blob: 8f158bb6de57c6773bd6da5921a69a6c1851e524 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
namespace media_player {
class Graph;
class StageImpl;
class Input;
class Output;
class Engine;
class InputRef;
class OutputRef;
class GenericNode;
// Opaque Stage pointer used for graph building.
class NodeRef {
NodeRef() {}
NodeRef& operator=(std::nullptr_t) {
stage_ = nullptr;
return *this;
// Returns the number of inputs the node has.
size_t input_count() const;
// Returns a reference to the specified input.
InputRef input(size_t index) const;
// Returns a reference to the only input. input_count must return 1 for this
// call to be valid.
InputRef input() const;
// Returns the number of outputs the node has.
size_t output_count() const;
// Returns a reference to the specified output.
OutputRef output(size_t index) const;
// Returns a reference to the only output. output_count must return 1 for this
// call to be valid.
OutputRef output() const;
// Returns true if the reference refers to a node, false if it's null.
explicit operator bool() const { return stage_ != nullptr; }
// Gets the actual node referenced by this |NodeRef|.
GenericNode* GetGenericNode();
bool operator==(const NodeRef& other) const { return stage_ == other.stage_; }
bool operator!=(const NodeRef& other) const { return stage_ != other.stage_; }
explicit NodeRef(StageImpl* stage) : stage_(stage) {}
StageImpl* stage_ = nullptr;
friend Graph;
friend InputRef;
friend OutputRef;
friend Engine;
// Opaque Input pointer used for graph building.
class InputRef {
InputRef() {}
InputRef& operator=(std::nullptr_t) {
input_ = nullptr;
return *this;
// Returns true if the reference refers to an input, false if it's null.
explicit operator bool() const { return input_; }
// Returns a reference to the node that owns this input. Returns a null
// reference if this reference is null.
NodeRef node() const;
// Indicates whether this input is connected to an output. Calling this method
// on a null |InputRef| results in undefined behavior.
bool connected() const;
// Returns a reference to the output to which this input is connected. Returns
// an invalid reference if this input isn't connected to an output.
OutputRef mate() const;
bool operator==(const InputRef& other) const {
return input_ == other.input_;
bool operator!=(const InputRef& other) const {
return input_ != other.input_;
explicit InputRef(Input* input) : input_(input) {}
// Returns the actual input referenced by this object.
Input* actual() const { return input_; }
Input* input_ = nullptr;
friend Graph;
friend NodeRef;
friend OutputRef;
friend Output;
friend Engine;
// Opaque Output pointer used for graph building.
class OutputRef {
OutputRef() {}
// Private constructor exposed for testing.
explicit OutputRef(Output* output) : output_(output) {}
OutputRef& operator=(std::nullptr_t) {
output_ = nullptr;
return *this;
// Returns true if the reference refers to an output, false if it's null.
explicit operator bool() const { return output_; }
// Returns a reference to the node that owns this output. Returns a null
// reference if this reference is null.
NodeRef node() const;
// Indicates whether this output is connected to an input. Calling this method
// on a null |OutputRef| results in undefined behavior.
bool connected() const;
// Returns a reference to the input to which this output is connected. Returns
// an invalid reference if this output isn't connected to an input.
InputRef mate() const;
bool operator==(const OutputRef& other) const {
return output_ == other.output_;
bool operator!=(const OutputRef& other) const {
return output_ != other.output_;
// Returns the actual input referenced by this object.
Output* actual() const { return output_; };
Output* output_ = nullptr;
friend Graph;
friend NodeRef;
friend InputRef;
friend Input;
friend Engine;
} // namespace media_player