blob: 4155f26f6d857f39e4efc72bda1bbde1e6e2ae60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.auth.account.internal;
using fuchsia.auth;
using fuchsia.auth.account;
// The control channel for an AccountHandler component.
// This interface is intended only for use by the AccountManager component that
// starts instances of AccountHandler. We define which account the handler
// should be handling one time via this channel rather than via startup flags to
// provide additional flexibility given the range of scenarios:
// * The account is completely new
// * The account is being added to the current device for the first time
// * Account information is already present on the local disk and is readable
// * Account information is already present on the local disk but is not yet
// readable because the disk is not yet decrypted.
interface AccountHandlerControl {
// Creates a completely new Fuchsia account.
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
// |id| The new account's local identifier, if successful
1: CreateAccount() -> (fuchsia.auth.account.Status status,
fuchsia.auth.account.LocalAccountId? id);
// Loads information about a Fuchsia account that was previously provisioned
// on the current device.
// |id| The account's local identifier
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
2: LoadAccount(fuchsia.auth.account.LocalAccountId id)
-> (fuchsia.auth.account.Status status);
// TODO(jsankey): Add methods to cover adding an existing account and
// handling an account where the disk is not yet decrpyted.
// Connects an interface to read properties of and perform operations on
// the account handled by this handler. The account must have previously
// been initialized using CreateAccount or LoadAccount, otherwise the call
// will fail with a status of NOT_FOUND.
// |context_provider| An |AuthenticationContextProvider| capable of
// supplying UI contexts used for interactive
// authentication on this account
// |account| The server end of an |Account| channel
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
3: GetAccount(
fuchsia.auth.AuthenticationContextProvider auth_context_provider,
request<fuchsia.auth.account.Account> account)
-> (fuchsia.auth.account.Status status);
// Signals that the AccountHandler should tear itself down. After the
// receiver responds by closing its handle, the caller may terminate the
// component if it hasn't already exited.
4: Terminate();
// An interface that supplies the account and authentication services that
// an AccountHandler needs to perform its role in the system. This service is
// supplied to the AccountHandler by the component that launches it, i.e. the
// AccountManager.
interface AccountHandlerContext {
// Connects an interface to a particular AuthProvider, launching it if
// necessary.
// |auth_provider_type| An OAuth identity provider matching a configuration
// set in an AuthProviderConfig.auth_provider_type
// |auth_provider| The server end of an |AuthProvider| channel
// Returns: |status| A |Status| indicating whether the operation was
// successful
1: GetAuthProvider(string auth_provider_type,
request<fuchsia.auth.AuthProvider> auth_provider)
-> (fuchsia.auth.account.Status status);