blob: 2ef9325af2ac9703975ab03b4381de6dfe386e82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/found_member.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/variable.h"
namespace zxdb {
// This class represents the result of looking up a variable by name. It could
// be a local or global variable (simple Variable* object), or it could be a
// member of the current implicit object ("this" in C++). This class represents
// either state.
class FoundVariable {
// Constructor for regular variables.
explicit FoundVariable(const Variable* variable);
// Constructor for data members.
FoundVariable(const Variable* object_ptr, FoundMember member);
FoundVariable(const Variable* object_ptr, const DataMember* data_member,
uint32_t data_member_offset);
bool is_object_member() const { return !!object_ptr_; }
// Use when is_object_member() is false.
const Variable* variable() const { return variable_.get(); }
fxl::RefPtr<Variable> variable_ref() { return variable_; }
// Use when is_object_member() is true. Always use the data_member_offset()
// from this class rather than the offset in data_member() (see comment
// below for more).
const Variable* object_ptr() const { return object_ptr_.get(); }
const FoundMember& member() const { return member_; }
// Represents the found variable when it's not a class member. When null,
// the result will be in object_member/data_member.
fxl::RefPtr<Variable> variable_;
// Represents the "this" object the data member is associated with it.
// Non-null when the found variable is a collection member. In this case,
// data_member and data_member_offset will be valid.
// This is the outermost object which one would evaluate to get the value of
// the object pointer rather than the class the data member is declared in
// (it could be a base class).
fxl::RefPtr<Variable> object_ptr_;
// Valid when object_ptr_ is non-null. This indicates the location of the
// data inside the object.
FoundMember member_;
} // namespace zxdb