blob: c8322f896ba167693f4b5fba56e582bb93c41432 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/gatt/gatt.h"
namespace btlib {
namespace gatt {
namespace testing {
// This is a fake version of the root GATT object that can be injected in unit
// tests.
class FakeLayer final : public GATT {
inline static fbl::RefPtr<FakeLayer> Create() {
return fbl::AdoptRef(new FakeLayer());
// GATT overrides:
void Initialize() override;
void ShutDown() override;
void AddConnection(const std::string& peer_id,
fbl::RefPtr<l2cap::Channel> att_chan) override;
void RemoveConnection(std::string peer_id) override;
void RegisterService(ServicePtr service,
ServiceIdCallback callback,
ReadHandler read_handler,
WriteHandler write_handler,
ClientConfigCallback ccc_callback) override;
void UnregisterService(IdType service_id) override;
void SendNotification(IdType service_id,
IdType chrc_id,
std::string peer_id,
::std::vector<uint8_t> value,
bool indicate) override;
void DiscoverServices(std::string peer_id) override;
void RegisterRemoteServiceWatcher(RemoteServiceWatcher callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) override;
void ListServices(std::string peer_id,
std::vector<common::UUID> uuids,
ServiceListCallback callback) override;
void FindService(std::string peer_id,
IdType service_id,
RemoteServiceCallback callback) override;
friend class fbl::RefPtr<FakeLayer>;
FakeLayer() = default;
~FakeLayer() override = default;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace gatt
} // namespace btlib