blob: 4a04856e86be962c0bfe0294ad91b4dbfa22559d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_symbol_factory.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/common/string_util.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/array_type.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/base_type.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/collection.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/data_member.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_test_util.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/inherited_from.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/function.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/function_type.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/modified_type.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/module_symbols_impl.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/symbol.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/test_symbol_module.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/variable.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
const char kDoStructCallName[] = "DoStructCall";
const char kGetIntPtrName[] = "GetIntPtr";
const char kGetStructMemberPtrName[] = "GetStructMemberPtr";
const char kPassRValueRefName[] = "PassRValueRef";
// Returns the function symbol with the given name. The name is assumed to
// exit as this function will EXPECT_* it to be valid. Returns empty refptr on
// failure.
fxl::RefPtr<const Function> GetFunctionWithName(ModuleSymbolsImpl& module,
const std::string& name) {
DwarfSymbolFactory* factory = module.symbol_factory();
llvm::DWARFUnit* unit = GetUnitWithNameEndingIn(
module.context(), module.compile_units(), "/");
if (!unit)
return nullptr;
// Find the GetIntPtr function.
llvm::DWARFDie function_die = GetFirstDieOfTagAndName(
module.context(), unit, llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_subprogram, name);
if (!function_die)
return nullptr;
// Should make a valid lazy reference to the function DIE.
LazySymbol lazy_function = factory->MakeLazy(function_die);
if (!lazy_function)
return nullptr;
// Deserialize to a function object.
const Symbol* function_symbol = lazy_function.Get();
EXPECT_EQ(Symbol::kTagSubprogram, function_symbol->tag());
return fxl::RefPtr<const Function>(function_symbol->AsFunction());
} // namespace
TEST(DwarfSymbolFactory, Function) {
ModuleSymbolsImpl module(TestSymbolModule::GetTestFileName(), "");
Err err = module.Load();
EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.msg();
// Find the GetIntPtr function.
fxl::RefPtr<const Function> function =
GetFunctionWithName(module, kGetIntPtrName);
// Unmangled name.
EXPECT_EQ(kGetIntPtrName, function->GetAssignedName());
// Mangled name. This tries not to depend on the exact name mangling rules
// while validating that it's reasonable. The mangled name shouldn't be
// exactly the same as the unmangled name, but should at least contain it.
EXPECT_NE(kGetIntPtrName, function->linkage_name());
EXPECT_NE(std::string::npos, function->linkage_name().find(kGetIntPtrName));
// Declaration location.
EXPECT_TRUE(StringEndsWith(function->decl_line().file(), "/"))
<< function->decl_line().file();
EXPECT_EQ(10, function->decl_line().line());
// Note: return type tested by ModifiedBaseType.
TEST(DwarfSymbolFactory, PtrToMemberFunction) {
ModuleSymbolsImpl module(TestSymbolModule::GetTestFileName(), "");
Err err = module.Load();
EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.msg();
// Find the GetIntPtr function.
fxl::RefPtr<const Function> get_function =
GetFunctionWithName(module, kGetStructMemberPtrName);
// Get the return type, this is a typedef (because functions can't return
// pointers to member functions).
auto return_typedef = get_function->return_type().Get()->AsModifiedType();
// The typedef references the member pointer. The type name encapsulates all
// return values and parameters so this tests everything at once.
const Symbol* member = return_typedef->modified().Get();
EXPECT_EQ("int (my_ns::Struct::*)(my_ns::Struct*, char)",
TEST(DwarfSymbolFactory, ModifiedBaseType) {
ModuleSymbolsImpl module(TestSymbolModule::GetTestFileName(), "");
Err err = module.Load();
EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.msg();
// Find the GetIntPtr function.
fxl::RefPtr<const Function> function =
GetFunctionWithName(module, kGetIntPtrName);
// Get the return type, this references a "pointer" modifier.
const ModifiedType* ptr_mod = function->return_type().Get()->AsModifiedType();
ASSERT_TRUE(ptr_mod) << "Tag = " << function->return_type().Get()->tag();
EXPECT_EQ(Symbol::kTagPointerType, ptr_mod->tag());
EXPECT_EQ("const int*", ptr_mod->GetFullName());
// The modified type should be a "const" modifier.
const ModifiedType* const_mod = ptr_mod->modified().Get()->AsModifiedType();
ASSERT_TRUE(const_mod) << "Tag = " << function->return_type().Get()->tag();
EXPECT_EQ(Symbol::kTagConstType, const_mod->tag());
EXPECT_EQ("const int", const_mod->GetFullName());
// The modified type should be the int base type.
const BaseType* base = const_mod->modified().Get()->AsBaseType();
EXPECT_EQ(Symbol::kTagBaseType, base->tag());
EXPECT_EQ("int", base->GetFullName());
// Validate the BaseType parameters.
EXPECT_EQ(BaseType::kBaseTypeSigned, base->base_type());
EXPECT_EQ("int", base->GetAssignedName());
// Try to be flexible about the size of ints on the platform.
EXPECT_TRUE(base->byte_size() == 4 || base->byte_size() == 8);
// This is not a bitfield.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, base->bit_size());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, base->bit_offset());
TEST(DwarfSymbolFactory, RValueRef) {
ModuleSymbolsImpl module(TestSymbolModule::GetTestFileName(), "");
Err err = module.Load();
EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.msg();
// Find the GetIntPtr function.
fxl::RefPtr<const Function> function =
GetFunctionWithName(module, kPassRValueRefName);
// Should have one parameter of rvalue ref type.
ASSERT_EQ(1u, function->parameters().size());
const Variable* var = function->parameters()[0].Get()->AsVariable();
const ModifiedType* modified = var->type().Get()->AsModifiedType();
EXPECT_EQ(Symbol::kTagRvalueReferenceType, modified->tag());
EXPECT_EQ("int&&", modified->GetFullName());
TEST(DwarfSymbolFactory, ArrayType) {
ModuleSymbolsImpl module(TestSymbolModule::GetTestFileName(), "");
Err err = module.Load();
EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.msg();
// Find the GetString function.
const char kGetString[] = "GetString";
fxl::RefPtr<const Function> function =
GetFunctionWithName(module, kGetString);
// Find the "str_array" variable in the function.
ASSERT_EQ(1u, function->variables().size());
const Variable* str_array = function->variables()[0].Get()->AsVariable();
EXPECT_EQ("str_array", str_array->GetAssignedName());
// It should be an array type with length 14.
const ArrayType* array_type = str_array->type().Get()->AsArrayType();
EXPECT_EQ(14u, array_type->num_elts());
EXPECT_EQ("const char[14]", array_type->GetFullName());
// The inner type should be a "char".
const Type* elt_type = array_type->value_type();
EXPECT_EQ("const char", elt_type->GetFullName());
TEST(DwarfSymbolFactory, Array2D) {
ModuleSymbolsImpl module(TestSymbolModule::GetTestFileName(), "");
Err err = module.Load();
EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.msg();
// Find the My2DArray function.
const char kMy2DArray[] = "My2DArray";
fxl::RefPtr<const Function> function =
GetFunctionWithName(module, kMy2DArray);
// Find the "array" variable in the function. It's declared as:
// int array[3][4]
ASSERT_EQ(1u, function->variables().size());
const Variable* array = function->variables()[0].Get()->AsVariable();
EXPECT_EQ("array", array->GetAssignedName());
// It should be an array type with length 3 (outer dimension).
const ArrayType* outer_array_type = array->type().Get()->AsArrayType();
EXPECT_EQ(3u, outer_array_type->num_elts());
EXPECT_EQ("int[3][4]", outer_array_type->GetFullName());
// The inner array type should be a int[4].
const Type* inner_type = outer_array_type->value_type();
const ArrayType* inner_array_type = inner_type->AsArrayType();
EXPECT_EQ(4u, inner_array_type->num_elts());
EXPECT_EQ("int[4]", inner_array_type->GetFullName());
// The final contained type type should be a "int".
const Type* elt_type = inner_array_type->value_type();
EXPECT_EQ("int", elt_type->GetFullName());
TEST(DwarfSymbolFactory, Collection) {
ModuleSymbolsImpl module(TestSymbolModule::GetTestFileName(), "");
Err err = module.Load();
EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.msg();
// Find the GetStruct function.
const char kGetStruct[] = "GetStruct";
fxl::RefPtr<const Function> function =
GetFunctionWithName(module, kGetStruct);
// The return type should be the struct.
auto* struct_type = function->return_type().Get()->AsCollection();
EXPECT_EQ("my_ns::Struct", struct_type->GetFullName());
// The struct has three data members and two base classes.
ASSERT_EQ(3u, struct_type->data_members().size());
ASSERT_EQ(2u, struct_type->inherited_from().size());
// The first thing should be Base1 at offset 0.
auto* base1 = struct_type->inherited_from()[0].Get()->AsInheritedFrom();
auto* base1_type = base1->from().Get()->AsType();
EXPECT_EQ("my_ns::Base1", base1_type->GetFullName());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, base1->offset());
// It should be followed by Base2. To allow flexibility in packing without
// breaking this test, all offsets below check only that the offset is
// greater than the previous one and a multiple of 4.
auto* base2 = struct_type->inherited_from()[1].Get()->AsInheritedFrom();
auto* base2_type = base2->from().Get()->AsType();
EXPECT_EQ("my_ns::Base2", base2_type->GetFullName());
EXPECT_LT(0u, base2->offset());
EXPECT_TRUE(base2->offset() % 4 == 0);
// The base classes should be followed by the data members on the struct.
auto* member_a = struct_type->data_members()[0].Get()->AsDataMember();
auto* member_a_type = member_a->type().Get()->AsType();
EXPECT_EQ("int", member_a_type->GetFullName());
EXPECT_LT(base2->offset(), member_a->member_location());
EXPECT_TRUE(member_a->member_location() % 4 == 0);
// The second data member should be "Struct* member_b".
auto* member_b = struct_type->data_members()[1].Get()->AsDataMember();
auto* member_b_type = member_b->type().Get()->AsType();
EXPECT_EQ("my_ns::Struct*", member_b_type->GetFullName());
EXPECT_LT(member_a->member_location(), member_b->member_location());
EXPECT_TRUE(member_b->member_location() % 4 == 0);
// The third data member is "const void* v". Void is weird because it will
// be represented as a modified pointer type of nothing.
auto* member_v = struct_type->data_members()[2].Get()->AsDataMember();
auto* member_v_type = member_v->type().Get()->AsType();
EXPECT_EQ("const void*", member_v_type->GetFullName());
EXPECT_LT(member_b->member_location(), member_v->member_location());
EXPECT_TRUE(member_v->member_location() % 4 == 0);
// Tests nested code blocks, variables, and parameters.
TEST(DwarfSymbolFactory, CodeBlocks) {
ModuleSymbolsImpl module(TestSymbolModule::GetTestFileName(), "");
Err err = module.Load();
EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error()) << err.msg();
// Find the DoStructCall function.
fxl::RefPtr<const Function> function =
GetFunctionWithName(module, kDoStructCallName);
// It should have two parameters, arg1 and arg2.
const Variable* struct_arg = nullptr;
const Variable* int_arg = nullptr;
ASSERT_EQ(2u, function->parameters().size());
for (const auto& param : function->parameters()) {
const Variable* cur_var = param.Get()->AsVariable();
ASSERT_TRUE(cur_var); // Each parameter should decode to a variable.
if (cur_var->GetAssignedName() == "arg1")
struct_arg = cur_var;
else if (cur_var->GetAssignedName() == "arg2")
int_arg = cur_var;
// Both args should have valid locations with non-empty expressions. This
// doesn't test the actual programs because that could vary by build.
// Validate the arg1 type (const Struct&).
const Type* struct_arg_type = struct_arg->type().Get()->AsType();
EXPECT_EQ("const my_ns::Struct&", struct_arg_type->GetFullName());
// Validate the arg2 type (int).
const Type* int_arg_type = int_arg->type().Get()->AsType();
EXPECT_EQ("int", int_arg_type->GetFullName());
// The function block should have one variable (var1).
ASSERT_EQ(1u, function->variables().size());
const Variable* var1 = function->variables()[0].Get()->AsVariable();
const Type* var1_type = var1->type().Get()->AsType();
EXPECT_EQ("volatile int", var1_type->GetFullName());
// There should be one child lexical scope.
ASSERT_EQ(1u, function->inner_blocks().size());
const CodeBlock* inner = function->inner_blocks()[0].Get()->AsCodeBlock();
// The lexical scope should have one child variable.
ASSERT_EQ(1u, inner->variables().size());
const Variable* var2 = inner->variables()[0].Get()->AsVariable();
const Type* var2_type = var2->type().Get()->AsType();
EXPECT_EQ("volatile my_ns::Struct", var2_type->GetFullName());
// The lexical scope should have no other children.
} // namespace zxdb