blob: 1209999d2a080fac2228deb62061415cc16f959b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
///! This module provides types for managing the set of wayland objects for a
///! connection. The |ObjectMap| associates a numeric object id with a
///! |MessageReceiver| that can intepret the message and provide the logic to
///! implement the interface contract for that object.
///! At a high level, the |RequestReceiver<I:Interface>| trait allows for a
///! decoded request to be interacted with. In the middle we provide the
///! |RequestDispatcher| struct that implements the |MessageReceiver| trait
///! by decoding the |Message| into the concrete |Request| type for the
///! |Interface|.
///! Consumers should mostly have to only concern themselves with the
///! |RequestReceiver<I:Interface>| trait, with the other types being mostly the
///! glue and dispatch logic.
use std::any::Any;
use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap};
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use failure::{format_err, Error, Fail};
use fuchsia_wayland_core::{self as wl, FromArgs, MessageType};
use crate::client::Client;
/// The |ObjectMap| holds the state of active objects for a single connection.
/// When a new connection is established, the server should populate the
/// |ObjectMap| with the "wl_display" singleton object. From the the client can
/// query the registry and bind new objects to the interfaces the client
/// understands.
pub(crate) struct ObjectMap {
/// The set of active objects. This holds the descriptors of supported
/// messages for each object, as well as the |MessageReceiver| that's
/// capable of handling the requests.
objects: HashMap<u32, ObjectMapEntry>,
struct ObjectMapEntry {
/// The opcodes and method signatures accepted by this object.
request_spec: &'static wl::MessageGroupSpec,
/// The handler for this object.
receiver: Box<dyn MessageReceiver>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Fail)]
pub enum ObjectMapError {
/// An error raised if a message is received with the 'sender' field set
/// to an unknown object (ex: either the object has not been created yet
/// or it has already been deleted).
#[fail(display = "Object with id {} is not found", _0)]
/// An error raised if a message is delivered to an object with an
/// unsupported or unknown opcode.
#[fail(display = "Opcode {} is not supported", _0)]
/// Errors generated when looking up objects from the map.
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum ObjectLookupError {
#[fail(display = "Object with id does not exist")]
#[fail(display = "Failed to downcast")]
impl ObjectMap {
pub fn new() -> Self {
ObjectMap {
objects: HashMap::new(),
/// Looks up an object in the map and returns a downcasted reference to
/// the implementation.
pub fn get<T: Any>(&self, id: wl::ObjectId) -> Result<&T, ObjectLookupError> {
match self.objects.get(&id) {
Some(entry) => match {
Some(t) => Ok(t),
None => Err(ObjectLookupError::DowncastFailed),
None => Err(ObjectLookupError::ObjectDoesNotExist),
/// Looks up an object in the map and returns a downcasted mutable
/// reference to the implementation.
pub fn get_mut<T: Any>(&mut self, id: wl::ObjectId) -> Result<&mut T, ObjectLookupError> {
match self.objects.get_mut(&id) {
Some(entry) => match entry.receiver.data_mut().downcast_mut() {
Some(t) => Ok(t),
None => Err(ObjectLookupError::DowncastFailed),
None => Err(ObjectLookupError::ObjectDoesNotExist),
/// Looks up the recevier function and the message structure from the map.
pub(crate) fn lookup_internal(
&self, header: &wl::MessageHeader,
) -> Result<(MessageReceiverFn, &'static wl::MessageSpec), Error> {
let ObjectMapEntry {
} = self
let spec = request_spec
.get(header.opcode as usize)
Ok((receiver.receiver(), spec))
/// Adds a new object into the map that will handle messages with the sender
/// set to |id|. When a message is received with the corresponding |id|, the
/// message will be decoded and forwarded to the |RequestReceiver|.
/// Returns Err if there is already an object for |id| in this |ObjectMap|.
pub fn add_object<I: wl::Interface + 'static, R: RequestReceiver<I> + 'static>(
&mut self, id: u32, receiver: R,
) -> Result<ObjectRef<R>, Error> {
self.add_object_raw(id, Box::new(RequestDispatcher::new(receiver)), &I::REQUESTS)?;
/// Adds an object to the map using the low-level primitives. It's favorable
/// to use instead |add_object| if the wayland interface for the object is
/// statically known.
pub fn add_object_raw(
&mut self, id: wl::ObjectId, receiver: Box<MessageReceiver>,
request_spec: &'static wl::MessageGroupSpec,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Entry::Vacant(entry) = self.objects.entry(id) {
entry.insert(ObjectMapEntry {
} else {
Err(format_err!("Can't add duplicate object with id {}. ", id))
pub fn delete(&mut self, id: wl::ObjectId) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.objects.remove(&id).is_some() {
// TODO: Send wl_display::delete_id.
} else {
Err(format_err!("Item {} does not exist", id))
/// When the concrete type of an object is known statically, we can provide
/// an ObjectRef wrapper around the ObjectId in order to make downcasting
/// simpler.
/// This is primarily useful when vending self references to MessageReceviers.
pub struct ObjectRef<T: 'static>(PhantomData<T>, wl::ObjectId);
// We cannot just derive these since that will place the corresponding trait
// bound on `T`.
impl<T: 'static> Copy for ObjectRef<T> {}
impl<T: 'static> Clone for ObjectRef<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
ObjectRef(PhantomData, self.1)
impl<T: 'static> Debug for ObjectRef<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "ObjectRef({})", self.1)
impl<T> From<wl::ObjectId> for ObjectRef<T> {
fn from(id: wl::ObjectId) -> Self {
impl<T> ObjectRef<T> {
pub fn from_id(id: wl::ObjectId) -> Self {
ObjectRef(PhantomData, id)
pub fn id(&self) -> wl::ObjectId {
/// Provides an immutable reference to an object, downcasted to |T|.
pub fn get<'a>(&self, client: &'a Client) -> Result<&'a T, ObjectLookupError> {
/// Provides a mutable reference to an object, downcasted to |T|.
pub fn get_mut<'a>(&self, client: &'a mut Client) -> Result<&'a mut T, ObjectLookupError> {
/// Returns `true` iff the underlying object is still valid.
/// Here 'valid' means that the object_id exists and refers to an object
/// of type `T`. This method will still return `true` if the associated
/// object_id has been deleted and recreated with the same type `T. If this
/// is not desirable then the caller must track instance with some state
/// embedded into `T`.
/// This can be useful to verify prior to sending events using the
/// associated object_id but the host object itself is not required.
pub fn is_valid(&self, client: &mut Client) -> bool {
pub trait NewObjectExt<I: wl::Interface> {
fn implement<R: RequestReceiver<I>>(
self, client: &mut Client, receiver: R,
) -> Result<ObjectRef<R>, Error>;
impl<I: wl::Interface> NewObjectExt<I> for wl::NewObject<I> {
fn implement<R: RequestReceiver<I>>(
self, client: &mut Client, receiver: R,
) -> Result<ObjectRef<R>, Error> {
client.add_object(, receiver)
/// A |MessageReceiver| is a type that can accept in-bound messages from a
/// client.
/// The server will dispatch |Message|s to the appropriate |MessageReceiver|
/// by reading the sender field in the message header.
type MessageReceiverFn =
fn(this: wl::ObjectId, opcode: u16, args: Vec<wl::Arg>, client: &mut Client)
-> Result<(), Error>;
pub trait MessageReceiver {
/// Returns a function pointer that will be called to handle requests
/// targeting this object.
fn receiver(&self) -> MessageReceiverFn;
fn data(&self) -> &Any;
fn data_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Any;
/// The |RequestReceiver| trait is what high level code will use to work with
/// request messages for a given type.
pub trait RequestReceiver<I: wl::Interface>: Any + Sized {
/// Handle a decoded message for the associated |Interface|.
/// |self| is not directly provided, but instead is provided as an
/// |ObjectId| that can be used to get a reference to self.
/// Ex:
/// struct MyReceiver;
/// impl RequestReceiver<MyInterface> for MyReceiver {
/// fn receive(mut this: ObjectRef<Self>,
/// request: MyInterfaceRequest,
/// client: &mut Client
/// ) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let this = self.get()?;
/// let this_mut = self.get_mut()?;
/// }
/// }
fn receive(
this: ObjectRef<Self>, request: I::Request, client: &mut Client,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Implements a |MessageReceiver| that can decode a request into the
/// appropriate request type for an |Interface|, and then invoke an
/// |Implementation|
/// This struct essentially is the glue that sits in between the generic
/// |MessageReceiver| trait that is used to dispatch raw message buffers and
/// the higher level |RequestReceiver| that operates on the decoded request
/// enums.
pub struct RequestDispatcher<I: wl::Interface, R: RequestReceiver<I>> {
_marker: PhantomData<I>,
receiver: R,
impl<I: wl::Interface, R: RequestReceiver<I>> RequestDispatcher<I, R> {
pub fn new(receiver: R) -> Self {
RequestDispatcher {
_marker: PhantomData,
fn receive_message<I: wl::Interface, R: RequestReceiver<I>>(
this: wl::ObjectId, opcode: u16, args: Vec<wl::Arg>, client: &mut Client,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let request = I::Request::from_args(opcode, args)?;
if client.protocol_logging() {
println!("--r-> {}", request.log(this));
R::receive(ObjectRef(PhantomData, this), request, client)?;
/// Convert the raw Message into the appropriate request type by delegating
/// to the associated |Request| type of |Interface|, and then invoke the
/// receiver.
impl<I: wl::Interface, R: RequestReceiver<I>> MessageReceiver for RequestDispatcher<I, R> {
fn receiver(&self) -> MessageReceiverFn {
receive_message::<I, R>
fn data(&self) -> &Any {
fn data_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Any {
&mut self.receiver
mod tests {
use super::*;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_wayland_core::IntoMessage;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::registry::RegistryBuilder;
use crate::test_protocol::*;
fn create_client() -> Result<Client, Error> {
let _executor = fasync::Executor::new();
let registry = Arc::new(Mutex::new(RegistryBuilder::new().build()));
let (c1, _c2) = zx::Channel::create()?;
Ok(Client::new(fasync::Channel::from_channel(c1)?, registry))
fn dispatch_message_to_request_receiver() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut client = create_client()?;
client.add_object(0, TestReceiver::new())?;
// Send a sync message; verify it's received.
assert_eq!(1, client.get_object::<TestReceiver>(0)?.count());
fn add_object_duplicate_id() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut client = create_client()?;
assert!(client.add_object(0, TestReceiver::new()).is_ok());
assert!(client.add_object(0, TestReceiver::new()).is_err());
fn dispatch_message_to_invalid_id() -> Result<(), Error> {
// Send a message to an empty map.
let mut client = create_client()?;