blob: b7217875f6d3aaab605b885e4f984404987fceca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/index_walker.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string_view>
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/common/err.h"
//#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/common/string_util.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/module_symbol_index.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/module_symbol_index_node.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// We don't expect to have identifiers with whitespace in them. If somebody
// does "Foo < Bar>" stop considering the name at the space.
inline bool IsNameEnd(char ch) { return isspace(ch) || ch == '<'; }
} // namespce
IndexWalker::IndexWalker(const ModuleSymbolIndex* index) {
IndexWalker::~IndexWalker() = default;
bool IndexWalker::WalkUp() {
if (path_.size() > 1) {
// Don't walk above the root.
path_.resize(path_.size() - 1);
return true;
return false;
bool IndexWalker::WalkInto(const Identifier::Component& comp) {
const ModuleSymbolIndexNode* node = path_.back();
const std::string& comp_name =;
// This is complicated by templates which can't be string-compared for
// equality without canonicalization. Search everything in the index with the
// same base (non-template-part) name. With the index being sorted, we can
// start at the item that begins lexographically >= the input.
auto iter = node->sub().lower_bound(comp_name);
if (iter == node->sub().end())
return false; // Nothing can match.
if (!comp.has_template()) {
// In the common case there is no template in the input, so we can just
// check for exact string equality and be done.
if (iter->first == comp_name) {
return true;
return false;
// Check all nodes until template canonicalization can't affect the
// comparison.
while (iter != node->sub().end() &&
!IsIndexStringBeyondName(iter->first, comp_name)) {
if (ComponentMatches(iter->first, comp)) {
// Found match.
return true;
return false;
bool IndexWalker::WalkInto(const Identifier& ident) {
IndexWalker sub(*this);
if (!sub.WalkIntoClosest(ident))
return false;
// Full walk succeeded, commit.
std::swap(path_, sub.path_);
return true;
bool IndexWalker::WalkIntoClosest(const Identifier& ident) {
for (const auto& comp : ident.components()) {
if (!WalkInto(comp))
return false; // This component not found.
return true;
// static
bool IndexWalker::ComponentMatches(const std::string& index_string,
const Identifier::Component& comp) {
if (!ComponentMatchesNameOnly(index_string, comp))
return false;
// Only bother with the expensive template comparison on demand.
return ComponentMatchesTemplateOnly(index_string, comp);
// static
bool IndexWalker::ComponentMatchesNameOnly(const std::string& index_string,
const Identifier::Component& comp) {
const std::string& comp_name =;
if (comp_name.size() > index_string.size())
return false; // Index string can't contain the name.
if (strncmp(comp_name.c_str(), index_string.c_str(), comp_name.size()) != 0)
return false; // Name prefix doesn't match.
// The index string should be at the end or should have a template spec
// following the name.
return index_string.size() == comp_name.size() ||
// static
bool IndexWalker::ComponentMatchesTemplateOnly(
const std::string& index_string, const Identifier::Component& comp) {
auto[err, index_ident] = Identifier::FromString(index_string);
if (err.has_error())
return false;
// Each namespaced component should be a different layer of the index so
// it should produce a one-component identifier. But this depends how the
// symbols are structured which we don't want to make assumptions about.
if (index_ident.components().size() != 1)
return false;
const auto& index_comp = index_ident.components()[0];
if (comp.has_template() != index_comp.has_template())
return false;
return comp.template_contents() == index_comp.template_contents();
// static
bool IndexWalker::IsIndexStringBeyondName(std::string_view index_name,
std::string_view name) {
if (index_name.size() <= name.size()) {
// The |index_name| is too small to start with the name and have template
// stuff on it (which requires special handling), so we can directly return
// the answer by string comparison.
return index_name > name;
// When the first name.size() characters of the index string aren't the
// same as the name, we don't need to worry about templates or anything
// and can just reutrn that comparison.
std::string_view index_prefix = index_name.substr(0, name.size());
int prefix_compare =;
if (prefix_compare != 0)
return prefix_compare > 0; // Index is beyond the name by prefix only.
// |index_name| starts with |name|. For the index node to be after all
// possible templates of |name|, compare against the template begin
// character. This does make the assumption that the compiler won't
// write templates with a space after the name ("vector < int >").
return index_name[name.size()] > '<';
} // namespace zxdb