blob: d3c34421335d5aa60d2a32aa7748e9043d88fe6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/expr_token.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/expr_value.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/identifier.h"
#include "lib/fxl/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
namespace zxdb {
class AddressOfExprNode;
class ArrayAccessExprNode;
class DereferenceExprNode;
class Err;
class ExprEvalContext;
class IdentifierExprNode;
class IntegerExprNode;
class MemberAccessExprNode;
class UnaryOpExprNode;
// Represents one node in the abstract syntax tree.
class ExprNode : public fxl::RefCountedThreadSafe<ExprNode> {
using EvalCallback = std::function<void(const Err& err, ExprValue value)>;
ExprNode() = default;
virtual ~ExprNode() = default;
virtual const AddressOfExprNode* AsAddressOf() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const ArrayAccessExprNode* AsArrayAccess() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const DereferenceExprNode* AsDereference() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const IdentifierExprNode* AsIdentifier() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const IntegerExprNode* AsInteger() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const MemberAccessExprNode* AsMemberAccess() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const UnaryOpExprNode* AsUnaryOp() const { return nullptr; }
// Evaluates the expression and calls the callback with the result. The
// callback may be called reentrantly (meaning from within the callstack
// of Eval itself).
// Some eval operations are asynchronous because they require reading data
// from the remote system. Many are not. Since we expect relatively few
// evals (from user typing) and that they are quite simple (most are one
// value or a simple dereference), we opt for simplicity and make all
// evals require a callback.
// For larger expressions this can be quite heavyweight because not only
// will the expression be recursively executed, but returning the result
// will double the depth of the recursion (not to mention a heavyweight
// lambda bind for each).
// One thing that might cause expression eval speed to be an issue is when
// they are automatically executed as in a conditional breakpoint. If we
// start using expressions in conditional breakpoints and find that
// performance is unacceptable, this should be optimized to support evals
// that do not require callbacks unless necessary.
// The caller is responsible for ensuring the tree of nodes is in scope for
// the duration of this call until the callback is executed. This would
// normally be done by having the tree be owned by the callback itself. If
// this is causing memory lifetime problems, we should switch nodes to be
// reference counted.
// See also EvalFollowReferences below.
virtual void Eval(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
EvalCallback cb) const = 0;
// Like "Eval" but expands all references to the values they point to. When
// evaluating a subexpression this is the variant you want because without
// it the ExprValue in the callback will be the reference, which just
// contains the address of the value you want.
// The time you wouldn't want this is when calling externally where the
// caller wants to know the actual type the expression evaluated to.
void EvalFollowReferences(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
EvalCallback cb) const;
// Dumps the tree to a stream with the given indent. Used for unit testing
// and debugging.
virtual void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const = 0;
// Implements taking an address of n expression ("&" in C).
class AddressOfExprNode : public ExprNode {
const AddressOfExprNode* AsAddressOf() const override { return this; }
void Eval(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
EvalCallback cb) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
AddressOfExprNode(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> expr) : expr_(std::move(expr)) {}
~AddressOfExprNode() override = default;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> expr_;
// Implements an array access: foo[bar].
class ArrayAccessExprNode : public ExprNode {
const ArrayAccessExprNode* AsArrayAccess() const override { return this; }
void Eval(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
EvalCallback cb) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
ArrayAccessExprNode(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left, fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> inner)
: left_(std::move(left)), inner_(std::move(inner)) {}
~ArrayAccessExprNode() override = default;
// Converts the given value which is the result of executing the "inner"
// expression and converts it to an integer if possible.
static Err InnerValueToOffset(const ExprValue& inner, int64_t* offset);
static void DoAccess(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context, ExprValue left,
int64_t offset, EvalCallback cb);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left_;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> inner_;
// Implements dereferencing a pointer ("*" in C).
class DereferenceExprNode : public ExprNode {
const DereferenceExprNode* AsDereference() const override { return this; }
void Eval(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
EvalCallback cb) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
DereferenceExprNode(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> expr) : expr_(std::move(expr)) {}
~DereferenceExprNode() override = default;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> expr_;
// Implements a bare identifier.
class IdentifierExprNode : public ExprNode {
const IdentifierExprNode* AsIdentifier() const override { return this; }
void Eval(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
EvalCallback cb) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
Identifier& ident() { return ident_; }
const Identifier& ident() const { return ident_; }
// Destructively moves the identifier out of this class.
Identifier TakeIdentifier() { return std::move(ident_); }
IdentifierExprNode() = default;
// Simple one-name identifier.
IdentifierExprNode(const ExprToken& name) : ident_(name){};
IdentifierExprNode(Identifier id) : ident_(std::move(id)) {}
~IdentifierExprNode() override = default;
Identifier ident_;
// Implements an integer. If we add more numeric types we may want this to be
// called a "Literal" instead.
class IntegerExprNode : public ExprNode {
const IntegerExprNode* AsInteger() const override { return this; }
void Eval(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
EvalCallback cb) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
// The number token.
const ExprToken& integer() const { return integer_; }
IntegerExprNode() = default;
explicit IntegerExprNode(const ExprToken& integer) : integer_(integer) {}
~IntegerExprNode() override = default;
ExprToken integer_;
// Implements both "." and "->" struct/class/union data member accesses.
class MemberAccessExprNode : public ExprNode {
const MemberAccessExprNode* AsMemberAccess() const override { return this; }
void Eval(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
EvalCallback cb) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
// Expression on the left side of the "." or "->".
const ExprNode* left() const { return left_.get(); }
// The "." or "->" token itself.
const ExprToken& accessor() const { return accessor_; }
// The name of the data member.
const Identifier& member() const { return member_; }
MemberAccessExprNode() = default;
MemberAccessExprNode(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left, const ExprToken& access,
const Identifier& member)
: left_(std::move(left)), accessor_(access), member_(member) {}
~MemberAccessExprNode() override = default;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left_;
ExprToken accessor_;
Identifier member_;
// Implements unary mathematical operators (the operation depends on the
// operator token).
class UnaryOpExprNode : public ExprNode {
const UnaryOpExprNode* AsUnaryOp() const override { return this; }
void Eval(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
EvalCallback cb) const override;
void Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const override;
UnaryOpExprNode(const ExprToken& op, fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> expr)
: op_(op), expr_(std::move(expr)) {}
~UnaryOpExprNode() override = default;
ExprToken op_;
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> expr_;
} // namespace zxdb