blob: 0a8b14cac3d71dcc700417d25b2094f8f22be57b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use chrono::TimeZone;
use failure::{Error, ResultExt};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_syslog_listener as syslog_listener;
use fuchsia_syslog_listener::LogProcessor;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use std::collections::hash_set::HashSet;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path::PathBuf;
// Include the generated FIDL bindings for the `Logger` service.
use fidl_fuchsia_logger::{
LogFilterOptions, LogLevelFilter, LogMessage, MAX_TAGS, MAX_TAG_LEN_BYTES,
const DEFAULT_FILE_CAPACITY: u64 = 64000;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct LogListenerOptions {
filter: LogFilterOptions,
local: LocalOptions,
impl Default for LogListenerOptions {
fn default() -> LogListenerOptions {
LogListenerOptions {
filter: LogFilterOptions {
filter_by_pid: false,
pid: 0,
min_severity: LogLevelFilter::Info,
verbosity: 0,
filter_by_tid: false,
tid: 0,
tags: vec![],
local: LocalOptions::default(),
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
struct LocalOptions {
file: Option<String>,
file_capacity: u64,
ignore_tags: HashSet<String>,
clock: Clock,
time_format: String,
impl Default for LocalOptions {
fn default() -> LocalOptions {
LocalOptions {
file: None,
ignore_tags: HashSet::new(),
clock: Clock::Monotonic,
time_format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".to_string(),
impl LocalOptions {
fn format_time(&self, timestamp: zx::sys::zx_time_t) -> String {
match self.clock {
Clock::Monotonic => format!(
timestamp / 1000000000,
(timestamp / 1000) % 1000000
Clock::UTC => self
Clock::Local => chrono::Local
fn _monotonic_to_utc(&self, timestamp: zx::sys::zx_time_t) -> chrono::NaiveDateTime {
// Find UTC offset for Monotonic.
// Must compute this every time since UTC time can be adjusted.
// Note that when printing old messages from memory buffer then
// this may offset them from UTC time as set when logged in
// case of UTC time adjustments since.
let monotonic_zero_as_utc =
zx::Time::get(zx::ClockId::UTC).nanos() - zx::Time::get(zx::ClockId::Monotonic).nanos();
let shifted_timestamp = monotonic_zero_as_utc + timestamp;
let seconds = (shifted_timestamp / 1000000000) as i64;
let nanos = (shifted_timestamp % 1000000000) as u32;
chrono::NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(seconds, nanos)
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
enum Clock {
Monotonic, // Corresponds to ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC
UTC, // Corresponds to ZX_UTC_MONOTONIC
Local, // Localized wall time
struct MaxCapacityFile {
file_path: PathBuf,
file: fs::File,
capacity: u64,
curr_size: u64,
impl MaxCapacityFile {
fn new<P: Into<PathBuf>>(file_path: P, capacity: u64) -> Result<MaxCapacityFile, Error> {
let file_path = file_path.into();
let file = fs::OpenOptions::new().append(true).create(true).open(&file_path)?;
let curr_size = file.metadata()?.len();
Ok(MaxCapacityFile {
// rotate will move the current file to ${file_path}.log.old and create a new file at ${file_path}
// to hold future messages.
fn rotate(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
fs::rename(&self.file_path, &self.file_path.with_extension("log.old"))?;
self.file = fs::OpenOptions::new().append(true).create(true).open(&self.file_path)?;
self.curr_size = 0;
impl Write for MaxCapacityFile {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
if buf.len() as u64 > self.capacity / 2 {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "buffer size larger than file capacity"));
if self.capacity != 0 && self.curr_size + (buf.len() as u64) > self.capacity / 2 {
self.curr_size += buf.len() as u64;
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
fn help(name: &str) -> String {
r#"Usage: {name} [flags]
--tag <string>:
Tag to filter on. Multiple tags can be specified by using multiple --tag flags.
All the logs containing at least one of the passed tags would be printed.
--ignore-tag <string>:
Tag to ignore. Any logs containing at least one of the passed tags will not be
--pid <integer>:
pid for the program to filter on.
--tid <integer>:
tid for the program to filter on.
Minimum severity to filter on.
Defaults to INFO.
--verbosity <integer>:
Verbosity to filter on. It should be positive integer greater than 0.
If this is passed, it overrides default severity.
Errors out if both this and --severity are passed.
Defaults to 0 which means don't filter on verbosity.
--file <string>:
File to write logs to. If omitted, logs are written to stdout.
--file_capacity <integer>:
The maximum allowed amount of disk space to consume. Once the file being written to
reaches half of the capacity, it is moved to FILE.old and a new log file is created.
Defaults to {default_capacity}. Does nothing if --file is not specified. Setting this
to 0 disables this functionality.
--clock <Monotonic|UTC|Local>:
Select clock to use for timestamps.
Monotonic (default): same as ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
UTC: same as ZX_CLOCK_UTC.
Local: localized wall time.
--time_format <format>:
If --clock is not MONOTONIC, specify timestamp format.
See chrono::format::strftime for format specifiers.
Defaults to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".
--help | -h:
Prints usage."#,
name=name, default_capacity=DEFAULT_FILE_CAPACITY
fn parse_flags(args: &[String]) -> Result<LogListenerOptions, String> {
if args.len() % 2 != 0 {
return Err(String::from("Invalid args."));
let mut options = LogListenerOptions::default();
let mut i = 0;
let mut severity_passed = false;
while i < args.len() {
let argument = &args[i];
if args[i + 1].starts_with("-") {
return Err(format!(
"Invalid args. Pass argument after flag '{}'",
match argument.as_ref() {
"--tag" => {
let tag = &args[i + 1];
if tag.len() > MAX_TAG_LEN_BYTES as usize {
return Err(format!(
"'{}' should not be more than {} characters",
if options.filter.tags.len() > MAX_TAGS as usize {
return Err(format!("Max tags allowed: {}", MAX_TAGS));
"--ignore-tag" => {
let tag = &args[i + 1];
if tag.len() > MAX_TAG_LEN_BYTES as usize {
return Err(format!(
"'{}' should not be more than {} characters",
"--severity" => {
if options.filter.verbosity > 0 {
return Err(
"Invalid arguments: Cannot pass both severity and verbosity".to_string()
severity_passed = true;
match args[i + 1].as_ref() {
"INFO" => options.filter.min_severity = LogLevelFilter::Info,
"WARN" => options.filter.min_severity = LogLevelFilter::Warn,
"ERROR" => options.filter.min_severity = LogLevelFilter::Error,
"FATAL" => options.filter.min_severity = LogLevelFilter::Fatal,
a => return Err(format!("Invalid severity: {}", a)),
"--verbosity" => if let Ok(v) = args[i + 1].parse::<u8>() {
if severity_passed {
return Err(
"Invalid arguments: Cannot pass both severity and verbosity".to_string()
if v == 0 {
return Err(format!(
"Invalid verbosity: '{}', should be positive integer greater than 0.",
args[i + 1]
options.filter.min_severity = LogLevelFilter::None;
options.filter.verbosity = v;
} else {
return Err(format!(
"Invalid verbosity: '{}', should be positive integer greater than 0.",
args[i + 1]
"--pid" => {
options.filter.filter_by_pid = true;
match args[i + 1].parse::<u64>() {
Ok(pid) => { = pid;
Err(_) => {
return Err(format!(
"Invalid pid: '{}', should be a positive integer.",
args[i + 1]
"--tid" => {
options.filter.filter_by_tid = true;
match args[i + 1].parse::<u64>() {
Ok(tid) => {
options.filter.tid = tid;
Err(_) => {
return Err(format!(
"Invalid tid: '{}', should be a positive integer.",
args[i + 1]
"--file" => {
options.local.file = Some((&args[i + 1]).clone());
"--file_capacity" => {
match args[i + 1].parse::<u64>() {
Ok(cap) => {
options.local.file_capacity = cap;
Err(_) => {
return Err(format!(
"Invalid file capacity: '{}', should be a positive integer.",
args[i + 1]
"--clock" => match args[i + 1].to_lowercase().as_ref() {
"monotonic" => options.local.clock = Clock::Monotonic,
"utc" => options.local.clock = Clock::UTC,
"local" => options.local.clock = Clock::Local,
a => return Err(format!("Invalid clock: {}", a)),
"--time_format" => {
options.local.time_format = args[i + 1].clone();
a => {
return Err(format!("Invalid option {}", a));
i = i + 2;
return Ok(options);
struct Listener<W: Write + Send> {
// stores pid, dropped_logs
dropped_logs: HashMap<u64, u32>,
local_options: LocalOptions,
writer: W,
impl<W> LogProcessor for Listener<W>
W: Write + Send,
fn log(&mut self, message: LogMessage) {
if message
.any(|tag| self.local_options.ignore_tags.contains(tag))
let tags = message.tags.join(", ");
"[{}][{}][{}][{}] {}: {}",
).expect("should not fail");
if message.dropped_logs > 0
&& self
.map(|d| d < &message.dropped_logs)
"[{}][{}][{}][{}] WARNING: Dropped logs count: {}",
).expect("should not fail");
self.dropped_logs.insert(, message.dropped_logs);
fn done(&mut self) {
// ignore as this is not called incase of listener.
fn get_log_level(level: i32) -> String {
match level {
0 => "INFO".to_string(),
1 => "WARNING".to_string(),
2 => "ERROR".to_string(),
3 => "FATAL".to_string(),
l => {
if l > 3 {
} else {
format!("VLOG({})", -l)
fn new_listener(local_options: LocalOptions) -> Result<Listener<Box<dyn Write + Send>>, Error> {
let writer: Box<dyn Write + Send> = match local_options.file {
None => Box::new(io::stdout()),
Some(ref name) => Box::new(MaxCapacityFile::new(name, local_options.file_capacity)?),
Ok(Listener {
dropped_logs: HashMap::new(),
writer: writer,
local_options: local_options,
fn run_log_listener(options: Option<&mut LogListenerOptions>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut executor = fasync::Executor::new().context("Error creating executor")?;
let (filter_options, local_options) = options.map_or_else(
|| (None, LocalOptions::default()),
|o| (Some(&mut o.filter), o.local.clone()),
let l = new_listener(local_options)?;
let listener_fut = syslog_listener::run_log_listener(l, filter_options, false)?;
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() > 1 && (args[1] == "--help" || args[1] == "-h") {
println!("{}\n", help(args[0].as_ref()));
let mut options = match parse_flags(&args[1..]) {
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{}\n{}\n", e, help(args[0].as_ref()));
Ok(o) => o,
if let Err(e) = run_log_listener(Some(&mut options)) {
eprintln!("LogListener: Error: {:?}", e);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use tempfile::TempDir;
fn copy_log_message(msg: &LogMessage) -> LogMessage {
LogMessage {
tid: msg.tid,
severity: msg.severity,
time: msg.time,
msg: msg.msg.clone(),
dropped_logs: msg.dropped_logs,
tags: msg.tags.clone(),
fn test_log_fn() {
let _executor = fasync::Executor::new().expect("unable to create executor");
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("should have created tempdir");
let file_path = tmp_dir.path().join("tmp_file");
let tmp_file = File::create(&file_path).expect("should have created file");
let mut l = Listener {
dropped_logs: HashMap::new(),
writer: tmp_file,
local_options: LocalOptions::default(),
// test log levels
let mut message = LogMessage {
pid: 123,
tid: 321,
severity: 0,
time: 76352234564,
msg: "hello".to_string(),
dropped_logs: 0,
tags: vec![],
for level in vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 11, -1, -3] {
message.severity = level;
let mut expected = "".to_string();
for level in &[
] {
expected.push_str(&format!("[00076.352234][123][321][] {}: hello\n", level));
// test tags
message.severity = 0;
message.tags = vec!["tag1".to_string()];
expected.push_str("[00076.352234][123][321][tag1] INFO: hello\n");
expected.push_str("[00076.352234][123][321][tag1, tag2] INFO: hello\n");
// test Monotonic time
message.time = 636253000631621;
let s = "[636253.000631][123][321][tag1, tag2] INFO: hello\n";
// test dropped logs
message.dropped_logs = 1;
expected.push_str("[636253.000631][123][321][tag1, tag2] WARNING: Dropped logs count: 1\n");
// will not print log count again
// change pid and test = 1234;
expected.push_str("[636253.000631][1234][321][tag1, tag2] INFO: hello\n");
.push_str("[636253.000631][1234][321][tag1, tag2] WARNING: Dropped logs count: 1\n");
// switch back pid and test = 123;
message.dropped_logs = 2;
expected.push_str("[636253.000631][123][321][tag1, tag2] WARNING: Dropped logs count: 2\n");
let mut tmp_file = File::open(&file_path).expect("should have opened the file");
let mut content = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut content)
.expect("something went wrong reading the file");
assert_eq!(content, expected);
fn test_max_capacity_file_write() {
let cap = 10;
struct TestCase {
file_1_initial_state: Vec<u8>,
file_2_initial_state: Vec<u8>,
write_to_perform: Vec<u8>,
file_1_expected_state: Vec<u8>,
file_2_expected_state: Vec<u8>,
let test_cases = vec![
TestCase {
file_1_initial_state: vec![],
file_2_initial_state: vec![],
write_to_perform: vec![],
file_1_expected_state: vec![],
file_2_expected_state: vec![],
TestCase {
file_1_initial_state: vec![],
file_2_initial_state: vec![],
write_to_perform: vec![0],
file_1_expected_state: vec![0],
file_2_expected_state: vec![],
TestCase {
file_1_initial_state: vec![0],
file_2_initial_state: vec![0],
write_to_perform: vec![],
file_1_expected_state: vec![0],
file_2_expected_state: vec![0],
TestCase {
file_1_initial_state: vec![],
file_2_initial_state: vec![],
write_to_perform: vec![0,1,2,3,4],
file_1_expected_state: vec![0,1,2,3,4],
file_2_expected_state: vec![],
TestCase {
file_1_initial_state: vec![0,1,2,3,4],
file_2_initial_state: vec![],
write_to_perform: vec![5],
file_1_expected_state: vec![5],
file_2_expected_state: vec![0,1,2,3,4],
TestCase {
file_1_initial_state: vec![5,6,7,8,9],
file_2_initial_state: vec![0,1,2,3,4],
write_to_perform: vec![10,11,12,13,14],
file_1_expected_state: vec![10,11,12,13,14],
file_2_expected_state: vec![5,6,7,8,9],
for tc in test_cases {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let tmp_file_path = tmp_dir.path().join("test.log");
MaxCapacityFile::new(tmp_file_path.clone(), cap).unwrap()
let mut file1 = fs::OpenOptions::new().read(true)
let file_size = file1.metadata().unwrap().len();
let mut buf = vec![0; file_size as usize]; buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, tc.file_1_expected_state);
let mut file2 = fs::OpenOptions::new().read(true)
let file_size = file2.metadata().unwrap().len();
let mut buf = vec![0; file_size as usize]; buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, tc.file_2_expected_state);
fn test_format_monotonic_time() {
let mut local_options = LocalOptions::default();
let timestamp = 636253000631621;
let formatted = local_options.format_time(timestamp); // Test default
assert_eq!(formatted, "636253.000631");
local_options.clock = Clock::Monotonic;
let formatted = local_options.format_time(timestamp);
assert_eq!(formatted, "636253.000631");
fn test_format_utc_time() {
let mut local_options = LocalOptions::default();
let timestamp = 636253000631621;
local_options.clock = Clock::UTC;
local_options.time_format = "%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y".to_string();
let timestamp_utc_formatted = local_options.format_time(timestamp);
let timestamp_utc_struct = chrono::NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(
let zero_utc_formatted = local_options.format_time(0);
assert_ne!(zero_utc_formatted, timestamp_utc_formatted);
mod parse_flags {
use super::*;
fn parse_flag_test_helper(args: &[String], options: Option<&LogListenerOptions>) {
match parse_flags(args) {
Ok(l) => match options {
None => {
panic!("parse_flags should have returned error, got: {:?}", l);
Some(options) => {
assert_eq!(&l, options);
Err(e) => {
if let Some(_) = options {
panic!("did not expect error: {}", e);
fn invalid_options() {
let args = vec!["--tag".to_string()];
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
fn invalid_options2() {
let args = vec!["--tag".to_string(), "--severity".to_string()];
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
fn invalid_flag() {
let args = vec![
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
fn one_tag() {
let args = vec!["--tag".to_string(), "tag".to_string()];
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn multiple_tags() {
let args = vec![
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn one_ignore_tag() {
let args = vec!["--ignore-tag".to_string(), "tag".to_string()];
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn multiple_ignore_tags() {
let args = vec![
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn pid() {
let args = vec!["--pid".to_string(), "123".to_string()];
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
expected.filter.filter_by_pid = true; = 123;
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn pid_fail() {
let args = vec!["--pid".to_string(), "123a".to_string()];
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
fn tid() {
let args = vec!["--tid".to_string(), "123".to_string()];
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
expected.filter.filter_by_tid = true;
expected.filter.tid = 123;
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn tid_fail() {
let args = vec!["--tid".to_string(), "123a".to_string()];
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
fn severity() {
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
expected.filter.min_severity = LogLevelFilter::None;
for s in vec!["INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL"] {
let args = vec!["--severity".to_string(), s.to_string()];
expected.filter.min_severity = LogLevelFilter::from_primitive(
expected.filter.min_severity.into_primitive() + 1,
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn severity_fail() {
let args = vec!["--severity".to_string(), "DEBUG".to_string()];
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
fn verbosity() {
let args = vec!["--verbosity".to_string(), "2".to_string()];
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
expected.filter.verbosity = 2;
expected.filter.min_severity = LogLevelFilter::None;
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn severity_verbosity_together() {
let args = vec![
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
let args = vec![
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
fn verbosity_fail() {
let mut args = vec!["--verbosity".to_string(), "-2".to_string()];
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
args[1] = "str".to_string();
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
args[1] = "0".to_string();
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
fn file_test() {
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
expected.local.file = Some("/data/test".to_string());
let args = vec!["--file".to_string(), "/data/test".to_string()];
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn file_empty() {
let args = Vec::new();
let expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn clock() {
let args = vec!["--clock".to_string(), "UTC".to_string()];
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
expected.local.clock = Clock::UTC;
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn clock_fail() {
let args = vec!["--clock".to_string(), "CLUCK!!".to_string()];
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
fn time_format() {
let args = vec!["--time_format".to_string(), "%H:%M:%S".to_string()];
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
expected.local.time_format = "%H:%M:%S".to_string();
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn tag_edge_case() {
let mut args = vec!["--tag".to_string()];
let mut tag = "a".to_string();
for _ in 1..MAX_TAG_LEN_BYTES {
let mut expected = LogListenerOptions::default();
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
args[1] = "tag1".to_string();
expected.filter.tags[0] = args[1].clone();
for i in 1..MAX_TAGS {
args.push(format!("tag{}", i));
expected.filter.tags.push(format!("tag{}", i));
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, Some(&expected));
fn tag_fail() {
let mut args = vec!["--tag".to_string()];
let mut tag = "a".to_string();
for _ in 0..MAX_TAG_LEN_BYTES {
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);
args[1] = "tag1".to_string();
for i in 0..MAX_TAGS + 5 {
args.push(format!("tag{}", i));
parse_flag_test_helper(&args, None);