blob: 74c21b37027368ac86156a9e13d62bd82f18bd45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/common/address_range.h"
#include "garnet/lib/debug_ipc/protocol.h"
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace zxdb {
class Breakpoint;
class Err;
class Thread;
// Uncomment to enable detailed thread controller logging.
// TODO(brettw) when we have a settings system, make this run-time enableable
// for easier debugging when people encounter problems in the field.
// Abstract base class that provides the policy decisions for various types of
// thread stepping.
class ThreadController {
enum StopOp {
// Resume the thread. A controller can indicate "continue" but if another
// indicates "stop", the "stop" will take precedence.
// Keeps the thread stopped and reports the stop to the user. This takes
// precedence over any "continue" votes.
// How the thread should run when it is executing this controller.
struct ContinueOp {
// Factory helper functions.
static ContinueOp Continue() {
return ContinueOp(); // Defaults are good for this case.
static ContinueOp StepInstruction() {
ContinueOp result; = debug_ipc::ResumeRequest::How::kStepInstruction;
return result;
static ContinueOp StepInRange(AddressRange range) {
ContinueOp result; = debug_ipc::ResumeRequest::How::kStepInRange;
result.range = range;
return result;
debug_ipc::ResumeRequest::How how =
// When how == kStepInRange, this defines the address range to step in. As
// long as the instruction pointer is inside, execution will continue.
AddressRange range;
virtual ~ThreadController();
// Registers the thread with the controller. The controller will be owned
// by the thread (possibly indirectly) so the pointer will remain valid for
// the rest of the lifetime of the controller.
// The implementation should call set_thread() with the thread.
// When the implementation is ready, it will issue the given callback to
// run the thread. The callback can be issued reentrantly from inside this
// function if the controller is ready synchronously.
// If the callback does not specify an error, the thread will be resumed
// when it is called. If the callback has an error, it will be reported and
// the thread will remain stopped.
virtual void InitWithThread(Thread* thread,
std::function<void(const Err&)> cb) = 0;
// Returns how to continue the thread when running this controller.
virtual ContinueOp GetContinueOp() = 0;
// Notification that the thread has stopped. The return value indicates what
// the thread should do in response.
// If the ThreadController returns |kStop|, its assumed the controller has
// completed its job and it will be deleted.
virtual StopOp OnThreadStop(
debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type stop_type,
const std::vector<fxl::WeakPtr<Breakpoint>>& hit_breakpoints) = 0;
// Writes the log message prefixed with the thread controller type. Callers
// should pass constant strings through here so the Log function takes
// almost no time if it's disabled: in the future we may want to make this
// run-time enable-able
void Log(const char* format, ...) const;
// Logs the raw string (no controller name prefix).
static void LogRaw(const char* format, ...);
void Log(const char* format, ...) const {}
static void LogRaw(const char* format, ...) {}
Thread* thread() { return thread_; }
void set_thread(Thread* thread) { thread_ = thread; }
// Returns the name of this thread controller. This will be visible in logs.
// This should be something simple and short like "Step" or "Step Over".
virtual const char* GetName() const = 0;
// Tells the owner of this class that this ThreadController has completed
// its work. Normally returning kStop from OnThreadStop() will do this, but
// if the controller has another way to get events (like breakpoints), it
// may notice out-of-band that its work is done.
// This function will likely cause |this| to be deleted.
void NotifyControllerDone();
Thread* thread_ = nullptr;
} // namespace zxdb