blob: 504a07acb348a1b6f6cf8da218c1321a65c4e8e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/find_variable.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/found_variable.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/identifier.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/base_type.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/function.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/mock_module_symbols.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/namespace.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/process_symbols_test_setup.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/symbol_context.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/type_test_support.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/variable_test_support.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
// NOTE: Finding variables on *this* and subclasses is
// SymbolEvalContextTest.FoundThis which tests both of our file's finding code
// as well as the decoding code.
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// Creates a global variable that's inserted into the index and the mock
// ModuleSymbols.
struct TestGlobalVariable {
// Index of the next DieRef to generated. This ensures the generated IDs are
// unique.
static int next_die_ref;
TestGlobalVariable(MockModuleSymbols* mod_sym,
ModuleSymbolIndexNode* index_parent,
const std::string& var_name)
: die_ref(next_die_ref++),
index_node(index_parent->AddChild(std::string(var_name))) {
var = MakeVariableForTest(var_name, MakeInt32Type(), 0x100, 0x200,
mod_sym->AddDieRef(die_ref, var);
// The DieRef links the index and the entry injected into the ModuleSymbols.
ModuleSymbolIndexNode::DieRef die_ref;
// Place where this variable is indexed.
ModuleSymbolIndexNode* index_node;
// The variable itself.
fxl::RefPtr<Variable> var;
int TestGlobalVariable::next_die_ref = 1;
} // namespace
// This test declares the following structure. There are three levels of
// variables, each one has one unique variable, and one labeled "value" for
// testing ambiguity.
// namespace ns {
// int32_t ns_value;
// void Foo(int32_t value, int32_t other_param) {
// int32_t value; // 2nd declaration.
// int32_t function_local;
// {
// int32_t value; // 3rd declaration.
// int32_t block_local;
// }
// }
// } // namespace ns
TEST(FindVariable, FindLocalVariable) {
ProcessSymbolsTestSetup setup;
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type();
// Empyt DWARF location expression. Since we don't evaluate any variables
// they can all be empty.
std::vector<uint8_t> var_loc;
// Set up the module symbols. This creates "ns" and "ns_value" in the
// symbol index.
auto mod = std::make_unique<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root = mod->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 1.
const char kNsName[] = "ns";
auto ns_node = root.AddChild(kNsName);
const char kNsVarName[] = "ns_value";
TestGlobalVariable ns_value(mod.get(), ns_node, kNsVarName);
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress = 0x1000;
SymbolContext symbol_context(kLoadAddress);
setup.InjectModule("mod", "1234", kLoadAddress, std::move(mod));
// Namespace.
auto ns = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Namespace>();
// Function inside the namespace.
auto function = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Function>(Symbol::kTagSubprogram);
uint64_t kFunctionBeginAddr = 0x1000;
uint64_t kFunctionEndAddr = 0x2000;
{AddressRange(kFunctionBeginAddr, kFunctionEndAddr)});
// Function parameters.
auto param_value = MakeVariableForTest(
"value", int32_type, kFunctionBeginAddr, kFunctionEndAddr, var_loc);
auto param_other = MakeVariableForTest(
"other_param", int32_type, kFunctionBeginAddr, kFunctionEndAddr, var_loc);
function->set_parameters({LazySymbol(param_value), LazySymbol(param_other)});
// Function local variables.
auto var_value = MakeVariableForTest("value", int32_type, kFunctionBeginAddr,
kFunctionEndAddr, var_loc);
auto var_other =
MakeVariableForTest("function_local", int32_type, kFunctionBeginAddr,
kFunctionEndAddr, var_loc);
function->set_variables({LazySymbol(var_value), LazySymbol(var_other)});
// Inner block.
uint64_t kBlockBeginAddr = 0x1100;
uint64_t kBlockEndAddr = 0x1200;
auto block = fxl::MakeRefCounted<CodeBlock>(Symbol::kTagLexicalBlock);
block->set_code_ranges({AddressRange(kBlockBeginAddr, kBlockEndAddr)});
// Inner block variables.
auto block_value = MakeVariableForTest("value", int32_type, kBlockBeginAddr,
kBlockEndAddr, var_loc);
auto block_other = MakeVariableForTest(
"block_local", int32_type, kBlockBeginAddr, kBlockEndAddr, var_loc);
block->set_variables({LazySymbol(block_value), LazySymbol(block_other)});
// Find "value" in the nested block should give the block's one.
Identifier value_ident(
ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, var_value->GetAssignedName(), 0));
auto found = FindVariable(nullptr, block.get(), &symbol_context, value_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(block_value.get(), found->variable());
// Find "value" in the function block should give the function's one.
found = FindVariable(nullptr, function.get(), &symbol_context, value_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(var_value.get(), found->variable());
// Find "::value" should match nothing.
Identifier value_global_ident(Identifier::Component(
ExprToken(ExprToken::kColonColon, "::", 0),
ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, var_value->GetAssignedName(), 0)));
found = FindVariable(nullptr, function.get(), &symbol_context,
// Find "block_local" in the block should be found, but in the function it
// should not be.
Identifier block_local_ident(
ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, block_other->GetAssignedName(), 0));
found =
FindVariable(nullptr, block.get(), &symbol_context, block_local_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(block_other.get(), found->variable());
found =
FindVariable(nullptr, function.get(), &symbol_context, block_local_ident);
// Finding the other function parameter in the block should work.
Identifier other_param_ident(
ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, param_other->GetAssignedName(), 0));
found =
FindVariable(nullptr, block.get(), &symbol_context, other_param_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(param_other.get(), found->variable());
// Look up the variable "ns::ns_value" using the name "ns_value" (no
// namespace) from within the context of the "ns::function()" function.
// The namespace of the function should be implicitly picked up.
Identifier ns_value_ident(ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, kNsVarName, 0));
found = FindVariable(&setup.process(), block.get(), &symbol_context,
EXPECT_EQ(ns_value.var.get(), found->variable());
// Loop up the global "ns_value" var with no global symbol context. This
// should fail and not crash.
found = FindVariable(nullptr, block.get(), &symbol_context, ns_value_ident);
// Break reference cycle for test teardown.
// This only tests the ModulSymbols and function naming integration, the
// details of the index searching are tested by FindGlobalVariableInModule()
TEST(FindVariable, FindGlobalVariable) {
ProcessSymbolsTestSetup setup;
const char kGlobalName[] = "global"; // Different variable in each.
const char kVar1Name[] = "var1"; // Only in module 1
const char kVar2Name[] = "var2"; // Only in module 2
const char kNotFoundName[] = "notfound";
Identifier global_ident(ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, kGlobalName, 0));
Identifier var1_ident(ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, kVar1Name, 0));
Identifier var2_ident(ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, kVar2Name, 0));
Identifier notfound_ident(ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, kNotFoundName, 0));
// Module 1.
auto mod1 = std::make_unique<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root1 = mod1->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 1.
TestGlobalVariable global1(mod1.get(), &root1, kGlobalName);
TestGlobalVariable var1(mod1.get(), &root1, kVar1Name);
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress1 = 0x1000;
SymbolContext symbol_context1(kLoadAddress1);
setup.InjectModule("mod1", "1234", kLoadAddress1, std::move(mod1));
// Module 2.
auto mod2 = std::make_unique<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root2 = mod2->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 1.
TestGlobalVariable global2(mod2.get(), &root2, kGlobalName);
TestGlobalVariable var2(mod2.get(), &root2, kVar2Name);
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress2 = 0x2000;
SymbolContext symbol_context2(kLoadAddress2);
setup.InjectModule("mod2", "5678", kLoadAddress2, std::move(mod2));
// Searching for "global" in module1's context should give the global in that
// module.
auto found = FindGlobalVariable(&setup.process(), Identifier(),
&symbol_context1, global_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(global1.var.get(), found->variable());
// Searching for "global" in module2's context should give the global in that
// module.
found = FindGlobalVariable(&setup.process(), Identifier(), &symbol_context2,
EXPECT_EQ(global2.var.get(), found->variable());
// Searching for "var1" in module2's context should still find it even though
// its in the other module.
found = FindGlobalVariable(&setup.process(), Identifier(), &symbol_context2,
EXPECT_EQ(var1.var.get(), found->variable());
// Searching for "var2" with no context should still find it.
found =
FindGlobalVariable(&setup.process(), Identifier(), nullptr, var2_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(var2.var.get(), found->variable());
TEST(FindVariable, FindGlobalVariableInModule) {
MockModuleSymbols mod_sym("");
auto& root = mod_sym.index().root(); // Root of the index.
const char kVarName[] = "var";
const char kNsName[] = "ns";
// Make a global variable in the toplevel namespace.
TestGlobalVariable global(&mod_sym, &root, kVarName);
Identifier var_ident(ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, kVarName, 0));
auto found = FindGlobalVariableInModule(&mod_sym, Identifier(), var_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(global.var.get(), found->variable());
// Say we're in some nested namespace and search for the same name. It should
// find the variable in the upper namespace.
Identifier nested_ns(ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, kNsName, 0));
found = FindGlobalVariableInModule(&mod_sym, nested_ns, var_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(global.var.get(), found->variable());
// Add a variable in the nested namespace with the same name.
auto ns_node = root.AddChild(kNsName);
TestGlobalVariable ns(&mod_sym, ns_node, kVarName);
// Re-search for the same name in the nested namespace, it should get the
// nested one first.
found = FindGlobalVariableInModule(&mod_sym, nested_ns, var_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(ns.var.get(), found->variable());
// Now do the same search but globally qualify the input "::var" which should
// match only the toplevel one.
Identifier var_global_ident(
Identifier::Component(ExprToken(ExprToken::kColonColon, "::", 0),
ExprToken(ExprToken::kName, kVarName, 0)));
found = FindGlobalVariableInModule(&mod_sym, nested_ns, var_global_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(global.var.get(), found->variable());
} // namespace zxdb