blob: 053f810fbb02f2080eb8b486fd4c4379f37c1ac4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/public/lib/media/audio_dfx/lib/dfx_delay.h"
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "garnet/public/lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "garnet/public/lib/media/audio_dfx/audio_device_fx.h"
namespace media {
namespace audio_dfx_test {
// DfxDelay: static member functions
// static -- called from static DfxBase::GetInfo; uses DfxDelay classwide consts
bool DfxDelay::GetInfo(fuchsia_audio_dfx_description* dfx_desc) {
strlcpy(dfx_desc->name, "Delay effect", sizeof(dfx_desc->name));
dfx_desc->num_controls = kNumControls;
dfx_desc->incoming_channels = kNumChannelsIn;
dfx_desc->outgoing_channels = kNumChannelsOut;
return true;
// static -- uses DfxDelay classwide consts
bool DfxDelay::GetControlInfo(
uint16_t control_num,
fuchsia_audio_dfx_control_description* device_fx_control_desc) {
if (control_num >= kNumControls) {
return false;
strlcpy(device_fx_control_desc->name, "Delay (in frames)",
device_fx_control_desc->max_val = static_cast<float>(kMaxDelayFrames);
device_fx_control_desc->min_val = static_cast<float>(kMinDelayFrames);
device_fx_control_desc->initial_val = static_cast<float>(kInitialDelayFrames);
return true;
// static -- called from static DfxBase::Create
DfxDelay* DfxDelay::Create(uint32_t frame_rate, uint16_t channels_in,
uint16_t channels_out) {
if (channels_in != channels_out) {
return nullptr;
return new DfxDelay(frame_rate, channels_in);
// DfxDelay: instance member functions
DfxDelay::DfxDelay(uint32_t frame_rate, uint16_t channels)
: DfxBase(Effect::Delay, kNumControls, frame_rate, channels, channels,
kLatencyFrames, kLatencyFrames) {
// This buff must accomodate our maximum delay, plus the largest 'num_frames'
// required by process_inplace -- which can be as large as frame_rate.
delay_buff_ =
std::make_unique<float[]>((kMaxDelayFrames + frame_rate) * channels);
delay_samples_ = kInitialDelayFrames * channels_in_;
::memset(delay_buff_.get(), 0, delay_samples_ * sizeof(float));
// Returns FRAMES of delay. We cache SAMPLES for convenience, so convert back.
bool DfxDelay::GetControlValue(uint16_t control_num, float* value_out) {
*value_out = delay_samples_ / channels_in_;
return true;
// This effect chooses to self-flush, upon any change to our delay setting.
bool DfxDelay::SetControlValue(uint16_t control_num, float value) {
if (control_num >= kNumControls || value > kMaxDelayFrames ||
value < kMinDelayFrames) {
return false;
uint32_t new_delay_samples = static_cast<uint32_t>(value) * channels_in_;
if (new_delay_samples != delay_samples_) {
delay_samples_ = new_delay_samples;
return Flush();
return true;
// Revert effect instance to a just-initialized state (incl. control settings).
// Reset should always Flush, if relevant settings are changed.
bool DfxDelay::Reset() {
delay_samples_ = kInitialDelayFrames * channels_in_;
return Flush();
// Delay the incoming stream by the number of frames specified in control 0.
// TODO: with circular buffer, optimize 2N+D to N+min(N,D), where N=num_frames;
// D=delay. Suggested algorithm: 1.copy min(N,D) from aud_buf to cache;
// 2.shift max(N-D,0) within aud_buf; 3.copy min(N,D) from cache to aud_buf.
bool DfxDelay::ProcessInplace(uint32_t num_frames, float* audio_buff) {
if (delay_samples_ > 0) {
uint32_t audio_buff_bytes = num_frames * channels_in_ * sizeof(float);
// DfxDelay maintains a "delay cache" containing the next samples to emit.
// 1) Copy all samples from audio_buff to delay cache (after previous ones).
::memcpy(delay_buff_.get() + delay_samples_, audio_buff, audio_buff_bytes);
// 2) Fill audio_buff, from front of the delay cache.
::memcpy(audio_buff, delay_buff_.get(), audio_buff_bytes);
// 3) Shift the remaining cached samples to the front of the delay cache.
::memmove(delay_buff_.get(), delay_buff_.get() + num_frames * channels_in_,
delay_samples_ * sizeof(float));
return true;
// Retain control settings but drop any accumulated state or history.
bool DfxDelay::Flush() {
::memset(delay_buff_.get(), 0, delay_samples_ * sizeof(float));
return true;
} // namespace audio_dfx_test
} // namespace media