blob: c84f0dc030b7d075a3d744b815340d04cc0571c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/expr_parser.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/template_type_extractor.h"
#include "lib/fxl/arraysize.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
// The parser is a Pratt parser. The basic idea there is to have the
// precedences (and associativities) encoded relative to each other and only
// parse up until you hit something of that precedence. There's a dispatch
// table in expressions_ that describes how each token dispatches if it's seen
// as either a prefix or infix operator, and if it's infix, what its precedence
// is.
// References:
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// An infix operator is one that combines two sides of things and it modifies
// both, like "a + b" ("a" is the "left" and "+" is the token in the params).
// Other things are infix like "[" which combines the expression on the left
// with some expression to the right of it.
// A prefix operator are binary operators like "!" in C that only apply to the
// thing on the right and don't require anything on the left. Standalone
// numbers and names are also considered prefix since they represent themselves
// (not requiring anything on the left).
// Some things can be both prefix and infix. An example in C is "(" which is
// prefix when used in casts and math expressions: "(a + b)" "a + (b + c)" but
// infix when used for function calls: "foo(bar)".
using PrefixFunc = fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> (ExprParser::*)(const ExprToken&);
using InfixFunc = fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> (ExprParser::*)(
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left, const ExprToken& token);
// Precedence constants used in DispatchInfo. Note that these aren't
// contiguous. At least need to do every-other-one to handle the possible
// "precedence - 1" that occurs when evaluating right-associative operators. We
// don't want that operation to push the precedence into a completely other
// category, rather, it should only affect comparisons that would otherwise be
// equal.
// This should match the C operator precedence for the subset of operations
// that we support:
// Lowest precedence: Comma (not currently needed).
// constexpr int kPrecedenceComma = 10;
// Most C unary operators like "*", "&", and "-".
constexpr int kPrecedenceUnary = 20;
// () . -> []
constexpr int kPrecedenceCallAccess = 30;
// Highest precedence: "::"
constexpr int kPrecedenceScope = 40;
} // namespace
struct ExprParser::DispatchInfo {
PrefixFunc prefix = nullptr;
InfixFunc infix = nullptr;
int precedence = 0; // Only needed when |infix| is set.
// The table is more clear without line wrapping.
// clang-format off
ExprParser::DispatchInfo ExprParser::kDispatchInfo[] = {
{nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // kInvalid
{&ExprParser::NamePrefix, &ExprParser::NameInfix, -1}, // kName
{&ExprParser::IntegerPrefix, nullptr, -1}, // kInteger
{nullptr, &ExprParser::DotOrArrowInfix, kPrecedenceCallAccess}, // kDot
{nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // kComma
{&ExprParser::StarPrefix, nullptr, kPrecedenceUnary}, // kStar
{&ExprParser::AmpersandPrefix, nullptr, kPrecedenceUnary}, // kAmpersand
{nullptr, &ExprParser::DotOrArrowInfix, kPrecedenceCallAccess}, // kArrow
{nullptr, &ExprParser::LeftSquareInfix, kPrecedenceCallAccess}, // kLeftSquare
{nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // kRightSquare
{&ExprParser::LeftParenPrefix, nullptr, -1}, // kLeftParen
{nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // kRightParen
{nullptr, &ExprParser::LessInfix, kPrecedenceUnary}, // kLess
{nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // kGreater
{&ExprParser::MinusPrefix, nullptr, -1}, // kMinus
{nullptr, nullptr, -1}, // kPlus (currently unhandled)
{&ExprParser::ScopePrefix, &ExprParser::ScopeInfix, kPrecedenceScope} // kColonColon
// clang-format on
// static
const ExprToken ExprParser::kInvalidToken;
ExprParser::ExprParser(std::vector<ExprToken> tokens)
: tokens_(std::move(tokens)) {
static_assert(arraysize(ExprParser::kDispatchInfo) == ExprToken::kNumTypes,
"kDispatchInfo needs updating to match ExprToken::Type");
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::Parse() {
auto result = ParseExpression(0);
// That should have consumed everything, as we don't support multiple
// expressions being next to each other (probably the user forgot an operator
// and wrote something like "foo 5"
if (!has_error() && !at_end()) {
SetError(cur_token(), "Unexpected input, did you forget an operator?");
return nullptr;
if (!result && !has_error()) {
SetError(ExprToken(), "No input to parse.");
return nullptr;
return result;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::ParseExpression(int precedence) {
if (at_end())
return nullptr;
const ExprToken& token = Consume();
PrefixFunc prefix = kDispatchInfo[token.type()].prefix;
if (!prefix) {
SetError(token, fxl::StringPrintf("Unexpected token '%s'.",
return nullptr;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left = (this->*prefix)(token);
if (has_error())
return left;
while (!at_end() &&
precedence < kDispatchInfo[cur_token().type()].precedence) {
const ExprToken& next_token = Consume();
InfixFunc infix = kDispatchInfo[next_token.type()].infix;
if (!infix) {
SetError(token, fxl::StringPrintf("Unexpected token '%s'.",
return nullptr;
left = (this->*infix)(std::move(left), next_token);
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return left;
// A list is any sequence of comma-separated types. We don't parse the types
// (this is hard) but instead skip over them.
std::vector<std::string> ExprParser::ParseTemplateList(
ExprToken::Type stop_before) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
while (!at_end() && !LookAhead(stop_before)) {
TemplateTypeResult type_result = ExtractTemplateType(tokens_, cur_);
if (!type_result.success) {
"Unmatched '%s'.",
return std::vector<std::string>();
cur_ = type_result.end_token;
// Consume a comma if there is one, but don't consume anything else. The
// end token will break out of our loop.
if (LookAhead(ExprToken::kComma))
return result;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::AmpersandPrefix(const ExprToken& token) {
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> right = ParseExpression(kPrecedenceUnary);
if (!has_error() && !right)
SetError(token, "Expected expression for '&'.");
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return fxl::MakeRefCounted<AddressOfExprNode>(std::move(right));
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::ScopeInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token) {
// Scope infix means we have two things separated by a "::". Both the right
// and the left should be identifier nodes. Scope resolution is
// left-associative so use the same precedence as the token.
return JoinIdentifiers(left, token, ParseExpression(kPrecedenceScope));
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::ScopePrefix(const ExprToken& token) {
// Scope prefix means we found something like "::foo". Scope resolution is
// left-associative so use the same precedence as the token.
return JoinIdentifiers(nullptr, token, ParseExpression(kPrecedenceScope));
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::DotOrArrowInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token) {
// These are left-associative so use the same precedence as the token.
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> right = ParseExpression(kPrecedenceCallAccess);
if (!right || !right->AsIdentifier()) {
SetError(token, fxl::StringPrintf(
"Expected identifier for right-hand-side of \"%s\".",
return nullptr;
// Use the name from the right-hand-side identifier, we don't need a full
// expression for that. If we add function calls it will be necessary.
return fxl::MakeRefCounted<MemberAccessExprNode>(
std::move(left), token, right->AsIdentifier()->ident());
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::IntegerPrefix(const ExprToken& token) {
return fxl::MakeRefCounted<IntegerExprNode>(token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::LeftParenPrefix(const ExprToken& token) {
// "(" as a prefix is a grouping or cast: "a + (b + c)" or "(Foo)bar" where
// it doesn't modify the thing on the left. Evaluate the thing inside the
// () and return it.
// Currently there's no infix version of "(" which would be something like
// a function call.
auto expr = ParseExpression(0);
if (!has_error() && !expr)
SetError(token, "Expected expression inside '('.");
if (!has_error())
Consume(ExprToken::kRightParen, token, "Expected ')' to match.");
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return expr;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::LeftSquareInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token) {
auto inner = ParseExpression(0);
if (!has_error() && !inner)
SetError(token, "Expected expression inside '['.");
if (!has_error())
Consume(ExprToken::kRightSquare, token, "Expected ']' to match.");
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return fxl::MakeRefCounted<ArrayAccessExprNode>(std::move(left),
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::LessInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token) {
std::vector<std::string> list = ParseTemplateList(ExprToken::kGreater);
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
// Ending ">".
const ExprToken& template_end =
Consume(ExprToken::kGreater, token, "Expected '>' to match.");
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
// For templates the thing on the left should always be an identifier.
const IdentifierExprNode* left_ident_node = left->AsIdentifier();
if (!left_ident_node) {
SetError(token, "Unexpected '<'.");
return nullptr;
// Find what we're adding the template to.
const auto& comps = left_ident_node->ident().components();
if (comps.back().has_template()) {
SetError(token, "Duplicate template specification.");
return nullptr;
const auto& back = comps.back();
// Make a new identifier with the template appended to the last component.
auto result = fxl::MakeRefCounted<IdentifierExprNode>();
result->ident() = left_ident_node->ident();
result->ident().components().back() = Identifier::Component(
back.separator(),, token, std::move(list), template_end);
return result;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::GreaterInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token) {
return nullptr;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::MinusPrefix(const ExprToken& token) {
// Currently we only implement "-" as a prefix which is for unary "-" when
// you type "-5" or "-foo[6]". An infix version would be needed to parse the
// binary operator for "a - 6".
auto inner = ParseExpression(kPrecedenceUnary);
if (!has_error() && !inner)
SetError(token, "Expected expression for '-'.");
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return fxl::MakeRefCounted<UnaryOpExprNode>(token, std::move(inner));
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::NamePrefix(const ExprToken& token) {
return NameInfix(nullptr, token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::NameInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token) {
return fxl::MakeRefCounted<IdentifierExprNode>(token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::StarPrefix(const ExprToken& token) {
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> right = ParseExpression(kPrecedenceUnary);
if (!has_error() && !right)
SetError(token, "Expected expression for '*'.");
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return fxl::MakeRefCounted<DereferenceExprNode>(std::move(right));
bool ExprParser::LookAhead(ExprToken::Type type) const {
if (at_end())
return false;
return cur_token().type() == type;
const ExprToken& ExprParser::Consume() {
if (at_end())
return kInvalidToken;
return tokens_[cur_++];
const ExprToken& ExprParser::Consume(ExprToken::Type type,
const ExprToken& error_token,
const char* error_msg) {
FXL_DCHECK(!has_error()); // Should have error-checked before calling.
if (at_end()) {
std::string(error_msg) + " Hit the end of input instead.");
return kInvalidToken;
if (cur_token().type() == type)
return Consume();
SetError(error_token, error_msg);
return kInvalidToken;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ExprParser::JoinIdentifiers(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& scope_token,
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> right) {
// This always makes a new identifier ExprNode. In most cases this is
// unnecessary and we could easily modify left or right, or at least suck out
// the Components to avoid copying all the strings. But this is not
// performance-critical so the simpler solution is better.
auto result = fxl::MakeRefCounted<IdentifierExprNode>();
// Left identifier is optional since this is also used to prefix things with
// a "::".
if (left) {
if (const IdentifierExprNode* left_ident = left->AsIdentifier()) {
result->ident() = left_ident->ident();
} else {
SetError(scope_token, "'::' not expected here.");
return nullptr;
// Right side is required.
const IdentifierExprNode* right_ident = nullptr;
if (!right || !(right_ident = right->AsIdentifier())) {
SetError(scope_token, "Expected identifier after '::'.");
return nullptr;
// All identifiers should have >= one component.
const auto& right_comps = right_ident->ident().components();
// Right shoudn't start with a "::" since we're adding another one.
const Identifier::Component& first_comp = right_comps[0];
if (first_comp.has_separator()) {
// Two "::" in a row.
SetError(first_comp.separator(), "Duplicate '::'.");
return nullptr;
// Append all the right elements, adding the new scope to the first.
scope_token,, first_comp.template_begin(),
first_comp.template_contents(), first_comp.template_end());
for (size_t i = 1; i < right_comps.size(); i++)
return result;
void ExprParser::SetError(const ExprToken& token, std::string msg) {
err_ = Err(std::move(msg));
error_token_ = token;
} // namespace zxdb