| # Get started with Fuchsia |
| |
| Welcome to Fuchsia! |
| |
| This get-started section provides instructions on how to download the |
| Fuchsia source code, build a Fuchsia system image, and run Fuchsia on |
| an emulator. |
| |
| Note: If you want to run Fuchsia on a hardware device, see |
| [Install Fuchsia on a device][install-fuchsia-on-a-device] after completing |
| Step 2 below. |
| |
| The steps are: |
| |
| 1. [Download the Fuchsia source code][download-fuchsia]. |
| 1. [Configure and build Fuchsia][build-fuchsia]. |
| 1. [Start the Fuchsia emulator][start-the-fuchsia-emulator]. |
| 1. [Explore Fuchsia][explore-fuchsia]. |
| |
| ## Appendices |
| |
| ### Learn more about Fuchsia |
| |
| If you are new to Fuchsia, explore [Fuchsia fundamentals][fuchsia-fundamentals] |
| to gain a better understanding of the platform and developer tools. |
| |
| If you're ready to go deeper into Fuchsia concepts and start contributing, |
| check out the following resources: |
| |
| * [Fuchsia's software model][software-model] |
| * [Components][components] |
| * [Fuchsia packages][fuchsia-packages] |
| * [Contribute changes][contribute-changes] |
| * [Find a starter project][find-a-starter-project] |
| |
| ### Get started with Zircon |
| |
| The Fuchsia project includes [Zircon][zircon], the core (kernel) platform |
| that powers Fuchsia. |
| |
| If you're interested in working on Zircon, see |
| [Getting started with Zircon][get-started-with-zircon]. |
| |
| <!-- Reference links --> |
| |
| [install-fuchsia-on-a-device]: /docs/development/hardware/README.md |
| [download-fuchsia]: /docs/get-started/get_fuchsia_source.md |
| [build-fuchsia]: /docs/get-started/build_fuchsia.md |
| [start-the-fuchsia-emulator]: /docs/get-started/set_up_femu.md |
| [explore-fuchsia]: /docs/get-started/explore_fuchsia.md |
| [software-model]: /docs/concepts/software_model.md |
| [components]: /docs/concepts/components/v2/ |
| [fuchsia-packages]: /docs/concepts/packages/package.md |
| [contribute-changes]: /docs/development/source_code/contribute_changes.md |
| [find-a-starter-project]: /docs/contribute/open_projects/ |
| [zircon]: /docs/concepts/kernel/README.md |
| [get-started-with-zircon]: /docs/development/kernel/getting_started.md |
| [fuchsia-fundamentals]: /docs/get-started/learn/README.md |