tree: 826a1c3c778353c836a40ea9529392aff13190f6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. testdata/
  3. main.go
  5. report_test.go


This program converts a directory of YAML reports produced by clang_doc into a report usable by test coverage. This tool is only built for the host toolchain.


fx set ... \
    --with=//sdk/cts/plasa/clang_doc_filter:tests \


fx test //sdk/cts/plasa/clang_doc_filter


The program supports a number of flags. (Please refresh this list if it goes out of date. In case of discrepancies, the tool output is always more current.)

╰─>$ ./out/workstation.qemu-x64/host_x64/clang_doc_filter --help
Usage of ./out/workstation.qemu-x64/host_x64/clang_doc_filter:
  -allow-filename-regexp value
        a regexp that may match any part of the filename
  -allow-symbol-name-regexp value
        a regexp that may match any part of the symbol name
  -input-dir string
        the input directory to get the files from
  -output-file string
        the file to write the final report to


  • -allow-filename-regexp: filter the report down to only the files that match the supplied regexp. You can specify more than a single instance of this flag, and any match will work. If unset, no filtering happens.
  • -allow-symbol-name-regexp: filter the report down to only the symbol names that match the supplied regexes. You can specify multiple instances of this flag, and any match will work. If unset, no filtering happens. If it is specified together with the above flag, either match will work.
  • -input-dir: the top level output directory with the clang_doc YAML report files. This tool should be compatible with the clang_doc format of the prebuilt compiler in //prebuilts/.... REQUIRED.
  • -output-file: the file name to write the JSON output to. REQUIRED.


The input format is a set of YAML files placed in a directory subtree beneath the directory denoted as -input-dir. This input format matches the YAML output format of the clang_doc tool. This data format seems to be informally specified, so we make a best effort of decoding what data is given to us by the clang_doc from the prebuilt package that we use to build Fuchsia at any given time.

If you are curious about the sample output of clang_doc, take a peek into the testdata directory. This directory contains some sample report bits from the output which we use in testing. Please note that these reports are usually huge, so we cut down on the amount of detail to the extent that they are important for the tests of clang_doc_filter.

The data model for the report has been manually extracted and can be inspected at model.go. There is no process that would keep the model in continuous sync with what clang_doc uses. We will see whether that becomes necessary in the future. For now, we count on being able to make pragmatic updates when those are necessary.


The output is written out to the output file specified by the flag -output-file. The output format is a simple JSON; the data model for the report is in report.go. Please refer to [report_test.go][rtgo] for examples of the text output.