blob: 2e48605eead5ec562664ab715016c9b2a24e2edd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.auth;
// Specifies the success/failure status of TokenManager calls.
enum Status {
// The command completed successfully
OK = 0;
// The command referred to a missing, misconfigured, or failed auth provider.
// Retrying is not recommended.
// The auth server was reachable but responded with an error. These errors
// are typically caused by a configuration problem or a revoked token and so
// should not be retried.
// An internal error occurred. This usually indicates a bug within the Token
// Manager itself. Retry is optional.
// An invalid or non-functional AuthContextProvider was provided. Retrying is
// unlikely to correct this error.
// The request was malformed in some way, such as using an empty string for
// the user_profile_id. The request should not be retried.
// The requested user profile could not be found in the database. The request
// should not be retried.
// A local error occured such as disk I/O or memory allocation. Retry, after
// a delay, is recommended.
// Some other problem occured that cannot be classified using one of the more
// specic statuses. Retry is optional.
// The auth server requires that the user reauthenticate. The client should
// call the Authorize method.
// The user cancelled the flow. User consent is required before any retry.
// A network error occured while communicating with the auth server. Retry,
// after a delay, is recommended.
// Stores configuration parameters required to connect to available
// |AuthProvider|s. It is used by TokenManager to instantiate all auth providers
// during startup.
struct AuthProviderConfig {
// Type of OAuth Identity provider. An identity provider authenticates and
// authorizes users for accessing their services. They also provide unique
// identifiers for users to interact with the system and may provide
// information about the user that is known to the provider.
// Sample auth provider types include:
// Dev : An identity provider that's used for development and testing.
// Google: Uses Google as the identity provider. Authorization from Google
// requires a working network connection and a web view.
// Spotify: Uses Spotify as an identity provider.
string auth_provider_type;
// Url of the Fuchsia component implementing the AuthProvider.
string url;
// Optional parameters specified during AuthProvider startup.
vector<string>? params;
// Stores OAuth configuration details for a given client application. These
// details are used in the OAuth authorization step.
struct AppConfig {
// An OAuth identity provider matching a configuration set in
// AuthProviderConfig.auth_provider_type.
string auth_provider_type;
// OAuth client id.
string? client_id;
// OAuth client secret.
// This field is optional and will only be used on calls to Authorize.
string? client_secret;
// OAuth application's redirect uri.
// This field is optional and will only be used on calls to Authorize.
string? redirect_uri;
// Implemented by a privileged system component with the ability to display UI
// to the end user.
// This is provided during the initialization of TokenManager service and is
// used for any subsequent authorize calls. The UI contexts created by this
// interface are used to display OAuth login and permission screens to the end
// user.
interface AuthenticationContextProvider {
1: GetAuthenticationUIContext(request<AuthenticationUIContext> request);
// This interface provides a discoverable mechanism to create TokenManager
// instances for each user, and to supply auth provider configuration
// information using the structs defined in |auth_provider.fidl|.
interface TokenManagerFactory {
// Creates an OAuth TokenManager instance scoped for the component specified
// by |application_url|, the Fuchsia user specified by |user_id|, and the list
// of auth providers specified in |auth_provider_configs|.
// |auth_context_provider| is used to generate AuthenticationUIContexts during
// TokenManager methods that require UI, unless the caller of those methods
// supplies an alternative AuthenticationUIContext.
1: GetTokenManager(string user_id, string application_url,
vector<AuthProviderConfig> auth_provider_configs,
AuthenticationContextProvider auth_context_provider,
request<TokenManager> token_manager);
// This interface manages OAuth tokens at the Fuchsia system level for different
// auth identity providers.
// If user authorization is required for minting tokens, TokenManager uses the
// |auth_context_provider's| UI context for displaying OAuth UI to the end user.
// After initialization, TokenManager handles are typically handed out by
// Framework to components like Ledger and Agents. These components fetch
// OAuth tokens from any configured auth provider, and use the
// |auth_context_provider| initialized above for new authorizations.
interface TokenManager {
// The first step of OAuth is to get authorization from the user. For Fuchsia
// components, this is accomplished by displaying OAuth permissions in a view
// provided by the caller. This view will use |auth_ui_context| if supplied,
// or the |auth_context_provider| supplied at TokenManager creation if not.
// The component's OAuth configuration is provided in |app_config| and
// |app_scopes|. An optional |user_profile_id| that uniquely identifies an
// account for a given auth provider may be provided to identify an existing
// account during a re-auth flow.
// IoT ID authorization includes a mode where the user authorizes on a second
// device and that device acquires an auth code from the auth provider.
// In this mode, the auth code may be supplied in |auth_code| and no local
// user interface will be displayed.
// After the user has successfully authorized, Token manager receives and
// securely stores a persistent credential, such as an OAuth refresh token,
// for the intended scopes. TokenManager later uses this credential for
// minting short lived tokens.
// If the operation is successful, an OK status is returned along with user
// profile information in |user_profile_info| such as the user's email,
// image_url, profile_url, and first and last names as configured on the auth
// provider backend system.
1: Authorize(AppConfig app_config, AuthenticationUIContext? auth_ui_context,
vector<string> app_scopes, string? user_profile_id, string? auth_code)
-> (Status status, UserProfileInfo? user_profile_info);
// Returns a downscoped access token from an auth provider for the given user
// |user_profile_id| and |scopes| to a Fuchsia component. The component's
// OAuth configuration is provided in |app_config| and the |user_profile_id|
// is the unique user identifier returned by the Authorize() call.
// In the interests of performance, Token Manager does not place the supplied
// scopes in a canonical order during caching. To benefit from caching of
// tokens, clients must request the same scopes in the same order across
// calls.
// The access token is returned from cache if possible, otherwise the auth
// provider is used to exchange the persistent credential for a new access
// token.
2: GetAccessToken(AppConfig app_config, string user_profile_id,
vector<string> app_scopes) -> (Status status, string? access_token);
// Returns a JWT identity token from an auth provider to a Fuchsia component
// intended for the given |audience|. The component's OAuth configuration is
// supplied in |app_config|, the intended recipient of the id_token is
// supplied in |audience|, and |user_profile_id| is a unique account
// identifier returned by the Authorize() or ListProfileIds() calls.
// |user_profile_id| is the unique user identifier returned by the
// Authorize() call.
// The identity token is returned from cache if possible, otherwise the auth
// provider is used to exchange the persistant credential for a new identity
// token.
3: GetIdToken(AppConfig app_config, string user_profile_id, string? audience)
-> (Status status, string? id_token);
// Returns a Firebase token from an auth provider for the given account and
// Fuchsia component, and Firebase client. The component's OAuth configuration
// is supplied in |app_config|, the Firebase client is supplied in
// |firebase_api_key|, and |user_profile_id| is a unique account identifier
// returned by the Authorize() or ListProfileIds() calls.
// This api invokes firebase auth's VerifyAssertion endpoint that takes an
// OAuth IdToken as the fuchsia.ui.input. Audience is the intended recipient
// of the firebase id token.
// The Firebase auth token is returned from cache if possible, otherwise it is
// refreshed from the auth provider.
4: GetFirebaseToken(AppConfig app_config, string user_profile_id,
string audience, string firebase_api_key)
-> (Status status, FirebaseToken? firebase_token);
// Deletes and revokes all long lived and short lived tokens generated for
// an account and on behalf of a Fuchsia component. The component's OAuth
// configuration is provided in |app_config| and |user_profile_id|
// is a unique account identifier returned by the Authorize() or
// ListProfileIds() calls.
// Deletion of tokens involves three steps:
// - revoking credentials remotely at the auth provider.
// - deleting short lived tokens from the in-memory cache.
// - deleting persistent credentials stored locally on disk.
5: DeleteAllTokens(AppConfig app_config, string user_profile_id)
-> (Status status);
// Returns a vector of all currently authorized user_profile_ids for a
// component's OAuth configuration provided in |app_config|.
6: ListProfileIds(AppConfig app_config)
-> (Status status, vector<string> user_profile_ids);