blob: 57e5ea62650638472eec48ae14d59506f060163c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.viewsv1;
using fuchsia.mem;
using fuchsia.ui.viewsv1token;
// A view container is an interface exposed by |View| and |ViewTree| to
// manage their child views. Although |View| may have any number of children,
// a |ViewTree| can have at most one (its root view).
// The following steps are required to embed another view as a child:
// 1. Obtain the |ViewOwner| belonging to the view you would like to embed.
// The means for doing this is not specified by the view system.
// You might create another view of your own to embed or connect to
// another application using a mechanism such as |ViewProvider| (or
// any suitable agreed-upon protocol) to create the view to embed.
// 2. Call |AddChild()| to add the view you would like to embed and assign
// it a unique key.
// 3. Call |SetChildProperties()| to provide layout parameters and other
// properties for the new child using the same key that was provided
// to |AddChild()|.
// 4. Watch for the child becoming unavailable, as reported by
// |OnChildUnavailable()|, which indicates that the child is no longer
// in a usable state (perhaps the application which provided it has
// stopped). When this happens, you are still responsible for calling
// |RemoveChild()| to remove the child and discard any state that your
// view has associated with it.
// The container controls the presentation of its children by setting
// |ViewProperties| for each of them. View properties include layout
// information and other parameters the child needs to know to participate
// in the view hierarchy.
// The container must set properties for each of its children after adding
// them, as otherwise the children cannot be rendered (since they lack enough
// context to know what to draw).
interface ViewContainer {
// Sets the view container listener, or null to remove.
1: SetListener(ViewContainerListener? listener);
// Adds the view referenced by |child_view_owner| as a child and assigns
// it the provided |child_key| to identify it among its children.
// The container may remove the child later by passing the same |child_key|
// to |RemoveChild()|.
// This method takes ownership of the view.
// It is important for the container to choose locally unique values for
// |child_key| to ensure that each child can be distinguished even as
// more children are added or removed. We recommend using a simple
// counter which is incremented on each (re-)addition.
// If the child becomes unavailable at any time prior to being removed
// then an |OnChildUnavailable()| message will be sent.
// If |child_view_owner| refers to a view which is already unavailable or
// if adding the view would create a cycle in the view tree then the
// call proceeds as if it succeeded but an |OnChildUnavailable()| message
// will be sent.
// If |child_view_owner| refers to a view which already has a container or is
// the root of a view tree then an |OnChildUnavailable()| message will
// be sent to its old container or root and the the view will be
// (re-)added to its new container as usual. This special case also
// applies when the specified view is already a child of this view, in which
// case the behavior is similar to the view having been transferred to
// some other container and then back again.
// Note that an unavailable child will remain in its container's list of
// children until its container explicitly calls |RemoveChild()| to remove
// it.
// |host_import_token| is an import token which the view manager will
// use to import the node to which the child view's content should
// be attached.
// To establish the graphical embedding relation, the container view
// must create an event pair, bind one endpoint to an |ExportResourceOp|
// associated with the node to which the child's content nodes will be
// attached as descendants, and pass the other endpoint to this method as
// |host_import_token|.
// It is an error to add a view whose |child_key| already appears
// in the view's list of children; the connection will be closed.
// It is an error to add more than one child to a |ViewTree|'s container;
// it can only have at most one child (its root).
// This method is deprecated in favor of the eventpair-based one below.
// TODO(SCN-1018): Remove this.
2: AddChild(uint32 child_key,
fuchsia.ui.viewsv1token.ViewOwner child_view_owner,
handle<eventpair> host_import_token);
3: AddChild2(uint32 child_key,
handle<eventpair> view_holder_token,
handle<eventpair> host_import_token);
// Removes the view referenced by |child_key| from the view's
// list of children.
// If |transferred_view_owner| is not null, associates it with the
// previously added child to allow it to be transferred elsewhere or
// closes the |transferred_view_owner| channel if there was none.
// It is an error to remove a view whose |child_key| does not appear
// in the container's list of children; the connection will be closed.
// This method is deprecated in favor of the eventpair-based one below.
// TODO(SCN-1018): Remove this.
4: RemoveChild(uint32 child_key,
request<fuchsia.ui.viewsv1token.ViewOwner>? transferred_view_owner);
5: RemoveChild2(uint32 child_key,
handle<eventpair>? transferred_view_holder_token);
// Sets view properties for the child, such as layout constraints.
// This method must be called at least once after a child is added to
// set the view's properties before it can be rendered. Rendering for
// children without properties is blocked until properties are set.
// The |child_view_properties| specifies the properties for the child, or
// null to remove the properties from the child which will cause rendering
// of the child's scene to be blocked until new properties are set.
// It is an error to specify a |child_key| that does not appear in
// the container's list of children; the connection will be closed.
// It is an error to specify malformed |child_view_properties| such
// as invalid layout properties; the connection will be closed.
6: SetChildProperties(uint32 child_key, ViewProperties? child_view_properties);
// Sends a hint about a pending size change to the given node and all nodes
// below. This is generally sent before an animation.
// |width_change_factor| and |height_change_factor| is how much bigger or smaller
// the item is expected to be in the near future. This one number encapsulate
// both changes in scale, as well as changes to layout width and height.
// It is an error to specify a |child_key| that does not appear in
// the container's list of children; the connection will be closed.
7: SendSizeChangeHintHACK(uint32 child_key, float32 width_change_factor,
float32 height_change_factor);
// Request the snapshot of the child view.
9: RequestSnapshotHACK(uint32 child_key)-> (fuchsia.mem.Buffer data);
// An interface clients may implement to receive events from a view container.
interface ViewContainerListener {
// Called when a child view is attached along with embedding information.
// This method will be called at most once after the child is added.
// The implementation should invoke the callback once the event has
// been handled.
1: OnChildAttached(uint32 child_key, ViewInfo child_view_info) -> ();
// Called when a child view has become unavailable.
// A child may become unavailable for many reasons such being unregistered
// by its application, abnormal termination of its application, or
// cycles being introduced in the view tree.
// To complete removal of an unavailable child, this view component must
// call RemoveChild() on its view with |child_key|.
// The implementation should invoke the callback once the event has
// been handled.
2: OnChildUnavailable(uint32 child_key) -> ();
// TODO(jeffbrown): Once we figure out measurement, add a |OnChildResized|
// event or similar to allow the container to get the size along with the
// scene version.
// Provides embedding information about a view for use by its container.
// This information is valid until the container removes the view.
struct ViewInfo {
// There is currently no information here but we have preserved the
// plumbing for now. May remove later.
uint8 dummy;