blob: 46a489c615fea94aff56d0e73e1cea577c7a837a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/driver_output.h"
#include <audio-proto-utils/format-utils.h>
#include <dispatcher-pool/dispatcher-channel.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <optional>
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/audio_device_manager.h"
#include "garnet/lib/media/wav_writer/wav_writer.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
constexpr bool VERBOSE_TIMING_DEBUG = false;
namespace media {
namespace audio {
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultFramesPerSec = 48000;
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultChannelCount = 2;
static constexpr fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat kDefaultAudioFmt =
static constexpr int64_t kDefaultLowWaterNsec = ZX_MSEC(20);
static constexpr int64_t kDefaultHighWaterNsec = ZX_MSEC(30);
static constexpr int64_t kDefaultMaxRetentionNsec = ZX_MSEC(60);
static constexpr int64_t kDefaultRetentionGapNsec = ZX_MSEC(10);
static constexpr zx_duration_t kUnderflowCooldown = ZX_SEC(1);
static std::atomic<zx_txid_t> TXID_GEN(1);
static thread_local zx_txid_t TXID = TXID_GEN.fetch_add(1);
fbl::RefPtr<AudioOutput> DriverOutput::Create(zx::channel stream_channel,
AudioDeviceManager* manager) {
return fbl::AdoptRef(new DriverOutput(manager, std::move(stream_channel)));
DriverOutput::DriverOutput(AudioDeviceManager* manager,
zx::channel initial_stream_channel)
: StandardOutputBase(manager),
initial_stream_channel_(std::move(initial_stream_channel)) {}
DriverOutput::~DriverOutput() { wav_writer_.Close(); }
zx_status_t DriverOutput::Init() {
FXL_DCHECK(state_ == State::Uninitialized);
zx_status_t res = StandardOutputBase::Init();
if (res != ZX_OK) {
return res;
res = driver_->Init(std::move(initial_stream_channel_));
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize driver object (res " << res << ")";
return res;
state_ = State::FormatsUnknown;
return res;
void DriverOutput::OnWakeup() {
// If we are not in the FormatsUnknown state, then we have already started the
// state machine. There is (currently) nothing else to do here.
FXL_DCHECK(state_ != State::Uninitialized);
if (state_ != State::FormatsUnknown) {
// Kick off the process of driver configuration by requesting the basic driver
// info, which will include the modes which the driver supports.
state_ = State::FetchingFormats;
void DriverOutput::Cleanup() {
bool DriverOutput::StartMixJob(MixJob* job, fxl::TimePoint process_start) {
if (state_ != State::Started) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Bad state during StartMixJob "
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(state_);
state_ = State::Shutdown;
return false;
// TODO(johngro): Depending on policy, use send appropriate commands to the
// driver to control gain as well. Some policy settings which might be useful
// include...
// ++ Never use HW gain, even if it supports it.
// ++ Always use HW gain when present, regardless of its limitations.
// ++ Use HW gain when present, but only if it reaches a minimum bar of
// functionality.
// ++ Implement a hybrid of HW/SW gain. IOW - Get as close as possible to our
// target using HW, and then get the rest of the way there using SW
// scaling. This approach may end up being unreasonably tricky as we may
// not be able to synchronize the HW and SW changes in gain well enough to
// avoid strange situations where the jumps in one direction (because of
// the SW component), and then in the other (as the HW gain command takes
// effect).
if (device_settings_ != nullptr) {
AudioDeviceSettings::GainState cur_gain_state;
job->sw_output_gain_db = cur_gain_state.gain_db;
job->sw_output_muted = cur_gain_state.muted;
} else {
job->sw_output_gain_db = Gain::kUnityGainDb;
// TODO(mpuryear): make this false, consistent w/audio_device_settings.h?
job->sw_output_muted = true;
FXL_DCHECK(driver_ring_buffer() != nullptr);
int64_t now = process_start.ToEpochDelta().ToNanoseconds();
const auto& cm2rd_pos = clock_mono_to_ring_buf_pos_frames_;
const auto& cm2frames = cm2rd_pos.rate();
const auto& rb = *driver_ring_buffer();
uint32_t fifo_frames = driver_->fifo_depth_frames();
// If frames_to_mix_ is 0, then this is the start of a new cycle. Check to
// make sure we have not underflowed while we were sleeping, then compute how
// many frames we need to mix during this wakeup cycle, and return a job
// containing the largest contiguous buffer we can mix during this phase of
// this cycle.
if (!frames_to_mix_) {
int64_t rd_ptr_frames = cm2rd_pos.Apply(now);
int64_t fifo_threshold = rd_ptr_frames + fifo_frames;
if (fifo_threshold >= frames_sent_) {
if (!underflow_start_time_) {
// If this was the first time we missed our limit, log a message, mark
// the start time of the underflow event, and fill our entire ring
// buffer with silence.
int64_t rd_limit_miss = rd_ptr_frames - frames_sent_;
int64_t fifo_limit_miss = rd_limit_miss + fifo_frames;
int64_t low_water_limit_miss = rd_limit_miss + low_water_frames_;
<< "UNDERFLOW: Missed mix target by (Rd, Fifo, LowWater) = ("
<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
<< cm2frames.Inverse().Scale(rd_limit_miss) / 1000000.0 << ", "
<< cm2frames.Inverse().Scale(fifo_limit_miss) / 1000000.0 << ", "
<< cm2frames.Inverse().Scale(low_water_limit_miss) / 1000000.0
<< ") mSec. Cooling down for at least "
<< kUnderflowCooldown / 1000000.0 << " mSec.";
underflow_start_time_ = now;
output_producer_->FillWithSilence(rb.virt(), rb.frames());
zx_cache_flush(rb.virt(), rb.size(), ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
// Regardless of whether this was the first or a subsequent underflow,
// update the cooldown deadline (the time at which we will start producing
// frames again, provided we don't underflow again)
underflow_cooldown_deadline_ = zx_deadline_after(kUnderflowCooldown);
int64_t fill_target =
fifo_frames + cm2rd_pos.Apply(now + kDefaultHighWaterNsec);
// Are we in the middle of an underflow cooldown? If so, check to see if we
// have recovered yet.
if (underflow_start_time_) {
if (static_cast<zx_time_t>(now) < underflow_cooldown_deadline_) {
// Looks like we have not recovered yet. Pretend to have produced the
// frames we were going to produce and schedule the next wakeup time.
frames_sent_ = fill_target;
return false;
} else {
// Looks like we recovered. Log and go back to mixing.
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "UNDERFLOW: Recovered after " << std::fixed
<< std::setprecision(3)
<< (now - underflow_start_time_) / 1000000.0 << " mSec.";
underflow_start_time_ = 0;
underflow_cooldown_deadline_ = 0;
int64_t frames_in_flight = frames_sent_ - rd_ptr_frames;
FXL_DCHECK((frames_in_flight >= 0) && (frames_in_flight <= rb.frames()));
FXL_DCHECK(frames_sent_ <= fill_target);
int64_t desired_frames = fill_target - frames_sent_;
// If we woke up too early to have any work to do, just get out now.
if (desired_frames == 0) {
return false;
uint32_t rb_space = rb.frames() - static_cast<uint32_t>(frames_in_flight);
if (desired_frames > rb.frames()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Fatal underflow: want to produce " << desired_frames
<< " but the ring buffer is only " << rb.frames()
<< " frames long.";
return false;
frames_to_mix_ =
static_cast<uint32_t>(fbl::min<int64_t>(rb_space, desired_frames));
uint32_t to_mix = frames_to_mix_;
uint32_t wr_ptr = frames_sent_ % rb.frames();
uint32_t contig_space = rb.frames() - wr_ptr;
if (to_mix > contig_space) {
to_mix = contig_space;
job->buf = rb.virt() + (rb.frame_size() * wr_ptr);
job->buf_frames = to_mix;
job->start_pts_of = frames_sent_;
job->local_to_output = &cm2rd_pos;
job->local_to_output_gen = clock_mono_to_ring_buf_pos_id_.get();
return true;
bool DriverOutput::FinishMixJob(const MixJob& job) {
const auto& rb = driver_ring_buffer();
FXL_DCHECK(rb != nullptr);
size_t buf_len = job.buf_frames * rb->frame_size();
wav_writer_.Write(job.buf, buf_len);
zx_cache_flush(job.buf, buf_len, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
const auto& cm2rd_pos = clock_mono_to_ring_buf_pos_frames_;
uint32_t fifo_frames = driver_->fifo_depth_frames();
int64_t now = fxl::TimePoint::Now().ToEpochDelta().ToNanoseconds();
int64_t rd_ptr_frames = cm2rd_pos.Apply(now);
int64_t playback_lead_start = frames_sent_ - rd_ptr_frames;
int64_t playback_lead_end = playback_lead_start + job.buf_frames;
int64_t dma_lead_start = playback_lead_start - fifo_frames;
int64_t dma_lead_end = playback_lead_end - fifo_frames;
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "PLead [" << std::setw(4) << playback_lead_start << ", "
<< std::setw(4) << playback_lead_end << "] DLead ["
<< std::setw(4) << dma_lead_start << ", " << std::setw(4)
<< dma_lead_end << "]";
FXL_DCHECK(frames_to_mix_ >= job.buf_frames);
frames_sent_ += job.buf_frames;
frames_to_mix_ -= job.buf_frames;
if (!frames_to_mix_) {
return false;
return true;
void DriverOutput::ApplyGainLimits(::fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfo* in_out_info,
uint32_t set_flags) {
// See the comment at the start of StartMixJob. The actual limits we set here
// are going to eventually depend on what our HW gain control capabilities
// are, and how we choose to apply them (based on policy)
FXL_DCHECK(in_out_info != nullptr);
// We do not currently allow more than unity gain for audio outputs.
if (in_out_info->gain_db > 0.0) {
in_out_info->gain_db = 0;
// Audio outputs should never support AGC
in_out_info->flags &= ~(::fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfoFlag_AgcEnabled);
void DriverOutput::ScheduleNextLowWaterWakeup() {
// Schedule the next callback for when we are at the low water mark behind
// the write pointer.
const auto& cm2rd_pos = clock_mono_to_ring_buf_pos_frames_;
int64_t low_water_frames = frames_sent_ - low_water_frames_;
int64_t low_water_time = cm2rd_pos.ApplyInverse(low_water_frames);
void DriverOutput::OnDriverInfoFetched() {
auto cleanup = fit::defer([this]() FXL_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
state_ = State::Shutdown;
if (state_ != State::FetchingFormats) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected GetFormatsComplete while in state "
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(state_);
zx_status_t res;
// TODO(johngro): Don't use hardcoded defaults here. Try to pick the best
// match among the formats supported by the driver.
uint32_t pref_fps = kDefaultFramesPerSec;
uint32_t pref_chan = kDefaultChannelCount;
fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat pref_fmt = kDefaultAudioFmt;
zx_duration_t min_rb_duration = kDefaultHighWaterNsec +
kDefaultMaxRetentionNsec +
res = SelectBestFormat(driver_->format_ranges(), &pref_fps, &pref_chan,
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Output: cannot match a driver format to this request: "
<< pref_fps << " Hz, " << pref_chan
<< "-channel, sample format 0x" << std::hex
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(pref_fmt);
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Output: configuring the following best-fit format: "
<< pref_fps << " Hz, " << pref_chan
<< "-channel, sample format 0x" << std::hex
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(pref_fmt);
TimelineRate ns_to_frames(pref_fps, ZX_SEC(1));
int64_t retention_frames = ns_to_frames.Scale(kDefaultMaxRetentionNsec);
FXL_DCHECK(retention_frames != TimelineRate::kOverflow);
FXL_DCHECK(retention_frames <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// Select our output producer
fuchsia::media::AudioStreamTypePtr config(
config->frames_per_second = pref_fps;
config->channels = pref_chan;
config->sample_format = pref_fmt;
output_producer_ = OutputProducer::Select(config);
if (!output_producer_) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Output: OutputProducer cannot support this request: "
<< pref_fps << " Hz, " << pref_chan
<< "-channel, sample format 0x" << std::hex
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(pref_fmt);
// Start the process of configuring our driver
res = driver_->Configure(pref_fps, pref_chan, pref_fmt, min_rb_duration);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Output: failed to configure driver for: " << pref_fps
<< " Hz, " << pref_chan << "-channel, sample format 0x"
<< std::hex << static_cast<uint32_t>(pref_fmt) << " (res "
<< std::dec << res << ")";
wav_writer_.Initialize(nullptr, pref_fmt, pref_chan, pref_fps,
driver_->bytes_per_frame() * 8 / pref_chan);
// Let the AudioDeviceManager that we are ready to be added to the set of
// active audio devices.
// Success, wait until configuration completes.
state_ = State::Configuring;
void DriverOutput::OnDriverConfigComplete() {
auto cleanup = fit::defer([this]() FXL_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
state_ = State::Shutdown;
if (state_ != State::Configuring) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected ConfigComplete while in state "
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(state_);
// Now that our driver is completely configured, we should have all the info
// we need in order to compute the minimum clock lead time requrirement for
// this output.
int64_t fifo_depth_nsec = TimelineRate::Scale(
driver_->fifo_depth_frames(), ZX_SEC(1), driver_->frames_per_sec());
min_clock_lead_time_nsec_ =
driver_->external_delay_nsec() + fifo_depth_nsec + kDefaultHighWaterNsec;
// Fill our brand new ring buffer with silence
FXL_CHECK(driver_ring_buffer() != nullptr);
const auto& rb = *driver_ring_buffer();
FXL_DCHECK(output_producer_ != nullptr);
FXL_DCHECK(rb.virt() != nullptr);
output_producer_->FillWithSilence(rb.virt(), rb.frames());
// Set up the intermediate buffer at the StandardOutputBase level
// TODO(johngro): The intermediate buffer probably does not need to be as
// large as the entire ring buffer. Consider limiting this to be something
// only slightly larger than a nominal mix job.
// Start the ring buffer running
// TODO(johngro) : Don't actually start things up here. We should start only
// when we have clients with work to do, and we should stop when we have no
// work to do. See MTWN-5
zx_status_t res = driver_->Start();
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start ring buffer (res = " << res << ")";
// Start monitoring plug state.
res = driver_->SetPlugDetectEnabled(true);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to enable plug detection (res = " << res << ")";
// Success
state_ = State::Starting;
void DriverOutput::OnDriverStartComplete() {
if (state_ != State::Starting) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected StartComplete while in state "
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(state_);
// Compute the transformation from clock mono to the ring buffer read position
// in frames, rounded up. Then compute our low water mark (in frames) and
// where we want to start mixing. Finally kick off the mixing engine by
// manually calling Process.
uint32_t bytes_per_frame = driver_->bytes_per_frame();
int64_t offset = static_cast<int64_t>(1) - bytes_per_frame;
const TimelineFunction bytes_to_frames(0, offset, 1, bytes_per_frame);
const TimelineFunction& t_bytes = driver_clock_mono_to_ring_pos_bytes();
clock_mono_to_ring_buf_pos_frames_ =
TimelineFunction::Compose(bytes_to_frames, t_bytes);
const TimelineFunction& trans = clock_mono_to_ring_buf_pos_frames_;
uint32_t fd_frames = driver_->fifo_depth_frames();
low_water_frames_ = fd_frames + trans.rate().Scale(kDefaultLowWaterNsec);
frames_sent_ = low_water_frames_;
frames_to_mix_ = 0;
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Audio output: FIFO depth (" << fd_frames << " frames "
<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
<< trans.rate().Inverse().Scale(fd_frames) / 1000000.0
<< " mSec) Low Water (" << low_water_frames_ << " frames "
<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
<< trans.rate().Inverse().Scale(low_water_frames_) / 1000000.0
<< " mSec)";
state_ = State::Started;
void DriverOutput::OnDriverPlugStateChange(bool plugged, zx_time_t plug_time) {
// Reflect this message to the AudioDeviceManager so it can deal with the plug
// state change.
manager_->ScheduleMainThreadTask([manager = manager_,
output = fbl::WrapRefPtr(this), plugged,
plug_time]() {
manager->HandlePlugStateChange(output, plugged, plug_time);
} // namespace audio
} // namespace media