blob: ba77a65928bbc17c54ff270650b265939e46aa43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "garnet/bin/media/util/factory_service_base.h"
#include "lib/app/cpp/application_context.h"
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/bindings/binding_set.h"
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "lib/media/fidl/media_service.fidl.h"
namespace media {
// Main media service implementation.
// |MediaServiceImpl| is a factory for various FIDL media components. Currently,
// all such components, other than audio renderers, are instantiated in the
// process in which the singleton instance of this class runs. This will change
// in the future so that potentially vulnerable components (e.g. decoders) are
// isolated with minimal privileges and no ability to interfere with components
// used by other clients.
// FIDL requires that a given interface implementation commit to a particular
// thread on which all messages are received and transmitted. The media
// components created by this class typically operate only on their designated
// FIDL message thread. For this reason, performance-critical components are
// instantiated on their own threads, allowing them to run concurrently with
// respect to other such components.
// The current assumption is that performance-critical components are those
// components that are actually in the media pipeline. This includes any
// component that produces or consumes packets as well as the readers that
// deliver raw data to the demultiplexer. Other components are instantiated on
// the same thread as the |MediaServiceImpl| instance.
class MediaServiceImpl : public FactoryServiceBase<MediaServiceImpl>,
public MediaService {
std::unique_ptr<app::ApplicationContext> application_context);
~MediaServiceImpl() override;
fxl::RefPtr<fxl::TaskRunner> multiproc_task_runner() {
return multiproc_task_runner_;
// MediaService implementation.
void CreateFilePlayer(
zx::channel file_channel,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<media::MediaRenderer> audio_renderer,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<media::MediaRenderer> video_renderer,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<media::MediaPlayer> player) override;
void CreatePlayer(fidl::InterfaceHandle<SeekingReader> reader,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<MediaRenderer> audio_renderer,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<MediaRenderer> video_renderer,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<MediaPlayer> player) override;
void CreateSource(fidl::InterfaceHandle<SeekingReader> reader,
fidl::Array<MediaTypeSetPtr> allowed_media_types,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<MediaSource> source) override;
void CreateSink(fidl::InterfaceHandle<MediaRenderer> renderer,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<MediaSink> sink_request) override;
void CreateDemux(fidl::InterfaceHandle<SeekingReader> reader,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<MediaSource> demux) override;
void CreateDecoder(
MediaTypePtr input_media_type,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<MediaTypeConverter> decoder) override;
void CreateNetworkReader(
const fidl::String& url,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<SeekingReader> reader) override;
void CreateFileReader(const fidl::String& path,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<SeekingReader> reader) override;
void CreateAudioRenderer(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<AudioRenderer> audio_renderer,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<MediaRenderer> media_renderer) override;
void CreateVideoRenderer(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<VideoRenderer> video_renderer,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<MediaRenderer> media_renderer) override;
void CreateTimelineController(fidl::InterfaceRequest<MediaTimelineController>
timeline_controller) override;
void CreateLpcmReformatter(
MediaTypePtr input_media_type,
AudioSampleFormat output_sample_format,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<MediaTypeConverter> lpcm_reformatter) override;
// Creates a |SeekingReader| that reads from an fdio channel for a file.
void CreateFileChannelReader(zx::channel file_channel,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<SeekingReader> reader);
fidl::BindingSet<MediaService> bindings_;
fxl::RefPtr<fxl::TaskRunner> multiproc_task_runner_;
} // namespace media