blob: 238777e5294a437f8cc53b8db8599cfce8c6d4de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/engine.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/session.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/tests/mocks.h"
#include "lib/gtest/test_with_loop.h"
namespace scenic {
namespace gfx {
namespace test {
class SessionTest : public ::gtest::TestWithLoop,
public ErrorReporter,
public EventReporter {
// ::testing::Test virtual method.
void SetUp() override;
// ::testing::Test virtual method.
void TearDown() override;
// Subclasses should override to provide their own Engine.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Engine> CreateEngine();
// |ErrorReporter|
void ReportError(fxl::LogSeverity severity,
std::string error_string) override;
// |EventReporter|
void EnqueueEvent(fuchsia::ui::scenic::Event event) override;
// Apply the specified Command, and verify that it succeeds.
bool Apply(::fuchsia::ui::gfx::Command command) {
return session_->ApplyCommand(std::move(command));
template <class ResourceT>
fxl::RefPtr<ResourceT> FindResource(scenic::ResourceId id) {
return session_->resources()->FindResource<ResourceT>(id);
// Verify that the last reported error is as expected. If no error is
// expected, use nullptr as |expected_error_string|.
void ExpectLastReportedError(const char* expected_error_string) {
if (!expected_error_string) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(reported_errors_.back(), expected_error_string);
DisplayManager display_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<Engine> engine_;
fxl::RefPtr<SessionForTest> session_;
std::vector<std::string> reported_errors_;
std::vector<fuchsia::ui::scenic::Event> events_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace scenic