// Attribute ID list
0x35, 0x08, // Sequence uint8 8 bytes
0x0A, 0x00, 0x01, 0xBE, 0xCA, // uint32_t (0x0001BECA)
0x09, 0xF0, 0x0F, // uint16_t (0xF00F)
0x00 // No continuation state
auto pdu = req.GetPDU(0x1234);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kExpected, *pdu));
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceAttributeResponseParse) {
const auto kValidResponseEmpty = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x02, // AttributeListByteCount (2 bytes)
// Attribute List
0x35, 0x00, // Sequence uint8 0 bytes
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceAttributeResponse resp;
auto status = resp.Parse(kValidResponseEmpty);
const auto kValidResponseItems = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x12, // AttributeListByteCount (18 bytes)
// Attribute List
0x35, 0x10, // Sequence uint8 16 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // Handle: uint16_t (0 = kServiceRecordHandle)
0x0A, 0xFE, 0xED, 0xBE, 0xEF, // Element: uint32_t (0xFEEDBEEF)
0x09, 0x00, 0x01, // Handle: uint16_t (1 = kServiceClassIdList)
0x35, 0x03, 0x19, 0x11, 0x01, // Element: Sequence (3) { UUID(0x1101) }
0x00 // No continuation state
status = resp.Parse(kValidResponseItems);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, resp.attributes().size());
auto it = resp.attributes().find(0x00);
EXPECT_NE(resp.attributes().end(), it);
EXPECT_EQ(DataElement::Type::kUnsignedInt, it->second.type());
it = resp.attributes().find(0x01);
EXPECT_NE(resp.attributes().end(), it);
EXPECT_EQ(DataElement::Type::kSequence, it->second.type());
const auto kInvalidItemsWrongOrder = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x12, // AttributeListByteCount (18 bytes)
// Attribute List
0x35, 0x10, // Sequence uint8 16 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x01, // Handle: uint16_t (1 = kServiceClassIdList)
0x35, 0x03, 0x19, 0x11, 0x01, // Element: Sequence (3) { UUID(0x1101) }
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // Handle: uint16_t (0 = kServiceRecordHandle)
0x0A, 0xFE, 0xED, 0xBE, 0xEF, // Element: uint32_t (0xFEEDBEEF)
0x00 // No continuation state
status = resp.Parse(kInvalidItemsWrongOrder);
const auto kInvalidByteCount = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x12, // AttributeListByteCount (18 bytes)
// Attribute List
0x35, 0x0F, // Sequence uint8 15 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x01, // Handle: uint16_t (1)
0x35, 0x03, 0x19, 0x11, 0x01, // Element: Sequence (3) { UUID(0x1101) }
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // Handle: uint16_t (0)
0x25, 0x02, 'h', 'i', // Element: String ('hi')
0x00 // No continuation state
status = resp.Parse(kInvalidByteCount);
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceSearchAttributeRequestParse) {
const auto kSDPL2CAPAllAttributes = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// Service search pattern
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID: Protocol: L2CAP
0xF0, 0x0F, // Maximum attribute byte count: (max = 61455)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x05, // Sequence uint8 5 bytes
0x0A, // uint32_t
0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, // Attribute range: 0x000 - 0xFFFF (All of them)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest req(kSDPL2CAPAllAttributes);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.service_search_pattern().size());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.service_search_pattern().count(protocol::kL2CAP));
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0000, req.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFFF, req.attribute_ranges().front().end);
EXPECT_EQ(61455, req.max_attribute_byte_count());
const auto kContinued = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID: Protocol: L2CAP
0x00, 0x0F, // Maximum attribute byte count: (max = 15)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 6 bytes
0x09, // uint16_t
0x00, 0x01, // Attribute ID: 1
0x09, // uint16_t
0x00, 0x02, // Attribute ID: 2
0x03, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56 // Continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest req_cont_state(kContinued);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.service_search_pattern().size());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, req.service_search_pattern().count(protocol::kL2CAP));
EXPECT_EQ(2u, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().front().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().front().end);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0002, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().back().start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0002, req_cont_state.attribute_ranges().back().end);
EXPECT_EQ(15, req_cont_state.max_attribute_byte_count());
// Too short request.
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest req_short((common::BufferView()));
const auto kInvalidMaxBytes = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID: Protocol: L2CAP
0x00, 0x04, // Maximum attribute byte count (4)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x02, // uint16_t (2)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest req_minmax(kInvalidMaxBytes);
// Invalid order of the attributes.
const auto kInvalidAttributeListOrder = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID: Protocol: L2CAP
0xFF, 0xFF, // Maximum attribute byte count: (max = 65535)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 6 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x02, // uint16_t (2)
0x09, 0x00, 0x01, // uint16_t (1)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest req_order(kInvalidAttributeListOrder);
// AttributeID List has invalid items
const auto kInvalidAttributeList = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID: Protocol: L2CAP
0xFF, 0xFF, // Maximum attribute byte count: (max = 65535)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 6 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x02, // uint16_t (2)
0x19, 0x00, 0x01, // UUID (0x0001)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest req_baditems(kInvalidAttributeList);
const auto kInvalidNoItems = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x35, 0x00, // Sequence uint8 0 bytes
0xF0, 0x0F, // Maximum attribute byte count (61455)
// Attribute ID List
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x02, // uint16_t (2)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest req_noitems(kInvalidNoItems);
const auto kInvalidTooManyItems = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
// ServiceSearchPattern
0x35, 0x27, // Sequence uint8 27 bytes
0x19, 0x30, 0x01, // 13 UUIDs in the search
0x19, 0x30, 0x02, 0x19, 0x30, 0x03, 0x19, 0x30, 0x04, 0x19, 0x30, 0x05,
0x19, 0x30, 0x06, 0x19, 0x30, 0x07, 0x19, 0x30, 0x08, 0x19, 0x30, 0x09,
0x19, 0x30, 0x10, 0x19, 0x30, 0x11, 0x19, 0x30, 0x12, 0x19, 0x30, 0x13,
0xF0, 0x0F, // Maximum attribute byte coutn (61455)
0x35, 0x03, // Sequence uint8 3 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x02, // uint16_t (2)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest req_toomany(kInvalidTooManyItems);
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceSearchAttributeRequestGetPDU) {
ServiceSearchAttributeRequest req;
req.AddAttributeRange(0x0001, 0xBECA);
req.set_search_pattern({protocol::kATT, protocol::kL2CAP});
const auto kExpected = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
kServiceSearchAttributeRequest, 0x12, 0x34, // transaction id
0x00, 0x15, // Parameter Length (21 bytes)
// ServiceSearchPattern
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 6 bytes
0x19, 0x00, 0x07, // UUID (ATT)
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID (L2CAP)
0x00, 0x20, // MaxAttributeByteCount (32)
// Attribute ID list
0x35, 0x08, // Sequence uint8 8 bytes
0x0A, 0x00, 0x01, 0xBE, 0xCA, // uint32_t (0x0001BECA)
0x09, 0xF0, 0x0F, // uint16_t (0xF00F)
0x00 // No continuation state
const auto kExpected2 = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
kServiceSearchAttributeRequest, 0x12, 0x34, // transaction id
0x00, 0x15, // Parameter Length (21 bytes)
// ServiceSearchPattern
0x35, 0x06, // Sequence uint8 6 bytes
0x19, 0x01, 0x00, // UUID (L2CAP)
0x19, 0x00, 0x07, // UUID (ATT)
0x00, 0x20, // MaxAttributeByteCount (32)
// Attribute ID list
0x35, 0x08, // Sequence uint8 8 bytes
0x0A, 0x00, 0x01, 0xBE, 0xCA, // uint32_t (0x0001BECA)
0x09, 0xF0, 0x0F, // uint16_t (0xF00F)
0x00 // No continuation state
auto pdu = req.GetPDU(0x1234);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kExpected, *pdu) ||
ContainersEqual(kExpected2, *pdu));
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceSearchAttributeResponseParse) {
const auto kValidResponseEmpty = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x02, // AttributeListsByteCount (2 bytes)
// Attribute List
0x35, 0x00, // Sequence uint8 0 bytes
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeResponse resp;
auto status = resp.Parse(kValidResponseEmpty);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, resp.num_attribute_lists());
const auto kValidResponseItems = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x14, // AttributeListsByteCount (20 bytes)
// Wrapping Attribute List
0x35, 0x12, // Sequence uint8 18 bytes
// Attribute List
0x35, 0x10, // Sequence uint8 16 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // Handle: uint16_t (0 = kServiceRecordHandle)
0x0A, 0xFE, 0xED, 0xBE, 0xEF, // Element: uint32_t (0xFEEDBEEF)
0x09, 0x00, 0x01, // Handle: uint16_t (1 = kServiceClassIdList)
0x35, 0x03, 0x19, 0x11, 0x01, // Element: Sequence (3) { UUID(0x1101) }
0x00 // No continuation state
status = resp.Parse(kValidResponseItems);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, resp.num_attribute_lists());
EXPECT_EQ(2u, resp.attributes(0).size());
auto it = resp.attributes(0).find(0x0000);
EXPECT_NE(resp.attributes(0).end(), it);
EXPECT_EQ(DataElement::Type::kUnsignedInt, it->second.type());
it = resp.attributes(0).find(0x0001);
EXPECT_NE(resp.attributes(0).end(), it);
EXPECT_EQ(DataElement::Type::kSequence, it->second.type());
const auto kValidResponseTwoLists = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x1E, // AttributeListsByteCount (30 bytes)
// Wrapping Attribute List
0x35, 0x1C, // Sequence uint8 28 bytes
// Attribute List 0 (first service)
0x35, 0x08, // Sequence uint8 8 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // Handle: uint16_t (0 = kServiceRecordHandle)
0x0A, 0xFE, 0xED, 0xBE, 0xEF, // Element: uint32_t (0xFEEDBEEF)
// Attribute List 1 (second service)
0x35, 0x10, // Sequence uint8 16 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // Handle: uint16_t (0 = kServiceRecordHandle)
0x0A, 0xFE, 0xDB, 0xAC, 0x01, // Element: uint32_t (0xFEDBAC01)
0x09, 0x00, 0x01, // Handle: uint16_t (1 = kServiceClassIdList)
0x35, 0x03, 0x19, 0x11, 0x01, // Element: Sequence (3) { UUID(0x1101) }
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeResponse resp2;
status = resp2.Parse(kValidResponseTwoLists);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, resp2.num_attribute_lists());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, resp2.attributes(0).size());
it = resp2.attributes(0).find(0x0000);
EXPECT_NE(resp2.attributes(0).end(), it);
EXPECT_EQ(DataElement::Type::kUnsignedInt, it->second.type());
EXPECT_EQ(2u, resp2.attributes(1).size());
it = resp2.attributes(1).find(0x0000);
EXPECT_NE(resp2.attributes(1).end(), it);
EXPECT_EQ(DataElement::Type::kUnsignedInt, it->second.type());
const auto kInvalidItemsWrongOrder = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x14, // AttributeListByteCount (20 bytes)
// Wrapping Attribute List
0x35, 0x12, // Sequence uint8 18 bytes
// Attribute List
0x35, 0x10, // Sequence uint8 16 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x01, // Handle: uint16_t (1 = kServiceClassIdList)
0x35, 0x03, 0x19, 0x11, 0x01, // Element: Sequence (3) { UUID(0x1101) }
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // Handle: uint16_t (0 = kServiceRecordHandle)
0x0A, 0xFE, 0xED, 0xBE, 0xEF, // Element: uint32_t (0xFEEDBEEF)
0x00 // No continuation state
ServiceSearchAttributeResponse resp3;
status = resp3.Parse(kInvalidItemsWrongOrder);
const auto kInvalidByteCount = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x00, 0x12, // AttributeListsByteCount (18 bytes)
0x35, 0x11, // Sequence uint8 17 bytes
// Attribute List
0x35, 0x0F, // Sequence uint8 15 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x01, // Handle: uint16_t (1)
0x35, 0x03, 0x19, 0x11, 0x01, // Element: Sequence (3) { UUID(0x1101) }
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // Handle: uint16_t (0)
0x25, 0x02, 'h', 'i', // Element: String ('hi')
0x00 // No continuation state
status = resp3.Parse(kInvalidByteCount);
TEST_F(SDP_PDUTest, ServiceSearchAttributeRepsonseGetPDU) {
ServiceSearchAttributeResponse resp;
// Even if set in the wrong order, attributes should be sorted in the PDU.
resp.SetAttribute(0, 0x4000, DataElement(uint16_t(0xfeed)));
resp.SetAttribute(0, 0x4001, DataElement(protocol::kSDP));
resp.SetAttribute(0, kServiceRecordHandle, DataElement(uint32_t(0)));
// Attributes do not need to be continuous
resp.SetAttribute(5, kServiceRecordHandle, DataElement(uint32_t(0x10002000)));
const uint16_t kTransactionID = 0xfeed;
const auto kExpected = common::CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x07, // ServiceSearchAttributeResponse
UpperBits(kTransactionID), LowerBits(kTransactionID), // Transaction ID
0x00, 0x25, // Param Length (37 bytes)
0x00, 0x22, // AttributeListsByteCount (34 bytes)
// AttributeLists
0x35, 0x20, // Sequence uint8 32 bytes
0x35, 0x14, // Sequence uint8 20 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // uint16_t (handle) = kServiceRecordHandle
0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // uint32_t, 0
0x09, 0x40, 0x00, // uint16_t (handle) = 0x4000
0x09, 0xfe, 0xed, // uint16_t (0xfeed)
0x09, 0x40, 0x01, // uint16_t (handle) = 0x4001
0x19, 0x00, 0x01, // UUID (kSDP)
0x35, 0x08, // Sequence uint8 8 bytes
0x09, 0x00, 0x00, // uint16_t (handle) = kServiceRecordHandle
0x0A, 0x10, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, // value: uint32_t (0x10002000)
0x00 // Continutation state (none)
auto pdu =
resp.GetPDU(0xFFFF /* no max */, kTransactionID, common::BufferView());
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kExpected, *pdu));
} // namespace
} // namespace sdp
} // namespace btlib