blob: 197ec61f8f8bf50174654d2347594dcf281cc019 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
config("android_media_headers_config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
include_dirs = [
# android media-related include paths
source_set("android_media_headers_source_set") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_configs = [ ":android_media_headers_config" ]
config("android_non_media_headers_config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
include_dirs = [
# other android headers - we try to minimize these
source_set("android_non_media_headers_source_set") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# Not sure if this actually limits included headers to only this list, but
# that's the intent.
public = [
public_configs = [ ":android_non_media_headers_config" ]
config("pal_config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
include_dirs = [
# intentionally before android/platform/system/core/libutils/include
cflags = [
libs = [
# for zx_clock_get()
ldflags = [
# This source set has a name starting with many 'a's which forces it to go
# first in the list of omx_android_pal_config_source_set public_deps even
# across a git-file-format. We need it to go first because for now we're
# overriding some android headers with omx_android_pal headers, and some of
# those headers we're overriding are in the same directories as other headers
# which we're not overriding, and include path ordering is determined by
# public_deps list ordering below. The downside: this is a bit arcane. The
# upside: We can build (at least one of - maybe more later) the Android OMX SW
# codecs from un-modified AOSP sources this way despite them not being in
# cross-platform libs, and this allows us to more easily track any new
# potentially-needed changes from there. If we continue to use these codecs we
# may at some point consider different ways of building and/or sharing them.
source_set("aaaaaaa_internal_pal_config_source_set") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_configs = [ ":pal_config" ]
# We want to control include path ordering. We choose to do that by having all
# ordering-sensitive include paths pulled in via public_deps. A public_deps
# section can't pull in a config directly, so wrap public_config_config in
# public_config_source_set.
source_set("omx_android_pal_config_source_set") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_deps = [
# This internal pal config source set must go first to enable us to override
# some AOSP headers while still pulling some other AOSP headers from some of
# the same AOSP directories.
config("so_entry_point_config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
include_dirs = [
# so_entry_point.h has it's own include dir, since it's needed by clients
# that don't use the omx_android_pal and don't want to include any of the
# other PAL headers. The reason so_entry_point is part of the
# omx_android_pal is because on android the OMX libs have a C++ ABI, while
# on fuchsia the OMX libs have a C-only ABI, and the omx_android_pal is
# what smooths that over (among other things).
# For the structs used by so_entry_point's C-only ABI.
source_set("omx_so_entry_point_config_source_set") {
visibility = [
public_configs = [ ":so_entry_point_config" ]
source_set("omx_android_pal") {
visibility = [
# This "omx_android_pal" is only for building OMX SW codecs from un-modified
# AOSP sources.
sources = [
# The single linker-level entry point to each .so is declared and
# defined here:
# Adapters/shims/replacements to make un-modified AOSP OMX SW codecs build
# for Fuchsia (along with the header include path ordering established in
# omx_android_pal_config_source_set).
# Enough stagefright code to satisfy OMX SW codec dependencies.
# We build these two utils classes as-is.
# All include paths are exposed (to OMX codec target only) via public_deps
# instead of as a mix of public_deps and public_configs, since a
# public_configs entry can always be converted to public_deps form via an
# intervening source_set, and because this way we avoid relying on include
# path ordering between public_configs and public_deps (instead only within
# public_deps).
public_deps = [
deps = [