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libconcurrent is a small library intended to be used both by kernel mode and user mode code to assist in implementing memory sharing patterns which involve readers observing memory concurrently with writers updating the same memory. Unlike techniques which use exclusion (such as mutexes, reader-writer locks, spinlocks, and so on) to ensure that reads to memory locations are never taking place at the same time as writes, concurrent read-write patterns require some extra care to ensure that programs are formally “data-race free” according to the C++ specification.

Data races in C++

Section of the C++20 Draft Specification formally defines what is considered to be a “data race” by the standard. Paragraph 2 defines a “conflict” by saying:

Two expression evaluations conflict if one of them modifies a memory location
(6.7.1) and the other one reads or modifies the same memory location.

Paragraph 20 then defines a “data race” by saying:

Two actions are potentially concurrent if

(21.1) — they are performed by different threads, or
(21.2) — they are unsequenced, at least one is performed by a signal handler,
         and they are not both performed by the same signal handler invocation.

The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two potentially
concurrent conflicting actions, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither
happens before the other, except for the special case for signal handlers
described below. Any such data race results in undefined behavior.

So, when sharing data between concurrently executing threads where mutual exclusion cannot be used to ensure that data races cannot occur, extra care must be taken when reading and modifying the shared data. The data transfer utilities offered by libconcurrent ensure that all load and stores executed on shared memory regions are done using atomics, which should be sufficient to avoid introducing any formal data races (and therefore undefined behavior) to a program.

Transferring data

The lowest level building blocks offered by libconcurrent give the user the ability to concurrently transfer data into and out of a share memory location without accidentally introducing any undefined behavior as a result of unintentional data races. These building blocks are:

  • concurrent::WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt, Alignment>(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len)
  • concurrent::WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt, Alignment>(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len)
  • concurrent::WellDefinedCopyable<T>::Update(const T&, SyncOptType<SyncOpt>)
  • concurrent::WellDefinedCopyable<T>::Read(T&, SyncOptType<SyncOpt>)

CopyTo operations move data from a thread‘s private buffer into a shared buffer which may be accessed concurrently by readers. CopyFrom operations move data from a shared buffer which may be concurrently written to into a thread’s private buffer.

Copy(To|From) both have memcpy semantics, not memmove semantics. In other words, it is illegal for |src| or |dst| to overlap in any way.

The individual Copy(To|From) functions represent the absolute lowest level building blocks of libconcurrent, and need to be used with care. When possible, prefer using one of the higher level building blocks which help to automate common patterns. They have memcpy compatible signatures, but include a few additional requirements. Specifically:

  1. The src and dst buffers must have the same alignment relative to the maximum atomic operation transfer granularity (currently 8 bytes). In other words, ASSERT((src & 0x7) == (dst & 0x7)).
  2. If these functions are being used to copy instances of structures or classes, it is required that those structs/classes be trivially copyable.
  3. When accessing shared memory, it is important that all read and write accesses operate using the same alignment and op-width at all times. For example: Given a shared buffer located at an 8 byte aligned address, shared, the following operations may all be safely conducted concurrently:
    • CopyTo(shared, local_1, 16);
    • CopyFrom(local_2, shared, 16);
    • CopyFrom(local_3, shared + 8, 8); Since shared is 8 byte aligned, all of the accesses to shared will also all be 8 byte aligned, and of 8 bytes in length, guaranteeing that all memory accesses to the same address in the shared region will use the same width memory transaction. Adding a CopyFrom(local_4, shared + 4, 8); to the list of concurrent operations, however, would not be safe as it would result in two 4 byte read transactions being conducted against the shared buffer, overlapping regions where 8 byte transactions are also taking place.

Synchronization Options

By default, Copy(To|From) operations to the same regions of memory attempt to synchronize-with each other by adding memory_order_release semantics to each of the atomic store operations executed during a call to CopyTo, and memory_order_acquire semantics to each of the atomic load operations executed during a call to CopyFrom.

Depending on the use case, however, it is possible that synchronizing like this might not be as efficient as using a thread fence instead. Users may control the synchronization behavior of the operation using the first template parameter of the call to Copy(To|From), which must be a member of the SyncOpt enumeration. The options are as follows:

  1. SyncOpt::AcqRelOps. This is the default option, and causes each atomic load/store, to use memory_order_acquire/memory_order_release, as appropriate, during the transfer.
  2. SyncOpt::Fence. Instead of synchronizing each of the load/store operations individually, all atomic load/stores are executed with memory_order_relaxed, and thread fences are used instead. CopyTo operations will be proceeded by a memory_order_release thread fence, while CopyFrom operations will be followed with a memory_order_acquire thread fence.
  3. SyncOpt::None. No synchronization will be added to the transfer operation. No explicit thread fences will be generated, and all atomic load/store operations will use memory_order_relaxed.

Extreme care should be taken when using SyncOpt::None. It is almost always the case that at least some synchronization will be needed when publishing and consuming data concurrently. The SyncOpt::None option is offered for users who may need to move data to/from multiple disjoint regions of shared memory, and wish to use fences to achieve synchronization. In this case, the first/last (CopyTo/CopyFrom) operation in the sequence should use a fence, while other operations would choose SyncOpt::None avoiding the need for superfluous load/store or thread fence synchronization. For example:

void PublishData(const Foo& foo1, const Foo& foo2, const Bar& bar) {
  WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::Fence>(&shared_foo1, &foo1, sizeof(foo1));
  WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::None>(&shared_foo2, &foo2, sizeof(foo2));
  WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::None>(&shared_bar1, &bar1, sizeof(bar1));

void ObserveData(Foo& foo1, Foo& foo2, Bar& bar) {
  WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::None>(&foo1, &shared_foo1, sizeof(foo1));
  WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::None>(&foo2, &shared_foo2, sizeof(foo2));
  WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::Fence>(&bar1, &shared_bar1, sizeof(bar1));

Alignment Optimizations

If alignment of a transfer can be compile-time guaranteed to be greater than or equal to the maximum atomic transfer granularity of 8 bytes, a minor optimization can be achieved during the transfer by skipping the transfer phase which brings the operation into 8 byte alignment. Users can access this optimization by specifying the guaranteed alignment of their operation as the second template parameter of the Copy(To|From) operation. For example:

template <typename T>
void PublishData(const T& src, T& dst) {
  WellDefinedCopyTo<SyncOpt::AcqRelOps, alignof(T)>(&dst, &src, sizeof(T));

template <typename T>
void ObserveData(const T& src, T& dst) {
  WellDefinedCopyFrom<SyncOpt::AcqRelOps, alignof(T)>(&dst, &src, sizeof(T));


In order to make life a bit easier for users who need copy data in a well defined way into and out of structures, a helper class named WellDefinedCopyable<T> is offered.

Users may wrap any trivially copyable type, T in one of these wrapper instances, and the use the provided Update and Read methods to copy data into and out of the contained T instance, respectively. These methods, by design, deliberately restrict the ways that the user can gain access to the underlying storage, forcing them make use of the lowest level well-defined transfer functions.

Constructor parameters are directly forwarded to the underlying T instance.

WellDefinedCopyable<Foo> default_constructed;
WellDefinedCopyable<Foo> explicit_construction{45};
WellDefinedCopyable<Foo> moar_args{"Foo", 45, "Bar", 34.4};

Just remember that T (and therefore all of its data members) must be trivially copyable.

Explicit synchronization

The wrapper's Update and Read methods allow the user to specify the synchronization option to use, with a default of SyncOpt::AcqRelOps, just like the WellDefinedCopy(To|From) functions do. Because of the somewhat awkward dependent name rules of C++, the type of explicit synchronization desired can be specified using a type-tagging pattern, instead of needing to specify the sync option as an explicit template parameter.

WellDefinedCopyable<Foo> shared_foo;
Foo my_foo;

shared_foo.Read<SyncOpt::Fence>(my_foo);          // this does not work.
shared_foo.template Read<SyncOpt::Fence>(my_foo); // this is one way to make it work.
shared_foo.Read(my_foo, SyncOpt_Fence);           // this reads a bit better.

Aliases for the synchronization type tags are as follows. | enum class | type tag instance | |--------------------|-------------------| | SyncOpt::AcqRelOps | SyncOpt_AcqRelOps | | SyncOpt::Fence | SyncOpt_Fence | | SyncOpt::None | SyncOpt_None |

Raw storage access

User don‘t always have to access their T instance’s storage only by copying data into or out of it. Direct read-only access may be obtained using the WellDefinedCopyable<T>'s unsynchronized_get method, however users should exercise caution when choosing to do this.

Accessing the buffer using unsynchronized_get is only safe if the user can guarantee that no write operations may be concurrently performed against the storage while the user is reading the instance.

One example of a legitimate use of this method might be when a user is operating in the write exclusive portion of a sequence lock. They are guaranteed to be the only potential writer of the wrapped object, so while it is still important that they continue to use Update when they wish to mutate their instance of T, it is OK for them to read T directly without using Read as this will not cause any undefined behavior when done concurrently with other readers in the system.



Sequence locks are synchronization primitives which allow for concurrent read access to a set of data without ever excluding write updates. Reads are performed as transactions, which succeed if and only if there is no concurrent write operation which overlaps with the read transaction. Sequence locks can be useful in patterns where any of the following conditions hold:

  • Read operations are expected to greatly out-number write operations, and high levels of read concurrency are desired.
  • Write operations must never be delayed by concurrent read operations.
  • Readers have strictly read-only access to the shared state of the published data. No modifications of the state are allowed, as would be required when using an synchronization primitive such as a mutex.

To assist in implementing data sharing via a sequence lock, libconcurrent offers the SeqLock primitive. The SeqLock behaves like a spinlock when acquired exclusively for write access, while still allowing concurrent read transactions to take place.


In order to properly implement a sequence lock pattern, there are a few rules which must be obeyed at all times.

  1. Data protected by a SeqLock may be both read and written concurrently, therefore care must be taken to always access the data in a way which is free from data races.
  2. Reads of, and writes to the data protected by the SeqLock must always properly synchronize-with the internals of the lock in order to ensure proper behavior on architectures with weak memory ordering.
  3. No decisions based on protected data should ever be made during a read transaction. It is only after a read transaction has successfully concluded that a program is guaranteed to have made a coherent observation of the protected data.

Rules #1 and #2 can be easily satisfied by always accessing protected data using the WellDefinedCopy primitives described above.


Here is a small example of how it looks to use a SeqLock.

class MyClass {
  void Update(const Foo& foo) {
    seq_lock_.Acquire();  // Acquire the lock for exclusive write access.
    foo_.Update(foo);     // The wrapper ensures data race free access, as well
                          // as properly synchronizing-with the lock.
    seq_lock_.Release();  // Release the lock to allow concurrent read
                          // trasnactions to succeed.

  Foo Observe() {
    Foo ret;
    concurrent::SeqLock::ReadTransactionToken token;
    do {
      // Start a new read transaction.  Note that this operation will spin if
      // there happens to be write transaction taking place at the same time. Be
      // sure to use one of the TryBeginReadTransaction forms along with a
      // timeout if this is a time sensitive code path where the observation
      // operation may need to be aborted if it is taking too long.
      token = seq_lock_.BeginReadTransaction();

      // Make a local copy of the data using the WellDefinedCopyWrapper to
      // ensure that we have no data races, and that we properly
      // synchronize-with the lock and any concurrent write operations.

      // End the transaction, and check to see if it succeeded.  If it didn't
      // then an update operation must have overlapped with this observation
      // operation.  Keep trying until we manage to make a coherent observation
      // with no overlapping concurrent write.
    } while (!seq_lock_.EndReadTransaction(token));

    // Our read transaction was successful.  It is now OK to make decisions
    // based on our results, stored in |ret|
    return ret;

  concurrent::SeqLock seq_lock_;
  concurrent::WellDefinedCopyWrapper<Foo> foo_ TA_GUARDED(seq_lock_);

Blocking behavior

Both the BeginReadTransaction and the Acquire operations have the potential to spin-wait if there happens to be another thread which has currently Acquireed the lock for exclusive access. Technically, the operations never result in the thread blocking in the scheduler, however they will spin waiting for the lock to become uncontested before proceeding.

If users are executing in a time sensitive context, or a read operation is being conducted against data which is being updated by another (potentially malicious) process, Try versions of the BeginReadTransaction and the Acquire may be used along with a timeout to limit the amount of spinning which may eventually take place.

  • bool TryBeginReadTransaction(ReadTransactionToken& out_token, zx_duration_t timeout)
  • bool TryBeginReadTransactionDeadline(ReadTransactionToken& out_token, zx_time_t deadline)
  • bool TryAcquire(zx_duration_t timeout)
  • bool TryAcquireDeadline(zx_time_t deadline)